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Overstressed – Undersexed

Overstressed - Undersexed

More Nutritional Articles

Over Stressed – Under Sexed


Arkansas Nutrition and Natural Healing

Dr. Roger Trubey, Dr.PH, MPH, and Doctor of Integrative Medicine 362 Unger Trail, Mountain Home, Arkansas 72653

Call 501-538-4944

Not long ago a husband brought his wife into my office and made me an offer I couldn’t refuse. He said, “If you can ‘cure’ my wife’s PMS from Hell, I’ll recommend you for sainthood.”

Well as luck would have it, she no longer has her PMS but I’m still without sainthood.

But the incident reminded me again, of the relationship that our sex hormones have to our adrenal/stress hormones. They are in fact intimately related.

Stress is that 800 pound gorilla in the room that produces a flight-fight response in our bodies. This response is a series of chemical events designed to ensure our survival in case of an attack by a Woolly Mammoth. But unfortunately our stress events are not incidental; they are chronic. And the Woolly Mammoths of today are IRS agents, marriage problems, job pressures, problem children, scary movies, and the list goes on and on but also includes low blood sugar, chronic pain and chronic infection.

The adrenal gland bares the brunt of our 24/7 stress events and the excessive and prolonged output of these stress hormones, like cortisol and DHEA. The end result is some really serious health conditions.

It has some role in nearly all injuries, illness and death. The stress response in a critical situation could make the difference between living or dying, but our bodies were not designed to live under the assault of long-term stress.

Under chronic stress the adrenal gland enlarges and cortisol increases. Excessive cortisol output can cause insulin resistance, encourage diabetes, metabolic syndrome (leading to several degenerative diseases) and weight gain1.

But that is just the beginning. As cortisol demand increases in response to stress, our body’s immune response is down-regulated, its growth and repair functions falter and inflammation, that monster behind all chronic degenerative diseases, is turned on.

Now here is where the “undersexed” part comes in. As stress continues the ability of the adrenals to cope diminishes. And so to make more stress hormones (think cortisol) the body will begin to surreptitiously use the sex hormones, progesterone and testosterone, to make more stress hormones2(And I have seen this in my patients way too many times to count.) And of course they both eventually get depleted with the result that we become overstressed and undersexed.

Now here’s the thing, the body has it right, using sex hormones to make stress hormones. In an emergency it can save your life. Why protect reproduction of the species for tomorrow if the species dies today.

Survival has a distinctly higher priority than reproduction. But doing this chronically, day in and day out, is like using your tiny spare donut tire on your car all the time. It was not designed to be used that way – it is for emergencies only.

The effect of this is substantially lower levels of progesterone and testosterone and thus, in either case, estrogen dominance.

In females this can encourage PMS, depression and anxiety. Chronic estrogen dominance is a culprit behind menstrual irregularities, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, and is a participant in and encourager of excessive growth in the breast with breast cancer3 and in the prostate with prostate enlargement and prostate cancer in males. And as you can see this is not just a female problem, it affects males as well.

Low testosterone is a factor in middle-age depression4, heart disease, the stark increase in the not-so-cute-looking “man boobs”, and has obviously provided a big boon to the pharmaceutical sales of Viagra®, Cilais® and the like. As testosterone falls, erectile dysfunction is much more common.

If you suspect that overstressed and undersexed could be behind your health issues, get a salivary hormone test by a holistically oriented practitioner. I describe this test on my website. It is a great way to determine your levels of sex and adrenal hormones. You can find info on it here.

Make sure the adrenal test evaluates your hormones at least 6 times over a 24 hour period, including a 4 AM level. Estrogen dominance is a very common finding, and in males I routinely find low or low normal levels of testosterone. References 1. Nutrition Science News, April 2001, Vol. 6, No.4, p. 134 2. Borkin, M., Alternative Medicine, September 2000, p 67 3. Lee, J. Hanley, J., What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About PREmenopause, Warner Books, 2004 4. Archives of Psychiatry, Vol. 6, No. 3, March 2008

Call me today, so I can help you achieve your health goals- 501-538-4944


Obesity and other ill-effects of Iodine deficiency

Obesity and other ill-effects of Iodine deficiency

More Nutritional Articles

Obesity and other ill-effects of Iodine deficiency

Arkansas Nutrition and Natural Healing

Dr. Roger Trubey, Dr.PH, MPH, and Doctor of Integrative Medicine 362 Unger Trail, Mountain Home, Arkansas 72653

Call 501-538-4944

Obesity and other ill-effects of Iodine deficiency

Obesity and other ill-effects of Iodine deficiency

If you were asked to name some of the most important nutrients for you body, chances are that one of your suggestions would not be iodine.  In fact it rarely rates any mention at all when one is asked to name as many nutrients as they can.  And it never even rates a consideration when listing the nutrients most deficient in the American diet.  And why should it?  We use iodized salt, so we’re covered, right?  Unfortunately in almost every case the answer is no.  At least 8 and probably 9 out of ten individuals are deficient (some very deficient) in this critical nutrient.  Iodine deficiency is widespread and may play a role in breast and ovary cancers, thyroid disorders, fibromyalgia, arrhythmia, diabetes, fatigue, chronic infections and obesity…all very common problems in western society.

David Brownstein, MD, in his practice has tested over 4,000 patients and his results have been quite consistent – over 95% of his patients were iodine deficient.  Guy Abraham, MD, agrees and considers the problem so widespread that he says we have an epidemic of iodine deficiency in this country.

During the last 3-4 decades, iodine levels have fallen by nearly 50%.  During this same time period there has been an increasing number of patients complaining of symptoms consistent with under-functioning thyroid (hypothyroid) and auto-immune thyroid disorders.   If you think hypothyroidism may not be too common, consider the symptoms:  fatigue, weakness, dry skin, cold intolerance, low body temperature, headaches, weight gain, depression, constipation, brittle nails elevated cholesterol and many others….typical symptoms in any practitioner’s daily office schedule.

Among the components necessary for a healthy functioning thyroid, iodine has to rank near the top.  Without it, thyroid function and metabolism will be impaired.  This will affect the burning of fat for energy and heat.  Perhaps it is not coincidental then, that the epidemic of obesity parallels the epidemic of iodine deficiency and especially is this true during the last 35 years.  It is also of interest to note that during this same period more toxic and competitive halogens, such as bromine, fluorine, chlorine and chlorine compounds, have significantly increased in our environment and have found their way into our food, water and medicinals.  These compounds competitively inhibit iodine absorption, promote an iodine deficiency and replace iodine stores in fat cells, where they block the release of fat and inhibit weight loss.  This effect on weight loss is considered by some to prevent weight loss beyond a certain point.  A plateau is reached in the weight loss endeavor and patients feel incapable of a further reduction in weight.

So why is iodized salt not enough for us?  Well, keep in mind many people avoid salt or reduce its consumption.  But even when freely used in the diet, there is over 30,000 times (on a molar basis) more chloride than iodine ions in iodized salt.  Remember the competitive problem I mentioned earlier?  (Think also of Splenda®– where chlorine is complexed to the sugar molecule)  Now it only takes a very small amount of iodine to prevent a goiter, .05mg/day, but we need much more than that to successfully operate a thyroid gland and complete all the other projects found in the iodine job description.  It is in fact, found in every organ and tissue of the body but especially in the thyroid, liver, lung, heart and adrenals.  Its highest concentration appears to be in fat and muscle tissues, however.  And yet the daily iodine intake levels set by the WHO (World Health Organization) were recommended with the goal of prevention of simple goiter and not for nourishing the whole body with the amount of iodine all the other tissues might need.  Consider that only 20 – 30% of total body iodine is found in the thyroid gland.

The conventional approach to treating hypothyroidism is the use of synthetic drugs.  However the long-term use of these synthetic drugs such as Synthroidtm, is associated with a depletion of tissue iodine levels.  It would only make sense then to recommend that iodine/iodide should always be used with these drugs.

The work of Drs. Abraham and Brownstein has shown that iodine, the universal nutrient, has at least 5 major functions overall:

    1.  Weight Regulation, Hormonal Function and Energy

Thyroid hormones must have adequate iodine to function properly.  These hormones that use iodine, simulate an increase in the number and size of the mitochondria – the cellular site for the production of energy.  This will directly affect the overall metabolic rate in the body.  But the thyroid hormone is also involved with the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates, heart rate and the strength of the heartbeat, muscle and gastrointestinal function, digestion, gene transcription and directly influences other endocrine hormones. In essence most every area of the body is affected by our thyroid function or lack thereof.

Without sufficient iodine, thyroid hormones will dysfunction, which leads to a deficient metabolism and inadequate fat burning for energy and heat.  In addition it will be accompanied by a difficulty losing or maintaining previously lost weight.  No surprise to anyone with the ability to see, we have an epidemic of obesity in this country.  One of the reasons for this is that iodine is crucial for metabolism and weight loss.  Iodine and other toxic halogens will store in our fat cells and when the other halogens, like chlorine are excessive, they inhibit the function of iodine which facilitates the release of fat from the cell.  Do keep in mind, however, that iodine is no magic pill in your weight loss endeavor, if you are not following a correct eating and exercising program.

    1.  Immune Function

Individuals with inadequate iodine levels are prone to infections of all types.  You remember putting iodine on an open wound?  Well, it naturally has anti-bacterial, anti-viral and even anti-parasitic properties.  In sufficient amounts it has been found to induce a destruction of cancer cells and iodine deficiency is associated with increased risk for cancers and cysts.  Finally, one of iodine’s least appreciated roles is its ability to act as a natural detoxifier of mercury, fluorides, chlorides and bromides.

    1. Fertility and Menstrual Function

Probably due to its concentration and role in the thyroid, breasts and ovaries, iodine deficiency has long been associated with difficulty in conceiving.  But it is more commonly involved with menstrual irregularities, fibrocystic breasts, ovarian cysts and possibly early menopause and prostatitis in men.  Dr. Brownstein believes that iodine deficiency is a major cause of breast cancer and other diseases of the reproductive organs.

    1. Brain Development and Function

Iodine and thyroid hormone deficiency will have a marked impact on intelligence and memory and is likely to play a significant role in learning disabilities and attention deficit disorders.  Iodine is also found in the eye and in the substantia nigra area of the brain – the area associated with Parkinson’s disease.  Even breast milk has (or is supposed to have) high amounts of iodine since this nutrient is very important for brain and nervous system development in children.

    1.  Heart and Arrhythmias

Like underactive thyroid, heart arrhythmias are nearly epidemic.  Adequate iodine levels are necessary for a smooth regular heartbeat.  One of the more common drugs used to treat arrhythmia, Amiodarone, is primarily iodine in a sustained-release, but toxic form.  But caution here – it is not safe to use iodine along with Amiodarone – do consult with your physician first.

It was in the 1920s that iodine was first added to table salt.  As noted earlier, this practice gave a false sense of iodine sufficiency.  The medical community relied 100% on iodized salt instead of the previously used forms of iodine and iodide found in Lugol Solution (a 5% solution of 50mg iodine and 100mg potassium iodide per milliliter).  Rarely used since the 1950s, Lugol Solution provided twice the amount of iodine present in table salt (which also has none of the important potassium iodide form), and none of the competing chlorine ions.

So instead of adding or re-supplying the iodine, physicians relied on synthetic drugs (such as Synthroid) to treat patients with thyroid deficiency.  However there are many individuals who have 50 –80% or more of the symptoms of thyroid deficiency but have “normal” thyroid hormone levels, and none of these receive any treatment at all.  This is the classic Wilson’s Syndrome.  Those suffering with this syndrome always have low body temperature and have difficulty staying warm.  Which is why the late, Broda Barnes, MD, always found the basal body temperature (97.8 or lower suggestive of hypothyroid) a better indicator of thyroid function than that of blood thyroid levels. Yet there are a number of practitioners who feel they could substantially improve (if not cure) these Wilson’s Syndrome individuals as well as a very high percentage of those with classical hypothyroid or hyperthyroid conditions by normalizing iodine levels.

The thyroid gland, fat tissue, and some other vital organs appear to be repositories of toxic metals, such as mercury, along with other toxic contaminants. When this occurs, organ dysfunction is likely.  One of the benefits of iodine is that it facilitates increased removal and excretion of poisons from these tissues.  In addition it enhances the liver’s detoxification mechanisms.  Perhaps this is why Dr. Abraham discovered that even patients with a complete thyroidectomy benefited from iodine therapy.  He found that some of his patients who achieved iodine sufficiency were able to resolve diabetes without insulin and to normalize blood pressure with a reduction or elimination of their medication.

Testing for Iodine Sufficiency – home test

Here is a simple test to determine whether an iodine deficiency exists.  From a bottle of tincture of iodine (drug stores carry these), paint a 2 inch square area on your inner arm.  If it disappears in less than 8 hours, iodine need is indicated.

Testing for Iodine Sufficiency – lab test

A more definitive way of testing for iodine deficiency uses a pre and post urine evaluation.  Testing first involves collecting urine immediately upon arising for the spot or pre-test.  After this collection, 50 mg. of potassium iodide/iodine is ingested and then all urine passed in the next 24 hours is collected and measured, with a sample sent to the lab for analysis. In essence the more iodine found in the urine, the less the body needs.  Likewise, the less of the ingested iodine sample found in the urine, the more the body wanted the iodine and the greater the deficiency and need for supplementation.  If the body has sufficient iodine at least 90% will be excreted in the urine.  Supplementation is normally done rather gradually as iodine can mobilize toxic metals and other toxic poisons from storage sites in sufficient quantities to provoke symptoms.  Re-testing should be repeated no later than 3-4 months to ensure successful therapeutic results.

In regards to supplementation, keep in mind that nearly all available supplements found in health food stores or pharmacies contain only the iodide form of iodine.  However, Drs. Brownstein, Flechas, Abraham and others found that to successfully improve iodine levels in the body, it was necessary to include both the iodide (reduced) and iodine (oxidized) forms because the body needs both forms. The iodine content of food is extremely variable, but the richest food sources all come from the ocean – Kelp/seaweed, sea vegetables, sea bass, cod, haddock, and ocean perch.  Several of these may be a significant source of mercury as well.

It is highly unlikely for excess iodine intake to occur when following the recommended dosage schedule and following urine testing results.  But in very rare cases of excess, individuals may experience a metallic taste, increased salivation, sinus headache, nervousness, palpitations and a sense of fever, all easily rectified by adjusting the amount of iodine.  It should be noted, however, that some symptoms thought to be due to excess iodine, may in fact be the forced excretion of those toxic metals and compounds lodged in the tissues.


When you put the whole picture together and compare our country with Japan, you have to ask, “What is the consequence of the Japanese ingesting many, many times the amount of iodine as the average American?”  And the answer is (at least in part), a much leaner population, a significantly lower rate of breast cancer, a lower infant mortality rate and a much better life expectancy.   Of course there are other factors but let us not forget, Iodine is a part of that improved health.

The need is to achieve whole body sufficiency of iodine.  When this state is reached it correlates well with overall well being.  Energy levels go up, sleep improves and less is required, elimination is better and skin complexion is much healthier.  The following results have been noted by one doctor:

* Goiters reduced/eliminated
* Elevated TSH readings lowered to normal
* Thyroid gland excretes toxins and other heavy metals
* Improvement of the liver’s detoxification mechanism
* Improvement in weight management
* Improved blood sugar and blood pressure regulation
* Improved menopausal symptoms
* Breast tissue normalization including fibrocystic breast disease
* Ovary tissue normalization of polycystic ovary syndrome
* Less brain fog and clearer thinking
* Heart function improvement with reduced arrhythmias
* Reduction of thyroid and breast cancer rates

Candida Yeast Nutrition Support Protocol

Candida Yeast Nutrition Support Protocol

More Nutritional Articles

Candida Yeast Nutrition Support Protocol

Arkansas Nutrition and Natural Healing

Dr. Roger Trubey, Dr.PH, MPH, and Doctor of Integrative Medicine 362 Unger Trail, Mountain Home, Arkansas 72653

Call 501-538-4944

Factors That Encourage Yeast Overgrowth

Yeast overgrowth can be triggered by a number of things. These include a high-sugar, high trans-fat, low-fiber diet, impaired immunity, use of drugs like antibiotics, birth control pills, estrogen, and steroids like prednisone, and psychological stress.

Frequent use of antibiotics disrupts the normal balance between healthy bugs in the gut (lactobacillus, bifidobacter, E. coli) and other potentially dangerous bugs, including yeasts, bacteria and occasionally parasites. These bad bugs are usually present in small numbers in the digestive system. But when the good bugs are killed by antibiotics or not fed with adequate fiber or the bad guys are fueled with too much sugar, or the gut’s delicate ecosystem is damaged by too much stress, then yeasts and other noxious agents take over.

For many individuals it is the load of toxic heavy metals (mercury, lead etc) in the gut that encourages yeast overgrowth.  Get a toxic metal evaluation – at least 2/3 of individuals have serious heavy metal toxicity.

Dietary Recommendations:

    • Avoid all sugars including honey, fructose corn syrup.  Replace sugar with Xylitol or Stevia.
    • Omit all dried fruits (raisins, dates etc), pineapple, tropical fruits (including pineapple) melons and all fruit juices.  Limit other fruits to one per day.   Vegetable juice is perfectly fine
    • Avoid all refined carbohydrates especially those made with yeast – such as bread, bagels, muffins – and all cereal and pasta made with white flour, white rice and corn.
    • For most people consuming fewer grains will improve their health.  But when used, by all means select whole grain sources – whole wheat, brown rice etc.
    • Most root (starchy) vegetables, including potatoes, convert to sugar quite rapidly and should be avoided.  Sweet potatoes (without the brown sugar) can be an exception.   Peanuts and peanut butter are very often contaminated with mold and should be avoided.
    • Choose lean, quality protein at each meal such as chicken/turkey breast (organic when available), lean beef (grass-fed beef is highly recommended), fish (wild, not farmed, Alaskan salmon, sardines, cod etc), eggs and whey protein.  You want to increase the amount of omega 3 fatty acids found in cold water fish as above but also found in a limited amount in flaxseed, walnuts and pumpkin seeds.
    • Limit or best to omit, all foods with Trans fats, hydrogenated vegetable oils, margarine and shortening.  Cook with olive or coconut oil.
    • Use 5 or more servings of vegetables daily which can include green drinks.
    • Drink at least 2 quarts of pure water , add a couple of cups of green tea and no alcoholic beverages
    • Good snacks are nuts, celery with almond butter, healthy protein bars and boiled eggs.

Supplement Considerations

• Oregano — Oil of oregano has many antibacterial and antifungal properties.
• Garlic — Fresh, crushed garlic is a potent antimicrobial and immune booster.
• Grapefruit seed extract — The phytochemicals in citrus seeds have been found to have potent antimicrobial properties.
• Berberine — This potent yellow plant extract comes from goldenseal and barberry
• Tannins — These are the astringent compounds found in tea and the bark of trees.
• Undecylenate — This chemical compound is a potent antifungal.
• Isatis tinctoria — This Chinese herb can be a useful adjunct to treating intestinal imbalances.
• Caprylic acid — This is another useful compound for treating yeast.

Probiotics – Take at least 10 to 20 billion live organisms a day of lactobacillus and bifidobacter species.   A special “yeast against yeast” probiotic called saccharomyces boulardii (Florestor) can be very safe and effective in controlling yeast and often by itself – but don’t take any of the above supplements with it.

Charcoal and Fiber – You should also consider taking two to three activated charcoal capsules every four to six hours during the day or a soluble fiber supplement that contains guar gum, alginates, psyllium seed, or pectin to bind to yeast toxins and facilitate their natural release.

Symptoms of Yeast overgrowth

Although symptoms of yeast overgrowth are similar to those of many other conditions, you may have a yeast problem if you have these problems:

General Symptoms

Please Note:    The overgrowth of yeast in the intestinal track will often lead to an increase of intestinal permeability which in turn leads to (among other things) food allergies or sensitivities.  Many symptoms of Candidiasis are very similar to symptoms of food sensitivities.   You may need to consider the very good possibility of a food sensitivity problem if the yeast problem is a chronic one.  Check with your health care professional to determine the differences and appropriate therapeutic solutions

• Chronic fatigue
• Loss of energy
• General malaise
• Decreased libido

Gastrointestinal Symptom
• Thrush
• Bloating and gas
• Intestinal cramps
• Rectal itching
• Altered bowel function such as diarrhea or constipation
Genitourinary Symptoms
• Yeast infections
• Frequent bladder infections
• Interstitial cystitis (irritable bladder)
Hormonal Complaints
• Menstrual irregularities like pain, bleeding, etc.
• Premenstrual syndrome
• Thyroid dysfunction

Nervous System Complaints
• Depression
• Irritability
• Inability to concentrate

Immune System Complaints
• Allergies
• Chemical sensitivities
• Low immune function

Past History
• Chronic yeast infections
• Chronic antibiotic use for infections or acne
• Oral birth control pill usage
• Oral steroid hormone usage

Associated Conditions
• Sensitivity to foods, chemicals, or other allergens
• Eczema
• Psoriasis
• Irritable bowel syndrome
• Craving for foods rich in carbohydrates or yeast

The above information is not intended as a substitute for your health care provider.  It is not intended as a means to cure, treat, prevent, diagnose or mitigate any disease.  For all medical problems you should consult your primary care provider.  You can use this support information to support his/her evaluation and treatment as per their discretion

Cyrex Array #2-#5

Cyrex Array #2-#5

More Nutritional Articles

Cyrex Array 2: Intestinal Antigenic Permeability Screen

A test that identifies how gluten is robbing you of gut health



Arkansas Nutrition and Natural Healing

Dr. Roger Trubey, Dr.PH, MPH, and Doctor of Integrative Medicine 362 Unger Trail, Mountain Home, Arkansas 72653

Call 501-538-4944

Gluten causes inflammation in the gut, which can eventually lead to intestinal permeability, or “leaky gut.” Leaky gut allows undigested food particles, bacteria, and other pathogens to escape into the bloodstream where they can trigger allergies, sensitivities, and inflammation in other parts of the body.  This test pinpoints which of these is causing leaky gut so your practitioner knows what to specifically target for faster and more efficient gut repair.

We evaluate:

  • Actomyosin IgA                           Lipopolysaccharides (LPS) IgG
  • Occludin/Zonulin IgG                 Lipopolysaccharides (LPS) IgA
  • Occludin/Zonulin IgA                 Lipopolysaccharides (LPS) IgM
  • Occludin/Zonulin IgM

Array 2 is an antibody assessment of the intestinal barrier integrity and bacterial endotoxins (lipopolysaccharides), tight-junction proteins (occludin, zonulin) and cell cytoskeleton (actomyosin) and identifies both transcellular (through the cells) and paracellular (between the cells) routes of intestinal barrier penetration (leaky gut) by large molecules with a capacity to challenge the immune system.
Gluten causes inflammation in the gut, which can eventually lead to intestinal permeability, or “leaky gut.” Leaky gut allows undigested food particles, bacteria, and other pathogens to escape into the bloodstream where they can trigger allergies, sensitivities, and inflammation in other parts of the body. This is a main reason why people come back sensitive to many foods.  Several different mechanisms cause leaky gut:

  • Breakdown of cells
  • Loosening of the junctures of the gut lining
  • Bacterial, Viral or Parasite infection

This test pinpoints which of these is causing leaky gut so your practitioner knows what to specifically target for faster and more efficient gut repair.    Price: $295.00

Paracellular penetration of Antigens

Transcellular penetration of Antigens


Cyrex Array #2-#5Cyrex Array 3: Wheat/Gluten Proteome Sensitivity and Autoimmunity

More than one wheat protein can cause Gluten Sensitivity – Cyrex Labs tests for multiple peptides of gluten
Being Gluten Sensitive isn’t as black-and-white as once thought.  Actually, gluten is a misnomer – “gliadin” is the portion of wheat that triggers an immune response in people (since “gluten” is commonly used I will stick with that term).  It also has been discovered that wheat is made up of more than 100 different components that can cause a reaction, not just one (gliadin).
Array # 3 test for the following:

Wheat IgG                                          Wheat IgA                                                         Wheat Germ Agglutinin IgG
Wheat Germ Agglutinin IgA             Native + Deamidated Alpha-Gliadin-33-mer IgG
Native + Deamidated Alpha-Gliadin-33-mer IgA                                                     Alpha-Gliadin-17-mer IgG
Alpha-Gliadin-17-mer IgA                 Gamma-Gliadin-15-mer IgG                         Gamma-Gliadin-15-mer IgA
Omega-Gliadin-17-mer IgG               Omega-Gliadin-17-mer IgA                           Glutenin-21-mer IgG
Glutenin-21-mer IgA                           Gluteomorphin+Prodynorphin IgG           Gluteomorphin+Prodynorphin IgA
Gliadin-Transglutaminase IgG           Gliadin-Transglutaminase IgA                    Transglutaminase-2 IgG
Transglutaminase-2 IgA                      Transglutaminase-3 IgG                               Transglutaminase-3 IgA
Transglutaminase-6 IgG                      Transglutaminase-6 IgA


Being Gluten Sensitive isn’t as black-and-white as once thought.  Actually, gluten is a misnomer – “gliadin” is the portion of wheat that triggers an immune response in people (since “gluten” is commonly used I will stick with that term).  It also has been discovered that wheat is made up of more than 100 different components that can cause a reaction, not just one (gliadin).
Until now testing for Gluten Sensitivity has only been against one of those components, alpha gliadin. Through extensive research Cyrex pinpointed the twelve components of wheat that most often provoke an immune response.

This new test greatly expands the parameters of gluten sensitivity testing, catching those who may have previously tested negative because they don’t react to the alpha gliadin. A ‘false negative’ occurs when the test results says a condition is not present, when in reality there is a problem.  Many forms of standard testing for celiac disease or gluten sensitivity do not include the right markers or enough of the right markers.  Using Cyrex Array 3 allows for more accurate results with fewer ‘false negatives’.

The test is recommended for individuals who have:

  • Non-responsive intestinal complaints including irritable bowel syndrome and colitis
  • Chronic, multiple system complaints, including chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia
  • Depression, any type of auto-immunity, neurological conditions including ADHD and Parkinson’s
  • Chronic anemia  and skin conditions such as rosacea, eczema and psoriasis and canker sores
  • Headaches and migraines, and hormonal problems including infertility and PMS
  • other illusive complaints and conditions for which no answers are given


Opioid testing

Array 3 screens for antibodies to the opioids produced from wheat called Gluteomorphins and Prodynorphins.  Gluten can have a drug-like opiate effect on an individual.  Antibodies to gluteomorphin and prodynorphin can indicate that gluten is affecting your brain.  Some people have enzymes in their digestive tract that break gluten down into opioids that act like heroin or morphine.  Embarking on a gluten-free diet can cause terrible withdrawal symptoms in these people.  One practitioner tells of a patient whose withdrawal symptoms were so severe she went to the emergency room.
Another problem with opioids is they disrupt brain function by attaching to receptor sites normally meant for neurotransmitters.  Neurotransmitters are brain chemicals that help dictate our personality, moods, behavior, bodily function, and more.
This opioid effect on neurotransmitter receptors explains why gluten plays a role in so many cases of ADD/ADHD, autism, or behavioral problems in children; or brain fog, depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, anorexia and migraines in adults.  When one mother put her autistic son on a gluten-free diet, he began eating the binding out of books as he was so desperate for his gluten-opioid “fix.”


Array 3 also includes testing for antibodies to the wheat lectin Wheat Germ Agglutinin (WGA).  WGAs are lectins or carbohydrate-binding proteins with a capacity to bind to many cells and tissue antigens.  Lectins can bind to cells involved in the immune system and induce toxic damage, inflammation and autoimmunity.


Array 3 includes testing for antibodies to enzymes:  Tissue Transglutaminases -2, -3 and -6 and Gliadin-Tranglutaminase Complex.  Transglutaminases are a family of enzymes that form protein polymers, like scaffolding, which are vital in the formation of barriers and stable structures such as gut tissue.  Antibodies may appear in serum before the clinical onset of symptoms.

Gliadin-Transglutaminase IgG can assist with diagnosing Celiac Disease.

Tissue Transglutaminase-2 (tTG2) is commonly recognized for being an effective diagnostic test for celiac disease.  Transglutaminase is an enzyme in the digestive tract targeted in an autoimmune attack triggered by gluten. tTG2 antibodies indicate gluten is attacking gut tissue through an autoimmune attack.

Tissue Transglutaminase-3 (tTG3) is express mainly in the epidermis (skin disorders) and to a lesser extent in the placenta and the brain.

Tissue Transglutaminase-6 (tTG6) is expressed in neural tissue.  tTG6 may be involved in the pathogenesis of gluten reactivity-related neurological dysfunction.
Price: $425.00


Cyrex Array 4: Gluten-Associated Sensitivity and Cross-Reactive Foods

In cross-reactivity, the body may mistake another food for gluten and react accordingly.  Array 4 tests for 24 different foods that may be causing cross-reactivity or are newly introduced to the diet or over-consumed favorites.
One of the most frustrating scenarios for both the practitioner and the patient is when a gluten-free diet fails to have any effect on a person who seems so clearly gluten sensitive. Newer research shows this may be due to cross-reactivity.  In cross-reactivity, the body mistakes another food for gluten and reacts accordingly.  Array 4 tests for 24 different foods that may be causing cross-reactivity or are newly introduced to the diet or over-consumed favorites.   Array #4 Tests for the following Foods:


  • Rye, Barley, Spelt, Polish Wheat IgG + IgA Combined
  • Cow’s Milk IgG + IgA Combined
  • Alpha-Casein & Beta-Casein IgG + IgA Combined
  • Casomorphin IgG + IgA Combined
  • Milk Butyrophilin IgG + IgA Combined
  • Whey Protein IgG + IgA Combined
  • Chocolate (Milk) IgG + IgA Combined
  • Oats IgG + IgA Combined
  • Yeast IgG + IgA Combined
  • Coffee IgG + IgA Combined
  • Sesame IgG + IgA Combined
  • Buckwheat IgG + IgA Combined
  • Sorghum IgG + IgA Combined
  • Millet IgG + IgA Combined
  • Hemp IgG + IgA Combined
  • Amaranth IgG + IgA Combined
  • Quinoa IgG + IgA Combined
  • Tapioca IgG + IgA Combined
  • Teff IgG + IgA Combined
  • Soy IgG + IgA Combined
  • Egg IgG + IgA Combined
  • Corn IgG + IgA Combined
  • Rice IgG + IgA Combined
  • Potato IgG + IgA Combined


One of the most frustrating scenarios for both the practitioner and the patient is when a gluten-free diet fails to have any effect on a person who seems so clearly gluten sensitive. Newer research shows this may be due to cross-reactivity.  In cross-reactivity, the body mistakes another food for gluten and reacts accordingly.  Array 4 tests for 24 different foods that may be causing cross-reactivity or are newly introduced to the diet or over-consumed favorites.
Dairy – Cross-reactivity is common with dairy as its structure so closely resembles that of gluten.  In fact 50% of people who are sensitive to gluten are also sensitive to dairy.  This panel has great clinical significance as it can explain why people still react even after giving up gluten and dairy.     Price: $325.00

The test is recommended for individuals who:

  • Have non-celiac Gluten sensitivity or celiac disease
  • Are experiencing limited improvements or are non-responsive on a gluten-free diet
  • Have gut dysbiosis, which appears to be resistant to standard therapy
  • Suspect that other foods may be involved in causing them to feel unwell
  • Were found to have significant “leaky gut” problems on the Array #2, Intestinal Antigenic Permeability Screen


Cyrex Array #2-#5

Cyrex Array 5: Systemic Autoimmune Reactivity Screen

Which parts of the body are affected by a gluten-sensitivity?

People typically shrug off the possibility of gluten sensitivity by saying, “I don’t have any digestive problems.”  Little do they know that gluten produces digestive symptoms in only a minority of people (1 out of 8).  For the majority, gluten can damage other tissue or organs like the brain, the heart, the skin or the respiratory tract.

Array #5 tests for the following ongoing damage to the following tissues and organs:


  • Parietal Cell + ATPase IgG + IgA Combined
  • Intrinsic Factor IgG + IgA Combined
  • ASCA + ANCA IgG + IgA Combined
  • Tropomyosin IgG + IgA Combined
  • Thyroglobulin IgG + IgA Combined
  • Thyroid Peroxidase (TPO) IgG + IgA Combined
  • 21 Hydroxylase (Adrenal Cortex) IgG + IgA Combined
  • Myocardial Peptide IgG + IgA Combined
  • Alpha-Myosin IgG + IgA Combined
  • Phospholipid IgG + IgA Combined
  • Platelet Glycoprotein IgG + IgA Combined
  • Ovary/Testis* IgG + IgA Combined
  • Fibulin IgG + IgA Combined
  • Collagen Complex IgG + IgA Combined
  • Arthritic Peptide IgG + IgA Combined
  • Osteocyte IgG + IgA Combined
  • Cytochrome P450 (Hepatocyte)
  • IgG + IgA Combined
  • Insulin + Islet Cell Antigen
  • IgG + IgA Combined
  • Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase 65 (GAD 65)
  • IgG + IgA Combined
  • Myelin Basic Protein IgG + IgA Combined
  • Asialoganglioside IgG + IgA Combined
  • Alpha + Beta Tubulin IgG + IgA Combined
  • Cerebellar IgG + IgA Combined
  • Synapsin IgG + IgA Combined


People typically shrug off the possibility of gluten sensitivity by saying, “I don’t have any digestive problems.”  Little do they know that gluten produces digestive symptoms in only a minority of people (1 out of 8).  For the majority, gluten can damage the brain, the heart, the skin, the respiratory tract or the joints.

Cyrex Array 5 can be useful for Patients who:

  • Have been diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder, as they commonly develop additional autoimmune conditions
  • With chronic increased intestinal permeability, which is the gateway for environmentally-induced autoimmune disorders
  • Chronic increased intestinal  permeability (Array #2), which is the gateway for  environmentally-induced autoimmune disorders

The Cyrex Array 5 is an economical and effective way to assess possible tissue damage to multiple organs of the body and will help you assess predictive antibodies.  Elevated numbers of antibodies, known as Predictive Antibodies, are measurable up to ten years before the clinical onset of the disease. Identification of pathogenesis at this stage allows for the possible arrest or even reversal of disease progression.

 Array 5 – Systemic Autoimmune Reactivity Screen™ looks at multiple tissues commonly targeted by auto-antibodies, including heart, thyroid, joint, gut, brain, liver, thyroid, ovaries, bone and more.     Price: $675.00

Gluten Sensitivity Disease

Gluten Sensitivity Disease

More Nutritional Articles

The Following Diseases Have Been Directly Associated with Gluten Sensitivity.

Those diagnosed with these conditions may benefit tremendously by being genetically tested for gluten sensitivity.


Arkansas Nutrition and Natural Healing

Dr. Roger Trubey, Dr.PH, MPH, and Doctor of Integrative Medicine 362 Unger Trail, Mountain Home, Arkansas 72653

Call 501-538-4944

The following is a list of very common manifestations. Below is a more detailed list:

• Asthma
• Hypothyroid
• Ezcema
• Psoriasis
• Autism
• Colic
• Schizophrenia
• Bipolar
• Irritable Bowel Syndrome
• Infertility
• Chronic Constipation
• Iron deficiency anemia
• Osteoporosis
• High Cholesterol
• Non alcoholic fatty liver disease
• Fibromyalgia
• Chronic Fatigue syndrome

• Angina Pectoris (chest pain/pressure)
• Anorexia
• Immunoglobulinopathies
• Antiphospholipid syndrome
• Anxiety
• Apathy
• Apthous ulcers and canker sores
• Aortic Vasculitis
• Arthritis
• Juvenile rheumatoid
• Enteropathic
• Psoriatic
• rheumatoid

• Abdominal pain and distention
• Spontaneous abortion
• Addison’s Disease
• Alopecia (hair loss)
• Anemia (can be caused by the following nutrient deficiencies)
• Iron deficiency
• Folate deficiency
• B-12 deficiency
• B-6 deficiency
• Vitamin C deficiency
• Vitamin E deficiency
• Copper deficiency
• Ataxia
• Atherosclerosis
• Autism and other learning disorders
• Cholangitis (gall bladder)
• Dermatitis Herpetiformis
• Autoimmune hepatitis
• Polyglandular syndrome

• Thyroiditis (hypothyroidism)
• Bitot’s spots
• Blepharitis
• Abnormal blurry vision
• Bone pain
• Bone fractures
• Cachexia
• Bronchiectasis
• Bronchoalveolitis
• Adenocarcinoma of the intestine
• Small cell esophageal cancer
• Melanoma
• Asthma
• Cardiomegaly
• Cardiomyopathy
• Cataracts
• Cerebral perfusion abnormalities
• Cheilosis
• Chorea
• Coagulation abnormalities
• Crohn’s disease
• Ulcerative colitis
• Chronic constipation
• Coronary artery disease
• Diarrhea
• Lymphoma
• Cutaneous vasculitis
• Cystic fibrosis
• Delayed puberty
• Failure to thrive
• Dementia
• Depression
• Dermatomyositis
• Diabetes Mellitus type I (shares the same HLA genes as Celiac disease)
• Down syndrome
• Dysmenorrhea
• Dysgeusia
• Duodenal erosions
• Edema
• Eczema
• Dysphagia
• Epilepsy
• Spontaneous nose bleeds
• Erythema nodosum
• Growth retardation
• Mental retardation
• Secondary food allergy response
• Blood in the stool
• Gastric bloating
• Grave’s disease
• Bleeding gums
• Hair loss
• Heartburn
• H. pylori infection
• Hives
• Malnutrition and nutritional deficiencies
• Infertility
• Hypogonadism
• Hypoglycemia
• Hypospenism
• Thrombocytopenia

• Impotence
• Osteoporosis
• Insomnia
• IBS (irritable bowel syndrome)
• Keratomalacia
• Lactose intolerance
• Loss of smell
• Non Hodgkin lymphoma
• Early menopause
• Migraine headache
• Multiple sclerosis
• Muscle wasting
• Myopathy
• Obesity
• Osteomalacia
• Osteopenia
• Parathyroid carcinoma
• Pancreatic insufficiency
• Polymyositis
• Biliary cirrhosis
• Psoriasis
• Dermatitis
• Sjogren’s syndrome
• Short stature
• Scleroderma
• Steatorrhea
• Spina bifida
• Tremors
• Parkinson’s disease
• Glossitis

• Vitiligo
• Vomiting
• Vaginitis

Anti-Inflammatory Diet

Anti-Inflammatory Diet

More Nutritional Articles

The Anti-inflammatory Diet and Supplement Support

Arkansas Nutrition and Natural Healing

Dr. Roger Trubey, Dr.PH, MPH, and Doctor of Integrative Medicine 362 Unger Trail, Mountain Home, Arkansas 72653

Call 501-538-4944

Chronic Inflammation

A substantial body of scientific information is now linking chronic inflammation to almost all chronic degenerative diseases.  These include the leading killers, cancer, heart disease and stroke as well as diabetes, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, inflammatory bowel disease, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue and a multitude of others.  In fact many diseases like benign prostatic hypertrophy, are essentially inflammatory by nature and should be treated with an anti-inflammatory diet and natural anti-inflammatory therapeutics.

Inflammation is a normal body process; even the body itself will even produce some of these toxic chemicals to kill pathogens.  But when we take in or produce toxins the body will attempt to rid itself of these. The excretion process through urine, sweat, tears, and cough are some of the ways the body rids itself of toxins.  When this process is inadequate or is overwhelmed with excess toxins, the body will attempt to “burn” out the toxins with inflammation.  When this process is insufficient, the toxins become entrenched in the tissues, the inflammation continues and the process ends in a chronic degenerative disease.

Any inflammation is a message that something is wrong.  And this inflammation that leads to all these diseases is initiated primarily by two sources – microbes, and our typically rotten diets.  In some cases the initiating event is a trauma of some type, emotional or physical, including surgery.  Even chronic allergic reactions may act as a trigger but this usually leads to a microbial infection. Any trauma, surgery or allergic response will cause an increase in white blood cells at the site of tissue damage.  These macrophages in turn produce several pro-inflammatory messenger chemicals called cytokines.  If the inflammatory trigger or the microbial infection continues, or if the body is unable to get the inflammatory response called off, cytokine production continues.  This will result in cellular/tissue destruction, which, by the way, leads to more macrophage production.  If the body loses this battle to “dial down” this inflammation, this cycle continues. The resulting tissue destruction can be extensive and sometimes permanent.

    The Typical Inflammatory Cytokines

  • C-Reactive Protein (CRP)
  • Interleukin 6 (IL6)
  • Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha (TNF-a)
  • Interleukin – 1 and 8
  • Cyclooxygenase 2 (Cox 2)

Elevated levels of CRP or IL6 dramatically increase one’s risk for heart attack, diabetes or cancer.  Consider the huge over-emphasis conventional medicine has placed on cholesterol levels and realize then the disconnect in the fact that half of all heart attacks occur to people with normal cholesterol. And serious killer plaque is found in people with arteries that are not blocked.

Inflammation Provocateurs
In most every chronic degenerative or autoimmune disease a chronic virus, parasite, bacteria, or similar microbe is present.  When the genome project was completed it was found that 1/3 of our genes are viral genes.  These viral genes can be expressed with a chemical insult.  Considering that the average American body is contaminated with 300 – 500 different chemicals, it is not too difficult to see how easy it would be for the expression of a virus and the onset of an inflammatory response.  In this case the virus is not coming from outside to within but originates from within.  The role of infection in heart disease is well documented in the scientific literature, but likewise with arthritis and a host of others.  Unless these pathogens are eliminated or in the case of viruses, the chemical provocateurs excreted, they will continue to act as an inflammatory mediator and continue to promote the inflammatory cycle described above. These really must be tracked down and eliminated and the sources for re-entry greatly reduced.

Changing Our Diets
While pathogens or traumas via the inflammatory response are indeed involved in most all chronic diseases, the most pervasive factor under girding this is the Standard American Diet (SAD).  Our SAD diets are typically loaded with inflammatory fats, processed foods and really junk foods.  Consider that the number one source of calories in the American diet is soft drinks.  This used to be white flour/bread, so we are not making any progress whatsoever.  The consumption of doughnuts, pastries, potato/corn chips, burgers, cookies, candy and the like are indeed, well designed to produce inflammation in our bodies.

So what in our diets has to change?  We have to decrease the excess consumption of pro-inflammatory omega 6 fats (oils from corn, soy, safflower, etc) along with the omission of all trans fats and hydrogenated fats (found in margarine, mayonnaise, crackers, cookies, chips, and in fact almost all processed food).  We also have to increase anti-inflammatory omega 3 fats (cold-water fish/fish oil, and to a minor extent flax) that are way under-consumed compared to the omega 6 oils.Any liquid oil that is exposed to heat, light or air will begin to oxidize and become partially rancid, unfit for consumption. Since every cell of our body has a lipid (fatty) membrane, these damaged fats, along with the excess undamaged omega 6 fats, will become a part of the cellular structure where they will participant in the inflammatory cascade.

Remember, inflammation is not necessarily bad in and of itself.  It becomes a problem when it becomes like an accelerator in a car that gets stuck and the brakes (omega 3 fats) are inadequate.  When the balance of the omega 6:3 ratio shifts excessively in the omega 6 direction, we create an inflammatory pump just waiting for a trigger to flip the “switch”.

Here is an example of how we do this.  Beef used to come from animals that were almost exclusively grass-fed (exactly what they were designed to eat).  Now, the epitome of a great steak is one from corn-fed beef.  But when we consume corn-fed beef instead of grass-fed beef, we change the omega 6:3 ratio from 1:1 in grass-fed beef to 16:1 in corn-fed beef-a dramatic increase in the pro-inflammatory direction.  The same shift occurs in chickens and their eggs when we cage them as opposed to free-range hens and eggs.  Some estimate that we consume as much as twenty times the amount of omega 6 fats as we should, compared to the amount of omega 3 fats.

Dietary Recommendations –  Eat Whole, Natural foods
The following dietary/supplement guidelines are contraindicated if you are on a blood thinner such as coumadin and are not to supplant the specific advice of your physician.

  • Use only red meats such as grass-fed beef or buffalo but never in excess.  Omit all processed meats such as bacon, sausage, deli meats etc.
  • Use eggs, chickens and turkeys for consumption that have been allowed free-range.  Not generally found at commercial grocery stores where eggs are at least 1 month old.
  • Protein from wild Alaskan salmon, halibut or other cold-water fish is encouraged; but use only wild, uncontaminated sources.  Most fish today, including fresh water fish, are contaminated with mercury, PCBs or dioxin.  Farm-raised salmon (about 2/3 of the US market) should never be used.
  • Omit all refined carbohydrates and high glycemic foods from white flour, white sugar, white rice, etc.  These foods are nutritionally depleted and convert to sugar rapidly (high glycemic).  Other high glycemic and problem foods include potatoes, breakfast cereals, muffins, crackers, cookies, etc.  One anti-aging specialist finds that high glycemic foods may be responsible for 50% of skin aging caused by sugar molecules reacting with collagen and releasing cell damaging free radicals that will induce an inflammatory chain of events.
  • Reduce significantly all deep/fried foods and food requiring high temperatures including, French fries, corn/potato chips, burgers, fried chicken, pizza, doughnuts.  Fried foods and foods held at high temperatures will produce Advanced Glycation End products (AGEs) whereby a sugar molecule binds to a cell protein.  The damaged proteins accumulate and will stimulate the production of inflammatory cytokines.  In addition the fats in some of these foods may be more than 1/3 trans fats.
  • Eliminate beverages containing refined sugars, high fructose corn syrup or artificial sweeteners (including Splenda and Aspartame or NutraSweet).  These include sodas, most bottled teas, diet sodas and most fruit juices.  All of these will encourage the inflammatory process.
  • Do consume 4 -6 servings of anti-inflammatory, green or yellow vegetables daily.
  • Fruits can be an excellent source of anti-oxidants especially highly colored ones.  The best fruits to consider that are low glycemic and anti-oxidant rich are cherries, berries, apples, pears and red grapes.
  • Nuts, seeds and legumes are low glycemic and most nuts and some seeds have some healthy fats including some omega 3s.
  • The best cooking oils are olive, coconut, and grape seed oil.  Do not use oils from soy, corn, sunflower, safflower etc.


Anti-inflammatory Supplements to Consider

    • Always use digestive enzymes to adequately digest your food.  Plant-based enzymes before meals are preferred.  Most individuals with autoimmune or other chronic disease will benefit from potassium-activated hydrochloric acid to fully digest food, support the stomach and immune system and decrease intestinal inflammation.


    • probiotic (friendly bacteria) naturally assists the enzymes in improving gut health and controlling intestinal inflammation.


    • Omega 3 fish oils are an essential component of any anti-inflammatory program.  Fish oils in the range of 2-3000 mg/day (or higher in some cases) have been found to significantly suppress inflammatory cytokine production.  Be sure the total consumed is for the combined amount of EPA and DHA only, not the total amount of fatty acids in the capsule or liquid.  And be sure it is free of toxic contaminants as well.


    • Gamma Linolenic acid (GLA), 250 – 350 mg of GLA/day can also promote a reduction in inflammation.  Sources of these include, Borage oil, Black Current Seed oil, or Evening Primrose oil (preferred).


    • Proteolytic enzymes from natural (plant or animal) sources can have a significant benefit in pain syndromes and inflammation reduction.  They can improve blood flow and breakdown immune complexes (inflammation) in auto-immunity.  Possible sources include:  Bromalin (pineapple source), 1200-2400mg/day; Marcozyme or Wobenzyme (multiple enzymes of plant/animal sources), 4 –12 tablets/day on empty stomach; Nattokinase (best for cardiovascular and plant source), 100 – 200 mg/day; Serratiopeptidase (from silk moth) 10 – 30 mg/day.


    • Anti-inflammatory herbs can be of significant help in alleviating inflammation.


      • Turmeric (best choice all-around/active component is curcumin) 600 – 1200 mg/day
      • Ginger root 300 – 600/day
      • Garlic – in capsules use the allicin equivalent to 1 ½ cloves/day
      • Boswellia Serrata, 500 – 900 mg/day
      • Devils Claw, Cats Claw, Green tea and Cayenne pepper – consider these also
    • Anti-oxidant support may have considerable impact on CRP and other cytokines and will decrease inflammation


      • Vitamin C, 1-2 gm daily with higher doses in some cases
      • Vitamin E (including D-alpha and D-gamma Tocopherol) 400 – 800 IU with higher doses in some cases
      • Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) 500 –1200 mg/day or best DHLA Nano-Plex (a reduced form of live-source ALA) ¼ – ½ tsp 2X/day.  DHLA can significantly reduce lipid peroxides, the destructive promoters of chronic degenerative, inflammatory diseases.


    • General Recommendations


    •  Get adequate sleep.  Sleep deprivation will increase inflammatory cytokines and cortisol significantly
    • Use as much organic food as possible.  Pesticides, herbicides, act as inflammatory toxins
    • Be cautious about what you put on your skin – what you apply to your skin you eat!  Would you eat Deep Woods Off?  How pure are your cosmetics?  Does your antiperspirant contain aluminum?
    • Be cautious about what you spray or smell such as spray paints, insect spray, week killers, perfumes, etc. the list is endless.  We live in a rather toxic world.
    • Reduce your weight if necessary.  Fat cells are a significant source of inflammatory cytokines.
    • Reduce stress/anxiety as it will directly lead to increase the inflammatory process

Toxic Metal Evaluation

Toxic Metal Evaluation

More Nutritional Articles


Toxic Metal Evaluation


Arkansas Nutrition and Natural Healing

Dr. Roger Trubey, Dr.PH, MPH, and Doctor of Integrative Medicine 362 Unger Trail, Mountain Home, Arkansas 72653

Call 501-538-4944

Urine heavy metal analysis is an invaluable tool for the assessment of retention of toxic metals in the body.  Toxic metals in the body do not have any useful physiological function, adversely affect nearly every organ system and disrupt the homeostasis of nutrient elements.

Blood levels of toxic minerals are unreliable indicators of the actual body burden.  They are trapped within the tissues of the body where they replace nutritional minerals in critical areas and poison cellular function.   The body has a difficult time excreting these toxic metals and over time can accumulate to higher and higher levels.  Individuals will vary in their ability to eliminate these metals and will also vary in their individual sensitivity to the toxic effects of these metals.  Due to this variability of sensitivity and excretion capacity, it is difficult to predict how individuals will be affected when exposed to heavy metals and whether it is a factor in the symptoms and dysfunction of each patient.  What we do know is that it is very common to find toxic metals like lead, aluminum, mercury, barium, cadmium and arsenic, among others, when testing.

Most conventional physicians do not accept the concept of chronic metal toxicity as a cause of chronic degenerative disease.  While they recognize and accept acute poisoning by toxic metals, they fail to appreciate how many of their patients are severely burdened with a buildup of toxic metals over time and the role they play in their patient’s health problems.  Acute poisoning by metals and chronic exposure will present very different symptom pictures.

When acutely poisoned, a person will have the metal present in the blood and urine.  However the body will rapidly distribute the toxic metals into safer areas in the tissues and they will no longer be detectable in either blood or urine.  When acutely poisoned with toxic metals, an individual is critically ill and needs chelation treatments immediately.  When poisoned more slowly over time, an individual can become chronically ill and often has just as much need to remove these metals to improve their health as well.

When evaluating for heavy metal toxicity, patients use a rectal suppository of EDTA and a few capsules of DMSA taken orally.  Both EDTA and DMSA are chelators that have a strong affinity for toxic metals and bind them with sufficient strength to adequately remove them from the tissues and induce their elimination mostly through the urine but to a smaller extent through the stool.  An overnight urine collection is then sent to the laboratory for evaluation of the various metals.  Both chelators have a long history of safe and effective use in the removal of toxic metals. If there is a need for additional chelators to clear out heavy metals we are not without alternatives. These can be in addition to or in place of the above. NDF is an excellent binder of metals and even a good Vitamin C and Glutathione are excellent binders and removers of metals, although generally a bit slower. Lypospheric Vitamin C and Lipospheric Glutathione I would highly recommend. Glutathione is the powerful intracellular antioxidant absolutely critical for good health. For most individuals the problem is that toxic metals are coming in faster than the body is able to get rid of them.


Call Dr. Trubey at 501-538-4944 for an examination. Comprehensive health evaluation to include metal toxic poisoning testing.

Gluten Grains – What You Don’t Know Could Make You Very Ill

Gluten Grains – What You Don’t Know Could Make You Very Ill


More Nutritional Articles


Gluten Grains – What You Don’t Know Could Make You Very Ill


Arkansas Nutrition and Natural Healing

Dr. Roger Trubey, Dr.PH, MPH, and Doctor of Integrative Medicine 362 Unger Trail, Mountain Home, Arkansas 72653

Call 501-538-4944

When we think of wheat or bread our minds generally conjure up very happy images and feelings – birthday cakes, delicious sandwiches, mouthwatering pizza, breakfast waffles, and the aroma of fresh cinnamon rolls; wow, so good huh?  But then when others think of grains and these foods, dark clouds arise in their minds with thoughts of diarrhea or headaches or heartburn, or eczema or even lupus.  As a result of the growing number of individuals that have linked grains to these kinds of problems, word seems to have gotten around and now many, many individuals are going “gluten free”.

But is it really that serious of a problem or is it all just another fad diet where the where the consumer is being preyed upon by fear-mongering alternative practitioners and taken advantage of by the greedy purveyors of gluten-free foods?  Look, aren’t grains a part of a healthy diet, particularly whole wheat.

The truth is that there is a large body of evidence indicating that grains, whole grains, and whole wheat in particular, even organic or sprouted, are a serious, very serious contributor to many health conditions, both physical and mental.

Much of the traditional medical community looks at gluten with a unique set of blinders on.  The average physician considers the need to avoid gluten grains only if medical tests are positive for celiac disease.  But unfortunately celiac disease is now considered to be only one of dozens of conditions or diseases that have been linked to gluten.  These are considered non celiac gluten sensitivity (NCSG) diseases or conditions.  And NCSG actually represents the majority of problems related to gluten.


So What Exactly is Gluten?

Gluten is a mixture of proteins found in grains and provides elasticity and structure in baked goods.  The amount and type of gluten varies with the grain:


  • The gluten fraction in wheat is gliadin and contains 69% protein
  • The gluten fraction in rye is secalin and contains up to 50% protein
  • The gluten fraction in oats is avenin and contains about 15% protein
  • The gluten fraction in barley is hordein and contains about 50% protein
  • The gluten fraction in corn zein and contains about 55% protein
  • The gluten fraction in rice is orzenin and contains about 5% protein
  • The gluten fraction in millet is panicin and contains about 40% protein

So from the above list we can see that some grains like corn and oats that are often consumed on a gluten free diet may not be so safe to consume.

Part of the reason the medical community does not see gluten as a significant contributor to the health of their patients has to do with the way most labs test for gluten and gliadin in particular.  When the gluten proteins are broken up into pieces, we find a dozen or more very specific protein fragments, any one of which could precipitate very serious inflammation and damage to many different tissues of the body.  Yet most commonly, individuals are tested for only one of the fractions, alpha gliadin, and if that is negative they are told:  “No worries for you; enjoy your bread and cake, gluten is not causing your health problem.”

When we look at the genetic test now available to determine one’s susceptibility to gluten intolerance, we find that nearly one of three individuals of European descent have the gene for celiac disease (HLA DQ2 and/or HLA DQ8).  That represents a whole lot of people with a huge tendency to health problems from gluten.

Now, until the 19th century wheat was usually diluted with other grains, beans or nuts.  Pure wheat flour has been milled into refined white flour only during the last couple hundred years.  But during the last century, in an attempt to make bigger, fluffier breads and bagels, strains of wheat were developed with much higher gluten content.  And now these strains are part of nearly all wheat products available in our grocery stores.  And this apparently has had serious consequences.

Not long ago the United States Air Force looked at frozen blood samples of healthy young recruits from 50 years ago and compared their intolerance to gluten to that of recruits today.  The study showed that intolerance to gluten is 400% more prevalent today than it was in the 1950s.

But the real concern here is that it is estimated that way over 90% of individuals who have a problem with gluten, don’t even know it.  And they go from doctor to doctor taking drug after drug without any decent improvement in their health.  Really tragic!

And it is even more tragic when we consider that a review paper published in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine over a decade ago, listed 55 “diseases” that can be caused by consuming gluten foods.  They listed osteoporosis, irritable bowel disease, inflammatory bowel disease, cancer, anemia and fatigue.  But it has been shown that rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, multiple sclerosis and almost all other auto-immune diseases have been linked to gluten.  But equally, many psychiatric or neurological conditions have been found to have a gluten intolerance link as well.  They include, schizophrenia, ADD/ADHD, neuropathy, Parkinson’s disease, autism, dementia, depression, tremors, migraines, and many others.

Because gluten has this nasty ability to induce inflammation in so many individuals, it can be a disease-inducing factor in nearly every tissue of the body.  Inflammation from gluten can be found in the liver, kidneys, heart, brain, skin, joints, intestine and even our endocrine organs that produce our hormones.

Yet some will say, “I don’t have any intestinal symptoms, so I couldn’t have a gluten problem.”  Unfortunately this could not be further from the truth.  While intestinal symptoms are certainly common with gluten, it is not always the case, even when the mucosal lining is already damaged.  Many extra-intestinal tissues can be damaged and diseased without intestinal symptoms.  And these non-celiac gluten sensitivity illnesses are far more common than celiac disease itself.

When the intestinal lining is damaged from gluten or from other causative agents, small leaks are formed and the intestine becomes much more permeable, letting complex particles out and into the body.  These will include bacteria, and food particles to which the body produces an immunological response.  The gut becomes leaky due to the damage and leads to autoimmune disease.

But this damage can also be from other parts of the wheat besides gluten.  Wheat Germ Agglutinin (WGA) while not technically gluten but rather a lectin, can nevertheless be a very damaging particle in some individuals.  It can be pro-inflammatory, immunotoxic, cardiotoxic, and when crossing the blood brain barrier, can be neurotoxic as well.  In the brain it can attach to the coating on the nerves, the myelin sheath and potentiate damage to the neurons.  In fact, when individuals with problems related to gluten grains share their most problematic complaints, the organ that seems to bear the brunt and give the most frustrating symptoms – the brain!  It can be a real downer, influencing mind, mood, thinking, and emotions.

Folks, this is serious stuff.  Several years ago Dr. Jonathan Wright, in his monthly newsletter wrote about his visit to Australia in the 1980s.  He went to visit Dr. Christopher Reading.  In his office he found a chart of over 100 individuals who had consulted Dr. Reading about a common, but “incurable” disease called Systemic Lupus Erythematosus or SLE or better known as lupus.  They all had the common symptoms, skin rash, joint pain, fever, etc.  However, everyone on this list had been symptom-free, without any medication and with negative blood tests for five or more years.  How did he do this?  Remarkably, they were all cured when he had them eliminate gluten grains from their diet.

If you have any of the symptoms listed in the Gluten Sensitivity Disease Document and particularly if you have several of them you should get tested.  I have selected for your attention the tests provided by Cyrex Labs, Arrays #2 – #5.  You should especially consider Array 2 and 3 and then if these are positive, then you could consider following up with Array #4 and possibly #5.  Array #2 is helpful in determining if you have a leaky gut (and it can be repaired). Array #3 is, hands down, the most comprehensive evaluation of whether you have a gluten problem.

Array #4 tests for other foods that will often cross-react with gluten as well as other foods that are often brought into the diet to substitute for the grains that have been removed.

Array#5 is simply the most comprehensive evaluation for an auto-immune potential.  The usefulness of this Array is that the affected organ or tissue may reveal on-going inflammation 8-10 years before a pathological condition exists with symptoms that require medical intervention.  This gives one time to intervene before then to enable the body to interrupt that process before it leads to irreversible tissue damage and disease.

Remember the number three cause of illness and death in the industrialized world is autoimmunity – surpassed only by cancer and heart disease.  In the United States, 24 million people have been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease – but only 1/3 of those with autoimmunity know they have it.  That means that somewhere around 72 million people are living with an autoimmune disease.  It is not being looked for in standard screening tests and our present medical system waits until signs and symptoms are so severe that we already have the beginning of organ failure and irreversible damage.

There are three factors that lead to autoimmunity:


  • Genetics – this only means vulnerability to the disease, not that your are necessarily destined to get it
  • Environmental triggers – this can include gluten but also things like bacteria, viruses and toxic metals
  • Intestinal permeability or leaky gut

You cannot do anything about your genes but you can evaluate for gluten and determine if your gut is leaky.  If your gut is leaky it will most likely be the primary dysfunction in your body that leads to symptoms.  When this is the case the most fundamental need you have is to repair and seal your intestinal lining and to rebalance you immune system. Don’t put off getting tested if you have symptoms.

If you would like to see a long list of label ingredients that typically contain hidden gluten, go to .
Other helpful sites include and