General Guidelines and Dietary Recommendations
- No fried foods, sugar, junk foods.
- Regarding fats: Less Omega 6 fats (soy, corn, safflower oils etc.) but increase Omega 3 fats: use 1TBS Cod Liver oil/day (fermented Cod liver oil is my preference) or 3-4 caps of Krill oil. These will also be found to a lesser extent in grass-fed meats and butter from grass-fed cows
- No non-stick cookware and avoid microwave cooking, frying or charbroiling your food. Boiling or steaming is much preferred.
- Low Carbohydrate/low glycemic foods – less grains and keep insulin levels low. Cancer cells need plenty of insulin to bring glucose (sugar) to itself. Sugar is cancer fuel.
- Avoid “whites” – white flour, white rice, white sugar (and even brown or raw sugar)
- Use only butter or coconut oil when cooking – Olive oil on salads is perfectly fine.
- Lots of raw foods – get a juicer and juice vegetables – especially brightly or deeply colored vegetables. Alternatively use green, red, purple and orange food powders from health-food stores. Otherwise lightly steamed vegetables may be much easier to digest
- Eat fermented foods like Bubbies sauerkraut, Kimchi or other fermented vegetables
- Add some detoxifying foods – garlic, green tea, whey, celery, turmeric, cilantro
- Use only meats from animals that are fully grass-fed and not given hormones or antibiotics and free from pesticides or herbicide contamination
- Eat fresh organic vegetables, especially cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, etc) which have been identified as having strong anti-cancer properties.
- Eat organic eggs only. Enjoy them hard-boiled, be careful when fried; do use the wrong oils
- Get antioxidants and other powerful healing nutrients from colorful foods, red and blue berries, cherries, beans, artichokes and deep green colored foods.
- If you use dairy foods try to obtain and use raw milk and dairy products such as yoghurt, cheese, butter (all very healthy foods) from grass-fed cows or goats. Always avoid typical store-bought products from animals confined, grain-fed, and produced with antibiotics and rGBH growth hormone from Monsanto
- Avoid soy products (unless fermented) due to their anti-thyroid effects, difficulty in digestion and genetic modification (GMO)
- Consider the need to completely avoid gluten to which many individuals are genetically intolerant or allergic. It can be very inflammatory
- Decrease your inflammatory foods – see Anti-inflammatory diet program on separate handout
- Be sure you have regular bowel movements – at least one or two daily
- Take time to exercise but do not get overtired and get regular and adequate sleep – 7 to 8 hours in a completely dark room. No TV in the bedroom or alarm clock light
Therapeutics Aids and Support
- Vitamin D – Sunlight and /or Vitamin D, up to 4-5,000 IUs per day – Check your Vitamin D level. It should be 65 – 100 ng/ml. Check 2-3 times a year to ensure you are in that range. The higher your Vit. D level the lower your risk
- With increased use of Vit. D you need to take Vitamin K2 (1000mc)daily or even better MK7 (a very active form of K2) 160mcg/day
- Boost Selenium levels – as a supplement or with Brazil nuts
- Increase cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, Brussels sprouts etc) or take DIM as a supplement
- Vitamin B6 – studies suggest it decreases risk of colon cancer 50% – You might consider a good B complex (natural sourced food-based is best)
- Use N-Acetyl Cysteine and Milk thistle if on chemotherapy. It is helpful liver support with or without chemotherapy
- Medicinal mushrooms – Maitake, Shiitake, Ganoderma Lucidum, Coriolus versicolor , Reishi, etc – are very supportive of the immune function along with a product called ImmPower.
- CoEnzyme Q10 – use 200 mg twice daily or ubquinol form of CoQ10, 100 mg twice daily
- Check pH of urine regularly – your body is supported best with an alkaline environment. Cancer thrives in an acid environment. The first morning urine should be 6.4 – 7.0. If below 6.4 use Coral minerals powder ¾ tsp twice daily in a small amount of juice or tea.
- Tocotrienols are anti-angiogenic in nature – use 2-3 caps at bedtime
- Turmeric is a marvelous spice with many anti-cancerous properties. Use the newer type of turmeric with enhanced absorption – i.e. CuraPro Turmeric is one of the best anti-inflammatory, health promoting foods on the planet
- Liposomal Vitamin C – high dose vitamin C in an intravenous form has been used successfully by a number of alternative cancer doctors. You can mimic the I.V. approach by using the liposomal form of vitamin C. (4 to 12 grams in divided doses/day). Nearly 100% of it will get into the cell. Much of the other forms of vitamin C in high quantities are excreted in in very loose stools. Adding Liposomal Glutathione is an excellent addition along with liposomal vitamin C
- Proteolytic enzymes are also used by a number of doctors treating cancer alternatively. They are always used on an empty stomach and can be taken at a dose of 5-6 tablets, 5-6 times daily. But some practitioners use substantially higher amounts. It appears the enzymes work by digesting cancer cells and decreasing inflammation
- Artimisinin 200 mg. Once /day increasing to 300 mg. Twice daily
- Cytokine support – Cytokines are involved in every disease either by promoting the disease or by inhibiting it. Some cytokines are very pro-inflammatory and others are very anti-inflammatory. Cytokine therapy used in the support of the cancer fight are designed to enable your body to decrease inflammation, suppress the growth and anchoring of the tumor, inhibit the development of blood vessels that feed the tumor, suppress tumor activity and enhance apoptosis or the self-destruction of the cancer cell. The primary cytokines to consider are:
- Rerio – 20 drops twice daily for 1-2 months, then 3X weekly for 2-4 months
These are from the GUNA Company but you will need
to find a practitioner that uses them in his/her practice
- Anti-IL1 – 20 drops twice daily for 1 month, then 3X weekly for 1-2 months
- Interferon Alpha (IFN α)
- Interleukin 4 (IL-4)
- Interleukin 12 (IL-12)
- Optional – Use Basic – 1 packet for 5-10 days in a row then 3X weekly for 1 month. Break for 10 days and repeat. This is designed to alkalize the body (cancer is an acid lover).
- If you don’t use fermented vegetables, be sure to use a good quality probiotic to your program
Other Options that may be Helpful – check Internet sources
- Graviola – 2-4 grams/day
You may need supportive detoxification of liver, kidney, lymph, large intestine – especially if using chemotherapeutic drugs. A great detoxification support protocol: CysReplete, 2 capsules 3 times daily, NeuroReplete, 2caps twice daily. This will provide lots of Cysteine needed for the sulfur amino acids –SAMe and glutathione. A deficiency of the sulfur amino acids and methylation is the primary reason for many chronic diseases.
Test Suggestions for Further Evaluation
- Chiren evaluation and treatment – To my thinking this may be the most important thing to assist in the body’s healing process. By relieving the body of all the burdens it already has, much more energy is available to assist the body in its fight against the cancer. This should be done if possible prior to standard interventions and for sure after these interventions.
- Iodine – check for inadequate levels especially with breast cancer – most people are deficient and you may need to supplement
- Toxic/Heavy metal analysis – mercury and other toxic metals are found in substantially higher amounts in individuals with cancer than in individuals without cancer.
- Determine your Vitamin D level
- Thermography evaluation
To Avoid
- Anything with parabens
- “Plastic” materials with BPA – including cash register receipts, contact lens, dental floss
- Fragrances are mostly xenoestrogens and mimic estrogens in the body along with many chemicals
- Pesticides – buy organic
- X-Rays, but especially mammograms and Cat Scans involve exposure to very high levels of radiation. Have these procedures only when absolutely necessary
- Don’t carry cell phones in your bra
Prescription Medicines
- Statins doubled the risk of breast cancer in one study
- Calcium channel blockers are associated with increased risk
- Antibiotic usage has a linear correlation with increased risk
- Oral contraceptives and post-menopausal synthetic hormones are not at all recommended
Spiritual and Emotional Factors
- An unforgiving spirit has a terrible effect on the body and brain but forgiveness is a powerful healer. Do not withhold forgiveness for anyone including yourself
- Reduce your stress, meditate, pray, read scripture and trust God with any outcome
- Believe in yourself, believe in healing and believe in restoration
- Live in peace, surround yourself with joy, laughter and a positive attitude, regardless