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Blood & Lab Test Results Explained(In Detail Personal Consultation)

Blood & Lab Test Results Explained(In Detail Personal Consultation)

Natural Health Services

(by a real live person)

Arkansas Nutrition and Natural Healing

Dr. Roger Trubey, Dr.PH, MPH, and Doctor of Integrative Medicine 362 Unger Trail, Mountain Home, Arkansas 72653

Call 501-538-4944

Do you have any idea what your blood tests mean?  Have you even been given a copy of them or were you just told everything is OK?  In some cases I have had patients tell me they never even heard back from their care giver.

Please understand, those records, those lab tests are yours – you own them.  But it does no good if you can’t even pronounce the test names or figure out the symbols, let alone understand what they mean and how they may relate to your health.

Understanding is empowering, and everyone needs to be empowered to take responsibility for their health.  Your doctor is not responsible for health, you are.  And knowing what your blood test results mean is one the ways you take seriously that responsibility.  But don’t expect your doctor to take even 10 minutes to help you understand what is going on.  He is way too busy for that.  It takes time to review a battery of tests and he likely is not even allowed to spend the time it really takes to do it adequately.  I can and I will.  You need this information and I can help you easily decode your chemistry panel or your metabolic panel, lipid panel, complete blood count and most others as well.

How about a Hemoglobin A1c?  Do you know the significance of that test and how it relates to your blood sugar level?  What about your vitamin D level, at what level should it really be?  And then your thyroid test results, was it comprehensive enough?  Were you told it was normal but you still have symptoms that make you believe it’s not normal?  Is that frustrating or what?

If you would like to really understand what you lab tests mean to you, give me a call to arrange a phone consultation.  I will give you a full hour to review your test results and any questions that relate to them for $70.00.  I don’t diagnose – that’s not completely possible from blood tests alone – but I might suggest other tests you might want to consider to give you a fuller picture of your health status.  Don’t need a full hour!  OK I can give you a 30 minute consultation for $50.00.   You choose.

Here’s how it works.  You decide how much time you would like.  We arrange a convenient day and time in the comfort of your own home.  You send me (email or mail) a copy of your tests along with a check for the amount of time requested.  Then on the day and time of your appointment give me a call to get the answers you are looking for.

You will be satisfied with the information you receive or you can request a full refund.  For over 35 years I have reviewed lab results with hundreds of patients and nearly everyone was surprised at the amount of information their labs contained and how absolutely helpful their time spent with me was to them.  I believe you will find it the same as well.  Give me a call and let’s get started.  501-538-4944

Roger N. Trubey, DrPH, ND     

Restorative Strategies for Cancer and other Diseases

Restorative Strategies for Cancer and other Diseases

More Nutritional Articles

Restorative Strategies for Cancer
and other Diseases

Arkansas Nutrition and Natural Healing

Dr. Roger Trubey, Dr.PH, MPH, and Doctor of Integrative Medicine 362 Unger Trail, Mountain Home, Arkansas 72653

Call 501-538-4944

  • 1. Remove Toxic Foods
    • GMO Foods – cotton, zucchini squash, yellow squash, canola, corn, soy, papaya, beet sugar, alfalfa – these foods should always be consumed as organic
      • Most grains and most legumes are almost always sprayed with glyphosate (Roundup® weed killer) prior to harvesting – these food should always be consumed as organic
      • Glyphosate has been found to cause:
        • liver and kidney damage
        • Depletion of minerals in the soil
        • Kill beneficial gut bacteria
        • Block production of the aromatic amino acids – mood, sleep, pain issues here
        • Block production of vitamin D
        • Impairs detoxification
        • Poisons our mitochondria – energy, fatigue and brain fog issues here
        • Acts as an endocrine disrupter
        • Is a class 2A carcinogen
    • Bad fats – hydrogenated, processed or damaged grain and seed oils (corn, soy, canola, safflower, sunflower oils etc.)  Damage to these oils occurs with exposure to heat, light or air
    • Conventionally raised meats – loaded with antibiotics, chemicals and GMO grains
    • Pork – stores toxins and parasites.  Shrimp is a close second
    • Artificial sweeteners and soft drinks (form most Americans, more calories come from soft drinks than any other source)
    • Remember:   Cancer is an attempt to soak up all the sugar from the doughnuts, bread and carbohydrates we eat.  We must return to eating like our ancestors because what we eat brings consequences


    • 2. Improve Gut Function – heal a leaky gut
      • Bone broth (chicken or beef) or bone broth protein – loaded with glycine to support detoxification
      • Use bitter foods which dry up “dampness” (with cancer body is very “damp” – oriental medicine) use sour kraut, kimchi, kombucha, beet kvass, organic kiefer, pickles etc.  These foods are rich in cancer fighting probiotics.  There are more probiotics in these foods and more diverse in type, than in most probiotic supplements
      • The power of sour is that they eliminate the craving for sweets
      • Wheat, sugar and dairy are the foods that contribute the most to dampness


    • 3. Eat Real Food and Eat lots of Organic Colorful vegetables and some fruits (mostly berries)
      • Blueberries, raspberries, strawberries  cherries and blackberries – organic please
      • Parsley, tomato, bok choy, kale, olive oil, kale artichoke – all have anti-angiogenesis factors
      • The phytochemicals in these colorful foods are the substances plants use to protect themselves and benefit from them
      • Omit all processed foods – just a terrible drain on all body systems
    • 4. Eat Gluten Free
      • if you are known to have celiac disease, an autoimmune condition or chronic illness.  Much less damaging is the consumption of grains when sprouted or fermented as in sourdough where the gluten is broken   down by the fermentation process


    • 5. Enjoy lots of herbs and spices  – add them to every meal
      • Cilantro, Parsley, turmeric/curcumin, cinnamon (balancing insulin levels), nutmeg, rosemary, oregano, thyme, clove, etc.
      • Most of these are strongly immune supportive, have anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties and some like turmeric/curcumin have strong cancer preventive and treatment properties


    • 6. Eat and enjoy sprouted foods
      • Sprouted organic alfalfa, sunflower, lentil and other seeds and legumes
      • These unleash the power of nature because germination is activation and activation activates your health


    • 7. Use Medicinal Mushrooms to support the immune system
      • Reishi, Cordyceps, Shiitake, Maitake, Coriolus versicolor are all mushrooms having anti-cancer, antiviral, anti-inflammatory and liver protective activities.  They have also been found to alleviate chemotherapy side effects such as nausea and kidney damage and protect cellular DNA by raising antioxidant capacity.
      • They all give excellent support to the immune system and aid in cleansing, detoxifying and modulating the immune system.


    • 8. Load up on healthy fats
      • Avocado, olives and olive oil, coconut butter, butter, tallow, organic raw nuts and seeds, turkey bacon, grass-fed fatty meats, wild-caught fatty fish and fish oils, pastured chicken eggs, raw cheese, organic peanuts, very dark chocolate
      • Eating this way starves the cancer cells, improves neurodegenerative conditions like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and ALS and is excellent help in all autoimmune conditions
      • Black Cumin seeds (crushed whole seeds) and others from Seeds of Eden may be especially beneficial to the cancer patient.


    • 9. Be cautious of the common allergens
      • Dairy, wheat, soy, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, fish and shellfish


    • 10. Some supporting supplements to use
      • Vitamin D – get it from the sun when available otherwise most need at least 5000 I U/day
      • Probiotics and green tea – protect and heal the gut – always
      • Spirulina, chlorella and other greens taken daily are vital to our good health
      • Beta Glucan has been found to increase the number of macrophages – those white cells that fight infections and ravage cancer cells


    • 11. Get to know and use Essential Oils
      • Frankincense and Myrrh  – traditional used to fight cancer and other degenerative diseases – try drops on the skin with a carrier oil or apply 2 drops to the roof of the mouth
      • Lemon – d-limonene – bitter so will decrease dampness, release bile and drains the lymph tissues
      • Thyme/Oregano – these both contain thymol which acts a parasite cleanse.  Must be used with caution when taken internally
      • Ginger has often been used to treat stomach problems, nausea, heart strokes, indigestion, inflammation, respiratory problems, and menstrual disorders
      • Lavender – naturally decreases cortisol.  Use topically or add to bath water with Epsom salts. It helps to eliminate nervous tension, relieve pain,  enhance blood circulation and treat respiratory problems


    • 12. Promote cleansing and detoxification
      • Milk thistle and Bupleurum very helpful in facilitating liver detoxification
      • Use vegetable juicing, herbal teas and bone broth
      • DesBio Comprehensive Detox  and Cyto detox are particularly effective strategies to facilitate the removal of toxins and heavy metals


    • 13. Consider Natural treatments
      • Lymph massage, essential oils, barefoot walking in the sun, rebounder for lymph drainage (10 min. twice daily), adequate sleep/rest, deep breathing/ yoga, meditation and prayer


    • 14. Avoid all vaccinations
      • They may include aluminum, mercury, artificial colors, acetone, formaldehyde,  blood  from a cow fetus, antibiotics, known and unknown viruses, polysorbate 80, soy and yeast proteins, chicken egg proteins, dog and monkey kidney cell protein, sugar, milk sugar, mouse serum protein, human blood proteins, mouse brain tissue, aborted human fetal cells


    • 15. Avoid exposure to toxic chemicals   –
      • 2,000 new chemicals /year  – BPA/PCB, formaldehyde, toluene, phthalates, aflatoxins, parabens, fire retardants, pesticides, herbicides, cleaning agents, plastics, cosmetics…
      • These are found in common every-day use and exposure – shampoos, antiperspirants,  bottled water, cash register receipts, hot coffee in Styrofoam,  microwaving of plastics and plastic wraps


  • 16. Spiritual Restoration – Emotions interwoven with disease and have links to specific organs
    • Fear – kidney/bladder/ adrenal and breast – consider & meditate- Psalm 27:1-3; Joshua 1:9; Deut. 31:8
    • Worry – stomach, spleen and pancreas  – consider & meditate -Matthew 6:25-34; Philippians 4:6-7; Matthew 11:28-30
    • Grief /Depression – colon and lungs – consider and meditate- Psalm 40:1-3; II Corinthians 1:3-4; Romans 8:38-39
    • Anxiety/Nervousness – heart, brain and small intestine – consider and meditate – Luke 12:24-34; I Peter 5:7; Hebrews 13:5-6; 23rd psalm
    • Anger/Frustration – Liver and Gall bladder – Consider and meditate – James 1:1-5, 19; Proverbs  15:1; James 4: 1-2; Proverbs 3:5-6

The 5 Biotypes of Depression

The 5 Biotypes of Depression

More Nutritional Articles

The 5 Biotypes of Depression
As developed by William J. Walsh, PhD

Arkansas Nutrition and Natural Healing

Dr. Roger Trubey, Dr.PH, MPH, and Doctor of Integrative Medicine 362 Unger Trail, Mountain Home, Arkansas 72653

Call 501-538-4944

Mainstream medicine looks at clinical depression as a single entity rather than a collection of different disorders that must be treated differently.   They are essentially all treated with SSRI medications, drugs that are targeted toward the primary neurotransmitters dopamine, serotonin, epinephrine and norepinephrine.  The result of this approach, as we will see below, is that some will benefit, some will not and some will get worse.  A much better outcome would result if depressed and anxious patients would be given specific laboratory tests to determine their particular depressive biotype.

The biotypes by Dr. Walsh were developed with a database of 2,800 patients and over 300,000 chemical analyses of their blood and urine.  This huge database found that the depressed population had blood and urine chemistries that were significantly different from the general population which lead to the development of the 5 biotypes.

5 Types of Depression, how they are determined and how to improve

1. Undermethylated Depression (38 -40% of depressed individuals)

    a. Symptoms and traits of undermethylated depression
—Adverse reaction to folic acidHigh inner tension but calm demeanor
—Obsessive-compulsive tendenciesHistory of perfectionism
—Self-motivatedSeasonal inhalant allergies
—Good response to antihistaminesHigh libido
—Low tolerance to painHigh fluidity (tears, saliva etc.)
—Very strong-willedCompetitiveness in sports
—High suicidal tendencyaddictiveness
—Sparse chest/leg/arm hairbusy mind w/ negative self-talk
—Denial of depressionfrequent headaches
—Family history of high accomplishmentnoncompliance with therapies
—Rumination thoughts about past eventsoppositional defiance as child

b. Undermethylated depressed patients are low in serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine
c. These individuals are often deficient in calcium, vitamin D and magnesium
d. Many also have a pyrrole disorder as well (this is biotype #4 below)
e. These individuals will not do well with folate, choline, copper, DMAE and pantothenic acid (B5)but will do well on supplements that improve methylation and supplements that enhance the neurotransmitters Tryptophan and dopamine
f. Individuals in this category come with two traits that tend to negate successful outcomes – denial of depression and non-compliance with any medical treatment
g. With tests for confirmation:

Whole blood Histamine level (will likely be elevated – above 70ng/ml)
A depressed SAMe/SAH ratio

2. Folate Deficiency Depression (about 20% of depressed individuals) these are overmethylated

a. Symptoms and Traits of Low Folate Depression

—Improvement after folate therapyHigh anxiety and panic tendency
—Adverse reactions to SSRIshirsutism (males only)
—Food and chemical sensitivitieslow libido
—Dry eyes and mouthsleep disorder
—High artistic abilities and interestunderachievement in school
—Nervous legs, pacinghigh pain threshold
—Noncompetitive in sports/gamesadverse reaction to SAMe, methionine
—Hyperactivitycopper intolerance
—Upper body/head/neck painLearning disabilities
—Estrogen intolerance
—Hallucinations – paranoid

The presence of 40% of the above symptoms is consistent with a folate biotype depression

  • b. These individuals report intolerance to SSRIs, antidepressants and antihistamines
  • c. Academic underachievement and incidence of ADHD is about 3 times higher than those in the undermethylated biotype
  • d. Individuals of this biotype should not use supplements of tryptophan, 5HTP, phenylalanine, tyrosine, copper and inositol – it will likely make them worse.  They generally have high levels of serotonin and dopamine.
  • e. Very likely that most of the school/movie theater shooters are in this group
  • f. If B12 is used it should be Hydroxyl or adenosyl B12 but not Methyl B12 (methylcobalamine)
  • g. With testing for confirmation:
  • Whole blood histamine (will generally be low – below 40ng/ml)
    Serum folate (will also be low)
    Methylation profile (an elevated SAMe/SAH ratio)

3. Copper Overload (hypercupremic) Depression (about 17% of depressed individuals)

      • a. Symptoms and Traits of Copper Overload Depression
—Severe anxiety, even panicSleep disorder
—Hormone imbalancesHyperactivity in childhood
—Skin sensitivity to metals/rough fabricsringing in the ears (tinnitus)
—Intolerance to estrogen/shellfish/chocolateinability to tan
—Severe worsening of depression after hormone therapy
—Intolerant of birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy


      • b. 96% of individuals with this biotype are women with the first episode of depression occurring during a hormonal event – puberty, childbirth, menopause, etc.
      • c. Individuals with this biotype have elevated norepinephrine but a depressed dopamine. Norepinephrine elevations have been associated with anxiety, panic and sleep problems
      • d. Elevated serum copper is commonly found in women with a history of postpartum depression.  They seem to have a genetic or acquired inability to eliminate excess copper after a pregnancy
      • e. Plasma zinc levels are generally low in individuals with this biotype
      • f. Tests for confirmation generally show an elevated serum copper level, depressed plasma zin
      • 4. Pyroluric Depression (about 15% of depressed individuals)
      • a. Symptoms and Traits of Pyroluric Depression
—Severe mood swingsInability to cope with stress
—RagesAbsence of dream recall
—Inability to tan – sunlight sensitivityMorning nausea
—Sensitivity to bright lights & loud noisesSlender wrists, ankles & neck
—Great midsection fat and upper thighsDelayed puberty
—Disturbed menstrual periods/amenorrheaSocial anxiety –stiff personality
—Bipolar individualsLots of fears
—Obsessions with disastersInternal tension – tense feeling
—Poor short-term memoryPale complexion
—Antisocial personality disorder (sociopath) but no criminal tendencies
      • b. Most pyrolurics experience about 50% of the above symptoms and traits
      • c. Pyroluria is a genetically determined chemical imbalance involving an abnormality in hemoglobin synthesis resulting in a severe deficiency of zinc and vitamin B6
      • d. Onset of depression in this group is often triggered by a severe emotional or physical trauma.  Stress of all types increases the levels of pyrroles in the individual
      • e. This biotype tends to respond more quickly to nutrient therapy than other biotypes
      • f. Individuals of this biotypes cannot tolerate nutrients (or food) until lunchtime
      • g. These individuals are low in serotonin, Dopamine and GABA

5. Toxic Overload Depression (about 5% of depressed individuals)

      • a. Symptoms and Traits of Toxic Overload Depression
—Abdominal pain and crampingIncreased irritability, even anger
—Headaches and muscle weaknessLow energy
—Failure to respond to counseling or pharmaceutical drugs
—Depression that arises suddenly during a period of relative calm and wellness
      • b. This biotype is generally looked for when the other biotypes have been ruled out and there is no casein/gluten sensitivity or thyroid imbalance.
      • c. A provocation test for heavy metals will almost always reveal elevated levels on nearly everyone.  But in this group the toxic metals are also causing depression
      • d. The most common metal toxins are mercury, lead, cadmium and arsenic
      • e. Other toxins can also cause depression including mold/fungal toxins, chemical toxins, toxic effects of viruses and bacteria and food toxins or food intolerances

Tests to Evaluate the 5 Biotypes

        • 1. Methylation Profile (plasma)
          • 2. Serum folate
        • 3. Metabolic panel (Kryptopyrrole, serum copper, zinc plasma & Whole blood Histamine
        • 4. EDTA/DMSA provocation of heavy metals (if all the above are negative)
        • 5.Check ability for three step heel-to-toe walk


Please take note: you cannot determine methylation status, copper excess or zinc deficiency or some of the other biochemical abnormalities without proper testing.   Self diagnosis and supplementation without proper testing is never recommended .  Too many people will get their biotype completely wrong, and will likely make things far worse for themselves.

Promising New Approach to Parkinson’s disease

Promising New Approach to Parkinson's disease

More Nutritional Articles

A Promising New Approach to Parkinson’s Disease

Arkansas Nutrition and Natural Healing

Dr. Roger Trubey, Dr.PH, MPH, and Doctor of Integrative Medicine 362 Unger Trail, Mountain Home, Arkansas 72653

Call 501-538-4944

Parkinson’s disease (PD) is the second most common neurodegenerative disorder in the U.S., affecting 500,000 people and growing, with 50,000 new cases diagnosed each year.   Generally, those affected are older, usually diagnosed after age 50 and most are in in their 60s, 70s and 80s, although cases in patients in their 20s are now being reported.   It was the disease that took the life of my dad when he was 83.  I only wish I had access to the information I present below at the time he was going through those tough years.

Parkinson’s disease is a progressive movement disorder with those afflicted having symptoms of tremors, rigidity, slowed movements, difficulty walking, a lack of energy and often a glassy-eyed look in their eyes.  These changes take place because of damage to the dopamine producing cells in the substantia nigra area of the brain.  Dopamine is critical for fine motor movements.  There is little question that the damage is due to environmental toxins.  These toxins seem to accumulate in some individuals and perhaps they are also more sensitive to the toxins as well.   Over time these toxins continue to accumulate and continue to destroy more and more of the brain neurons that produce dopamine until there are essentially none left.


Promising New Approach to Parkinson's disease


The conventional approach to PD most commonly involves the use to two drugs combined into one, L-Dopa and Carbidopa.   The use of L-dopa makes sense, since its depletion is rather severe in most patients with PD and rather substantial doses are needed to correct the problem.  While it is the most effective treatment for PD, its use by itself, creates two problems, the first being several side effects including nausea.  Carbidopa is added to L-dopa in an attempt to control the L-dopa side effects, particularly nausea.  But the use of Carbidopa causes a depletion of peripheral serotonindopamine, norepinephrine, epinephrine, histamine, phenylethylamine and other substances.  This creates the second effect – a complete imbalance of all the neurotransmitters and the sulfur amino acids, called thiols.   Adequate sulfur amino acids are absolutely essential for the detoxification of neurotoxins and healthy brain function.

Simply giving some L-dopa or doing nothing leads to gross imbalance of virtually everything in Figure 1 below, including the depletion of serotonin.

Promising New Approach to Parkinson's disease

When serotonin depletion is great enough, the effects of L-dopa will no longer be observed at any dosing level.  Parkinson’s disease itself causes imbalance, but when we add L-dopa and Carbidopa the imbalance will eventually become severe.   Unless these imbalances are properly addressed the disease will progress.  It is only a matter of time.  When L-dopa is stated the clock begins to tick.  As time progresses the side effect time bomb will eventually go off and L-dopa is no longer effective.  Keep in mind that Carbidopa is responsible for the largest number and the most devastating side effects.

The Known Side Effects of Carbidopa:

Dyskinesias, choreiform movements, glossitis, leg pain, ataxia, falling, gait abnormalities, blepharospasm (which may be taken as an early sign of excess dosage), trismus, increased tremor, numbness, muscle twitching, peripheral neuropathy, myocardial infarction, flushing, oculogyric crises, diplopia, blurred vision, dilated pupils, urinary retention, urinary incontinence, dark urine, hoarseness, malaise, hot flashes, sense of stimulation, dyspepsia, constipation, palpitation, fatigue, upper respiratory infection, bruxism, hiccups, common cold, diarrhea, urinary tract infections, urinary frequency, flatulence, priapism, pharyngeal pain, abdmoninal pain, bizarre breathing patterns, burning sensation of tongue, back pain, shoulder pain, chest pain (noncardiac), muscle cramps, paresthesia, increased sweating, falling, syncope, orthostatic hypotension, asthenia (weakness), dysphagia, Horner’s syndrome, mydriasis, dry mouth, sialorrhea, neuroleptic malignant syndrome, phlebitis, agranulocytosis, hemolytic and nonhemolytic anemia, rash, gastrointestinal bleeding, duodenal ulcer, Henoch-Schonlein purpura, decreased hemoglobin and hematocrit, thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, angioedema, urticaria, pruritus, alopecia, dark sweat, abnormalities in alkaline phosphatase, abnormalities in SGOT (AST), SGPT (ALT), abnormal Coombs’ test, abnormal uric acid, hypokalemia, abnormalities in blood urea nitrogen (BUN), increased creatinine, increased serum LDH, and glycosuria.

What is Conventional Medicine Missing?

What is missing in the standard treatment of PD is a failure to grasp the seriousness of the underlying nutritional deficiency that is the real reason for the development of the disease in the first place.  The entire network of protective elements, including the methylation components and the sulfur amino acids, needed to defend ourselves from the vast number of neurochemicals has collapsed.  Not just collapsed but has collapsed catastrophically.    In PD the deficiency is so severe as to cause extensive damage and death to the brain cells that enable us to have fine motor movements.   This relative nutritional deficiency must be repaired if we are to have any hope of improving the long term health of individuals suffering from this horrible disease.

A Nutritional Support Program

After evaluating laboratory results of hundreds of PD patients, Marty Hinz, a physician and medical director of NeuroResearch, found a way to properly manage the L-dopa side effects so that they do not limit access to the amount of L-dopa required to relieve symptoms. It involves correctly balancing the amino acid precursors of the neurotransmitters, including L-dopa and serotonin and adequate intake of the sulfur amino acids to protect and prevent the depletion.  It is the approach I now use and if you have this condition it can benefit you.

It is important to realize that unlike conventional L-dopa use, this approach needs to be implemented as early as possible in the management of Parkinson’s disease to attempt to halt progression and keep baseline function as high as possible.  The approach Dr. Hinz developed is not directly treating Parkinson’s disease itself, but the profound nutritional deficiency that was not in place to protect the brain cells from the toxins in the first place.   It is entirely possible that not all brain cell damage in PD is permanent.  However, the nutritional support that is needed is far more intensive than can be acquired from our food alone.  As the brain cells receive the balanced nutritional support it needs, the body begins the restoration work which I believe may well include increased production of dopamine.  At the same time, as the brain is bathed in protective sulfur amino acids, the body’s methylation system is reactivated and the normal process of detoxification is initiated.

The ideal approach is to begin this nutritional support as early as possible so that one’s compromised function, which may be confused with progression of the disease, is minimized. Waiting too long can lead to a situation where even under the most ideal conditions the patient will not recover completely. Unfortunately, many patients entering this form of treatment have exhausted all other treatment options and are basically end stage PD.

While these patients benefit greatly, most do not achieve complete relief of symptoms. There is only a certain amount of function that can be recovered for those who wait too long to initiate properly balanced amino acids.
To effectively correct the relative nutritional deficiencies, side effects, and adverse reactions associated with Parkinson’s disease, it is critical that the nutrients needed to correct these problems be administered in proper balance. The nutrient dosing values required for optimal results are unique for each patient. A “one size fits all” approach will not work.

It is my contention that our bodies always want to heal, but it is inhibited so often from an overabundance of a variety of toxins and terribly inadequate nutriture.   As the body is given what it needs, patients with severe PD can ultimately expect halt or drastically slow the progression of the disease and perhaps see significant improvement with this approach.

I think this novel approach addresses all of the underlying problems associated with PD, leading to extraordinary results not previously observed. Even those who have been advised that they have no treatment options available can benefit from this approach. This treatment approach is equally well suited for Parkinson’s patients suffering from advanced disease and/or difficult problems as it is for new patients with “ultra-early Parkinson’s disease.” The ability to get difficult symptoms under control and keep them under control is a major turning point for PD patients.   If you have this condition and you want to give your body a serious nutritional support, please give me a call.

Please consider the following from a physician using this approach developed by Marty Hinz, MD:

“Most importantly, patients who have lost hope of getting better, secondary to exhausting all treatment options (including stem cell transplant), can now have hope. While we initially treated patients with severe Parkinson’s disease, patients with new onset Parkinson’s disease will have the most dramatic effects over time as their pills continue working and the disease progress halts or is markedly slowed down”. – Alvin Stein, MD

    • This approach has the ability to halt (stop in its tracks) and in some patients even reverse the clinical the progression of Parkinson’s disease.   All other approaches used in medicine do not halt progression of the disease, i.e. the Parkinson’s disease patient deteriorates over time.


    • L-dopa is the most effective treatment of Parkinson’s disease, but its use is limited by side effects. Our approach makes L-dopa side effects manageable.


    • Offers hope to those that have exhausted all treatment options.


    • Started ultra-early in treatment this approach can prevent the development of florid Parkinson’s disease symptoms.


    • The approach is most effective, has the least side effects, and best long term outcomes bar none. It is simply an improvement on the most effective treatment approach already available.


Might This Approach be Beneficial with Other Disorders?

Some practitioners, including Dr. Hinz, believe that Restless Leg Syndrome may actually be stage zero Parkinson’s disease.

This is not because they necessarily have PD, but because they respond amazingly well to this same approach of repairing the system-wide nutritional collapse.   This may suggest the same disordered biochemistry is present in them that is also present in individuals with PD.   Individuals with this problem should strongly consider using Dr. Hinz Parkinson’s Disease Protocol by a practitioner trained in in its use.

Another problem that is sometimes confused with PD is Benign Essential Tremor (BET).  Dr. Hinz developed a challenge test to easily distinguish those with BET which is truly benign and those who may actually go on to develop further symptoms of PD.  Anyone with BET should take the dopamine challenge test to see if they may benefit improved nutritional support they are not getting from their diet and supplement program.

There are also a number of conditions that respond to amino acid therapy directed by laboratory assay of neurotransmitter transporters.  Some of these may require a different approach than described above but a small percentage of individuals with the conditions described below will likely need to follow the same protocol used for PD.  Thus a Dopamine Challenge may be required for:

Anxiety – Crohn’s – Irritable Bowel Syndrome – Parkinson’s disease – ADHD – Numbness
ADD – Alzheimer’s – Tremor – Obesity – Depression – Hormone Related – Intellectual Impairment
Symptoms – Chronic Pain – PMS – Panic Attacks – Migraines – Autism – Chronic – Thought Disorder
Fatigue Syndrome – Insomnia – OCD- Brain Fog – Memory Problems – Tingling- Other Problems
In the medical literature we do find other nutrients that have been found to be helpful in giving support to individuals with PD.  These include Vitamin D and vitamin K2.  These, along with vitamin A, are considered mineral activators as minerals have difficulty in performing their function when we are deficient in these nutrients.  In addition, Vitamin D supplements in my opinion should never be used without an adequate intake of vitamin K2.

Our brain is composed of structural fats and thus Omega 3 fatty acids (Cod liver oil or krill oil)  and saturated fatty acids in general will also play a role in the protection from PD and I believe should be a part of one’s nutritional support.

Vitamins C and E are very important antioxidants and I think are useful adjuvants in providing nutritional support.  CoQ 10 (Ubiquinol) is likewise a beneficial antioxidant but it also plays a more significant role in the mitochondria for energy production.  I do like to add Ubiquinol for additional support for energy production and many individuals are deficient in the important nutrient.

Some will make the case for Creatine or Curcumin (Turmeric) as having a neuroprotective effect.  I won’t argue with that but I think the nutrients listed above will be adequate for most everyone who has PD.  However please understand that unless the individual with PD is getting L-dopa and a balanced neurotransmitter support along with the sulfur amino acids in amounts sufficient to up-regulate the collapsed methylation-glutathione system, it will never be adequate – not even close.    


Call Dr. Trubey today, so he can help you achieve your health goals – (501)-538-4944


Anti-Inflammatory Diet

Anti-Inflammatory Diet

More Nutritional Articles

The Anti-inflammatory Diet and Supplement Support

Arkansas Nutrition and Natural Healing

Dr. Roger Trubey, Dr.PH, MPH, and Doctor of Integrative Medicine 362 Unger Trail, Mountain Home, Arkansas 72653

Call 501-538-4944

Chronic Inflammation

A substantial body of scientific information is now linking chronic inflammation to almost all chronic degenerative diseases.  These include the leading killers, cancer, heart disease and stroke as well as diabetes, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, inflammatory bowel disease, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue and a multitude of others.  In fact many diseases like benign prostatic hypertrophy, are essentially inflammatory by nature and should be treated with an anti-inflammatory diet and natural anti-inflammatory therapeutics.

Inflammation is a normal body process; even the body itself will even produce some of these toxic chemicals to kill pathogens.  But when we take in or produce toxins the body will attempt to rid itself of these. The excretion process through urine, sweat, tears, and cough are some of the ways the body rids itself of toxins.  When this process is inadequate or is overwhelmed with excess toxins, the body will attempt to “burn” out the toxins with inflammation.  When this process is insufficient, the toxins become entrenched in the tissues, the inflammation continues and the process ends in a chronic degenerative disease.

Any inflammation is a message that something is wrong.  And this inflammation that leads to all these diseases is initiated primarily by two sources – microbes, and our typically rotten diets.  In some cases the initiating event is a trauma of some type, emotional or physical, including surgery.  Even chronic allergic reactions may act as a trigger but this usually leads to a microbial infection. Any trauma, surgery or allergic response will cause an increase in white blood cells at the site of tissue damage.  These macrophages in turn produce several pro-inflammatory messenger chemicals called cytokines.  If the inflammatory trigger or the microbial infection continues, or if the body is unable to get the inflammatory response called off, cytokine production continues.  This will result in cellular/tissue destruction, which, by the way, leads to more macrophage production.  If the body loses this battle to “dial down” this inflammation, this cycle continues. The resulting tissue destruction can be extensive and sometimes permanent.

    The Typical Inflammatory Cytokines

  • C-Reactive Protein (CRP)
  • Interleukin 6 (IL6)
  • Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha (TNF-a)
  • Interleukin – 1 and 8
  • Cyclooxygenase 2 (Cox 2)

Elevated levels of CRP or IL6 dramatically increase one’s risk for heart attack, diabetes or cancer.  Consider the huge over-emphasis conventional medicine has placed on cholesterol levels and realize then the disconnect in the fact that half of all heart attacks occur to people with normal cholesterol. And serious killer plaque is found in people with arteries that are not blocked.

Inflammation Provocateurs
In most every chronic degenerative or autoimmune disease a chronic virus, parasite, bacteria, or similar microbe is present.  When the genome project was completed it was found that 1/3 of our genes are viral genes.  These viral genes can be expressed with a chemical insult.  Considering that the average American body is contaminated with 300 – 500 different chemicals, it is not too difficult to see how easy it would be for the expression of a virus and the onset of an inflammatory response.  In this case the virus is not coming from outside to within but originates from within.  The role of infection in heart disease is well documented in the scientific literature, but likewise with arthritis and a host of others.  Unless these pathogens are eliminated or in the case of viruses, the chemical provocateurs excreted, they will continue to act as an inflammatory mediator and continue to promote the inflammatory cycle described above. These really must be tracked down and eliminated and the sources for re-entry greatly reduced.

Changing Our Diets
While pathogens or traumas via the inflammatory response are indeed involved in most all chronic diseases, the most pervasive factor under girding this is the Standard American Diet (SAD).  Our SAD diets are typically loaded with inflammatory fats, processed foods and really junk foods.  Consider that the number one source of calories in the American diet is soft drinks.  This used to be white flour/bread, so we are not making any progress whatsoever.  The consumption of doughnuts, pastries, potato/corn chips, burgers, cookies, candy and the like are indeed, well designed to produce inflammation in our bodies.

So what in our diets has to change?  We have to decrease the excess consumption of pro-inflammatory omega 6 fats (oils from corn, soy, safflower, etc) along with the omission of all trans fats and hydrogenated fats (found in margarine, mayonnaise, crackers, cookies, chips, and in fact almost all processed food).  We also have to increase anti-inflammatory omega 3 fats (cold-water fish/fish oil, and to a minor extent flax) that are way under-consumed compared to the omega 6 oils.Any liquid oil that is exposed to heat, light or air will begin to oxidize and become partially rancid, unfit for consumption. Since every cell of our body has a lipid (fatty) membrane, these damaged fats, along with the excess undamaged omega 6 fats, will become a part of the cellular structure where they will participant in the inflammatory cascade.

Remember, inflammation is not necessarily bad in and of itself.  It becomes a problem when it becomes like an accelerator in a car that gets stuck and the brakes (omega 3 fats) are inadequate.  When the balance of the omega 6:3 ratio shifts excessively in the omega 6 direction, we create an inflammatory pump just waiting for a trigger to flip the “switch”.

Here is an example of how we do this.  Beef used to come from animals that were almost exclusively grass-fed (exactly what they were designed to eat).  Now, the epitome of a great steak is one from corn-fed beef.  But when we consume corn-fed beef instead of grass-fed beef, we change the omega 6:3 ratio from 1:1 in grass-fed beef to 16:1 in corn-fed beef-a dramatic increase in the pro-inflammatory direction.  The same shift occurs in chickens and their eggs when we cage them as opposed to free-range hens and eggs.  Some estimate that we consume as much as twenty times the amount of omega 6 fats as we should, compared to the amount of omega 3 fats.

Dietary Recommendations –  Eat Whole, Natural foods
The following dietary/supplement guidelines are contraindicated if you are on a blood thinner such as coumadin and are not to supplant the specific advice of your physician.

  • Use only red meats such as grass-fed beef or buffalo but never in excess.  Omit all processed meats such as bacon, sausage, deli meats etc.
  • Use eggs, chickens and turkeys for consumption that have been allowed free-range.  Not generally found at commercial grocery stores where eggs are at least 1 month old.
  • Protein from wild Alaskan salmon, halibut or other cold-water fish is encouraged; but use only wild, uncontaminated sources.  Most fish today, including fresh water fish, are contaminated with mercury, PCBs or dioxin.  Farm-raised salmon (about 2/3 of the US market) should never be used.
  • Omit all refined carbohydrates and high glycemic foods from white flour, white sugar, white rice, etc.  These foods are nutritionally depleted and convert to sugar rapidly (high glycemic).  Other high glycemic and problem foods include potatoes, breakfast cereals, muffins, crackers, cookies, etc.  One anti-aging specialist finds that high glycemic foods may be responsible for 50% of skin aging caused by sugar molecules reacting with collagen and releasing cell damaging free radicals that will induce an inflammatory chain of events.
  • Reduce significantly all deep/fried foods and food requiring high temperatures including, French fries, corn/potato chips, burgers, fried chicken, pizza, doughnuts.  Fried foods and foods held at high temperatures will produce Advanced Glycation End products (AGEs) whereby a sugar molecule binds to a cell protein.  The damaged proteins accumulate and will stimulate the production of inflammatory cytokines.  In addition the fats in some of these foods may be more than 1/3 trans fats.
  • Eliminate beverages containing refined sugars, high fructose corn syrup or artificial sweeteners (including Splenda and Aspartame or NutraSweet).  These include sodas, most bottled teas, diet sodas and most fruit juices.  All of these will encourage the inflammatory process.
  • Do consume 4 -6 servings of anti-inflammatory, green or yellow vegetables daily.
  • Fruits can be an excellent source of anti-oxidants especially highly colored ones.  The best fruits to consider that are low glycemic and anti-oxidant rich are cherries, berries, apples, pears and red grapes.
  • Nuts, seeds and legumes are low glycemic and most nuts and some seeds have some healthy fats including some omega 3s.
  • The best cooking oils are olive, coconut, and grape seed oil.  Do not use oils from soy, corn, sunflower, safflower etc.


Anti-inflammatory Supplements to Consider

    • Always use digestive enzymes to adequately digest your food.  Plant-based enzymes before meals are preferred.  Most individuals with autoimmune or other chronic disease will benefit from potassium-activated hydrochloric acid to fully digest food, support the stomach and immune system and decrease intestinal inflammation.


    • probiotic (friendly bacteria) naturally assists the enzymes in improving gut health and controlling intestinal inflammation.


    • Omega 3 fish oils are an essential component of any anti-inflammatory program.  Fish oils in the range of 2-3000 mg/day (or higher in some cases) have been found to significantly suppress inflammatory cytokine production.  Be sure the total consumed is for the combined amount of EPA and DHA only, not the total amount of fatty acids in the capsule or liquid.  And be sure it is free of toxic contaminants as well.


    • Gamma Linolenic acid (GLA), 250 – 350 mg of GLA/day can also promote a reduction in inflammation.  Sources of these include, Borage oil, Black Current Seed oil, or Evening Primrose oil (preferred).


    • Proteolytic enzymes from natural (plant or animal) sources can have a significant benefit in pain syndromes and inflammation reduction.  They can improve blood flow and breakdown immune complexes (inflammation) in auto-immunity.  Possible sources include:  Bromalin (pineapple source), 1200-2400mg/day; Marcozyme or Wobenzyme (multiple enzymes of plant/animal sources), 4 –12 tablets/day on empty stomach; Nattokinase (best for cardiovascular and plant source), 100 – 200 mg/day; Serratiopeptidase (from silk moth) 10 – 30 mg/day.


    • Anti-inflammatory herbs can be of significant help in alleviating inflammation.


      • Turmeric (best choice all-around/active component is curcumin) 600 – 1200 mg/day
      • Ginger root 300 – 600/day
      • Garlic – in capsules use the allicin equivalent to 1 ½ cloves/day
      • Boswellia Serrata, 500 – 900 mg/day
      • Devils Claw, Cats Claw, Green tea and Cayenne pepper – consider these also
    • Anti-oxidant support may have considerable impact on CRP and other cytokines and will decrease inflammation


      • Vitamin C, 1-2 gm daily with higher doses in some cases
      • Vitamin E (including D-alpha and D-gamma Tocopherol) 400 – 800 IU with higher doses in some cases
      • Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) 500 –1200 mg/day or best DHLA Nano-Plex (a reduced form of live-source ALA) ¼ – ½ tsp 2X/day.  DHLA can significantly reduce lipid peroxides, the destructive promoters of chronic degenerative, inflammatory diseases.


    • General Recommendations


    •  Get adequate sleep.  Sleep deprivation will increase inflammatory cytokines and cortisol significantly
    • Use as much organic food as possible.  Pesticides, herbicides, act as inflammatory toxins
    • Be cautious about what you put on your skin – what you apply to your skin you eat!  Would you eat Deep Woods Off?  How pure are your cosmetics?  Does your antiperspirant contain aluminum?
    • Be cautious about what you spray or smell such as spray paints, insect spray, week killers, perfumes, etc. the list is endless.  We live in a rather toxic world.
    • Reduce your weight if necessary.  Fat cells are a significant source of inflammatory cytokines.
    • Reduce stress/anxiety as it will directly lead to increase the inflammatory process

Adrenal and Sex Hormone Assessment

Adrenal and Sex Hormone Assessment

Natural Health Services

Adrenal and Sex Hormone Assessment

Arkansas Nutrition and Natural Healing

Dr. Roger Trubey, Dr.PH, MPH, and Doctor of Integrative Medicine 362 Unger Trail, Mountain Home, Arkansas 72653

Call 501-538-4944

Hormones exert a powerful influence over all physical, intellectual and emotional behavior. Problems with weight, memory, sleep, digestion, blood pressure, high cholesterol, cravings, addictions, sexual dysfunctions, and problems associated with the immune system, are all influenced by the endocrine system. Endocrine problems lead to a wide spectrum of symptoms that in most cases can be reversed using natural methods.

A primary marker of the aging process in both men and women is a reduction in normal hormone levels which is responsible in large part for infertility, decreased energy and muscle strength, loss of libido, depression, mood swings, inability to cope, and an increase in the symptoms of PMS and menopause.  Research has shown that the use of natural hormone replacement can provide benefits for both men and women.

Estrogen dominance is a primary cause of almost all female health problems, including fibrocystic breast disease, PMS, mood swings, excessive bleeding, endometriosis, fibroids, infertility, and ovarian cysts. Perimenopause is the time when hormone levels begin to shift in preparation for menopause. It is not so much the decrease in hormones that produces the uncomfortable symptoms associated with perimenopause, but rather the changing ratio between estrogen and progesterone. Chronic or episodic depression, severe mood swings, and anxiety are frequent manifestations of these midlife fluctuations.

But estrogen can also be found deficient in the female body as well.  Signs of estrogen deficiency include: hot flashes, night sweats, dry eyes, vaginal dryness, sagging breasts and loss of breast fullness, mental fogginess, depression, changes in mood, decreased sense of sensuality and sexuality.

Progesterone is another female “sex” hormone, produced in the ovaries, that prepares the uterus for a fertilized egg. Its sudden withdrawal causes the uterus to shed its lining if pregnancy does not occur. While estrogen is high (during days 7-14 of the menstrual cycle), progesterone is at its lowest level. Its levels climb to a peak between days 14 – 24, and then dramatically drop off again just before the start of menstruation. Ideally, women should have five to ten times more progesterone than estrogen in the blood and 40 to 150 times more in the saliva. The lower the ratio of progesterone to estrogen, the higher the risk of health problems. Progesterone has the unique ability to change its structural form to become other hormones, allowing it to be converted and utilized by the body to the point of depletion.

Testosterone is responsible for much more than defining sexual characteristics in men or influencing sex drive. Testosterone is essential for life since it helps to regulate basic metabolism. Testosterone also facilitates protein synthesis and the building of body and bone tissues. Testosterone is produced by small groups of specialized cells within the testicles and is also secreted, to a lesser extent, by the ovaries. The production of testosterone is triggered by luteinizing hormone (LH), produced in the pituitary gland. In the absence of LH, testosterone production ceases. With age, blood levels of testosterone slowly decrease. Research conducted by the National Institute of Health has shown a 2% reduction per year from age 30 to age 70.

Endocrine problems may be the result of stress. Simply put, stress is the sum total of all mental and physical input over a given period of time. The marker used to measure stress is the adrenal steroid hormone, cortisol. Stress, whether physical or emotional in origin, provokes a response by the adrenal glands. Many hormonal imbalances are the direct result of adrenal insufficiency. When the adrenal glands become exhausted due to overwork, adequate levels of the stress hormones, DHEA and cortisol cannot be produced, this in turn plays a major role in the usage, or the misappropriation of all the other steroid hormones.  In other words with undue, long-term stress the body will use sex hormones to make stress hormones.  This is never an efficient system and was only designed by the creator for emergencies.  The trouble is that when this process continues for long periods of time, a maladaption takes place that depletes both progesterone and testosterone leading to estrogen dominance and all the problems associated with that in both men and women.

The adrenal glands produce two primary hormones, DHEA and cortisol. Both are considered the major shock absorber hormones in the body. They buffer us to stress and the negative impact it can have on both mental and physical function. Long-term stress can have a serious impact on the adrenal glands and cause them to shrink and reduce production. This causes cellular damage, which sets off a chain reaction affecting all parts of the body, as well as accelerating the aging process.

The adrenal glands hold the key to the hierarchy of hormones. It is necessary to establish the proper foundation first which means you must determine the cause of the hormonal dysfunction and treat the cause first. Our research has shown that to cause a positive hormonal change you must normalize adrenal activity first. It is the mainspring in the hormonal mechanism. When the adrenals malfunction, all other associated systems will as well. The symptoms associated with adrenal dysfunction are diverse and can involve the digestive, circulatory, respiratory, as well as the brain and nervous systems. In addition, the adrenals can impact the growth and repair of bones, muscles, hair and nails.


Knowing your adrenal and sex hormone levels is an important first step in assessing where your hormones may be out of balance and determining whether your current natural hormone regimen is working for you. If you are wondering whether certain symptoms may be due to a hormone imbalance, this is a quick, easy, and accurate way to find out.

There are three primary ways of assessing hormone levels – blood, saliva and urine. While each some advantages and disadvantages, it is my opinion that overall the best method is urine. But some testing will combine the saliva and urine and some parameters are only assessed via blood.

Saliva testing – While the free cortisol pattern in saliva has clinical value, there is a significant missing piece to surveying a patient’s HPA-Axis function with saliva testing – measuring metabolized cortisol. To properly characterize a patient’s cortisol status, free and metabolized cortisol should be measured to avoid misleading results when cortisol clearance is abnormally high or low. Likewise with sex hormones, measuring estrogen and androgen metabolites gives a fuller picture for more precise clinical diagnosis of hormonal imbalances and HRT monitoring.

Serum testing – While the most universally accepted testing method (due to the availability of FDA-cleared analyzers that are reliable and inexpensive), serum testing is lacking in some areas. Adrenal hormones cannot be effectively tested in serum because free cortisol cannot be tested throughout the day. There is also a lack of extensive metabolite testing (especially for cortisol and estrogens).

24-Hour Urine Testing – There are two primary drawbacks to urine testing of hormones. First, the collection is cumbersome, and as many as 40% of those who collect, do so in error. Secondly, dysfunction in the diurnal pattern of cortisol cannot be ascertained from a 24-hour collection. The daily free cortisol pattern was formerly only available with salivary testing.

The Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones (DUTCH) offers some distinct advantages.

· This advanced hormone testing was developed to improve on the available hormone testing options. DUTCH offers the most extensive profile of sex and adrenal hormones along with their metabolites. Additionally, the daily (diurnal) pattern of free cortisol is included along with melatonin. This unique combination of clinical information is not available by any other method.

· Effective HRT Monitoring: DUTCH testing was specifically made to be optimally effective for most forms of hormone replacement therapy. Unique methods are used for improved monitoring of oral progesterone and vaginal hormones.

· The Easiest Patient Collection: Patients collect just four or five dried urine samples over a 24-hour period. Dried specimen shipments are convenient worldwide. Dried samples are stable for several weeks.

· Analytical and Clinical Validation: Precision Analytical testing methods go through a rigorous validation process to verify accuracy, precision, recovery, linearity, etc.

In a separate test the lab providing the DUTCH assessment also combines the regular DUTCH urine assessment with saliva testing as a means of assessing a Cortisol Awakening Response (CAR). CAR is the natural rise in cortisol that is seen 30 to 40 minutes after awakening followed by a noticeable drop by 60 minutes. This activity is influenced by brain activity (hypothalamus/pituitary) and by adrenal function. Stress of all types will have a major influence on the CAR response.

Lower than normal CAR is often seen in individuals with:

· A high amount of psychosocial burnout

· Chronic fatigue


· Seasonal affective disorder (during winter)

· Nightshift work schedules

· Sleep apnea

· Short sleep cycles

· Chronic inflammation

· Adrenal insufficiency

· Lack of morning sunlight exposure

· Hippocampal damage or atrophy

· Amnesia (due to temporal lobe damage)


Factors associated with an elevated CAR include:

· Immediate access to light upon awakening

· Depression

· Ovulation phase of the menstrual cycle

· Sleep issues

· Older age

· Ongoing job-related and perceived stress (CAR is significantly higher on work days)


Hormone testing provides clues about menstrual irregularities, infertility, erectile dysfunction, endometriosis and osteoporosis. A hormone test can determine some of the reasons for hot flashes, night sweats, decreased libido, as well as monitor bio-identical and natural hormone therapy. In addition The DUTCH assessment also provides you a number of other very important clinical health parameters including:

· Methylation activity on hormones

· Vitamin B6 and B12 markers

· Glutathione marker

· Neurotransmitter metabolites

· Melatonin levels

· 8-OHdG Oxidative stress level

· Phase I and II detox function


Saliva contains the free fraction of the hormones which reflects the bioactive tissue levels. Free Fractions in saliva correlate more closely with clinical symptoms than total blood serum hormone levels (which mostly reflect the bound fraction). But dried urine testing has been shown to be extremely well correlated with saliva levels while at the same time providing us with many additional parameters that are unavailable with either saliva or blood.

Adrenal and sex hormone assessment is an accurate and simple way for you to know your current status of both the adrenals and sex hormones giving you information you will find highly valuable to improving your overall health.


Call Dr. Trubey at 501-538-4944 and make an appointment for a comprehensive health evaluation today.

Toxic Metal Evaluation

Toxic Metal Evaluation

More Nutritional Articles


Toxic Metal Evaluation


Arkansas Nutrition and Natural Healing

Dr. Roger Trubey, Dr.PH, MPH, and Doctor of Integrative Medicine 362 Unger Trail, Mountain Home, Arkansas 72653

Call 501-538-4944

Urine heavy metal analysis is an invaluable tool for the assessment of retention of toxic metals in the body.  Toxic metals in the body do not have any useful physiological function, adversely affect nearly every organ system and disrupt the homeostasis of nutrient elements.

Blood levels of toxic minerals are unreliable indicators of the actual body burden.  They are trapped within the tissues of the body where they replace nutritional minerals in critical areas and poison cellular function.   The body has a difficult time excreting these toxic metals and over time can accumulate to higher and higher levels.  Individuals will vary in their ability to eliminate these metals and will also vary in their individual sensitivity to the toxic effects of these metals.  Due to this variability of sensitivity and excretion capacity, it is difficult to predict how individuals will be affected when exposed to heavy metals and whether it is a factor in the symptoms and dysfunction of each patient.  What we do know is that it is very common to find toxic metals like lead, aluminum, mercury, barium, cadmium and arsenic, among others, when testing.

Most conventional physicians do not accept the concept of chronic metal toxicity as a cause of chronic degenerative disease.  While they recognize and accept acute poisoning by toxic metals, they fail to appreciate how many of their patients are severely burdened with a buildup of toxic metals over time and the role they play in their patient’s health problems.  Acute poisoning by metals and chronic exposure will present very different symptom pictures.

When acutely poisoned, a person will have the metal present in the blood and urine.  However the body will rapidly distribute the toxic metals into safer areas in the tissues and they will no longer be detectable in either blood or urine.  When acutely poisoned with toxic metals, an individual is critically ill and needs chelation treatments immediately.  When poisoned more slowly over time, an individual can become chronically ill and often has just as much need to remove these metals to improve their health as well.

When evaluating for heavy metal toxicity, patients use a rectal suppository of EDTA and a few capsules of DMSA taken orally.  Both EDTA and DMSA are chelators that have a strong affinity for toxic metals and bind them with sufficient strength to adequately remove them from the tissues and induce their elimination mostly through the urine but to a smaller extent through the stool.  An overnight urine collection is then sent to the laboratory for evaluation of the various metals.  Both chelators have a long history of safe and effective use in the removal of toxic metals. If there is a need for additional chelators to clear out heavy metals we are not without alternatives. These can be in addition to or in place of the above. NDF is an excellent binder of metals and even a good Vitamin C and Glutathione are excellent binders and removers of metals, although generally a bit slower. Lypospheric Vitamin C and Lipospheric Glutathione I would highly recommend. Glutathione is the powerful intracellular antioxidant absolutely critical for good health. For most individuals the problem is that toxic metals are coming in faster than the body is able to get rid of them.


Call Dr. Trubey at 501-538-4944 for an examination. Comprehensive health evaluation to include metal toxic poisoning testing.

Nutritional Therapy

Nutritional Therapy

Vitamin, Mineral and Nutrient Assessment

Arkansas Nutrition and Natural Healing

Dr. Roger Trubey, Dr.PH, MPH, and Doctor of Integrative Medicine 362 Unger Trail, Mountain Home, Arkansas 72653

Call 501-538-4944

Overwhelming scientific evidence confirms that vitamin and mineral deficiencies are associated with disease processes and the overall condition of one’s health. Vitamin, mineral and antioxidant deficiencies have been shown to suppress immune function and contribute to chronic degenerative processes such as arthritis, cancer, Alzheimer’s, cardiovascular disease and diabetes. This body of research has been reaffirmed by the Journal of the American Medical Association (June 19, 2002-Vol 287, No 23).

I use the Micronutrient testing provided by SpectraCell Laboratories.  This patented process resulted from 18 years of research at the University of Texas. The micronutrient tests measures how vitamins, minerals and other nutrients are actually functioning within your white blood cells. These tests allow me to provide an objective nutritional assessment for a broad variety of clinical conditions including arthritis, cancer, cardiovascular risk, diabetes, various immunological disorders, metabolic disorders and micronutrient deficiencies. Through SpectraCell we can also assess one’s Lipoprotein Particle Profile, a specialized profile of homocysteine, lipids and proteins to assess cardiovascular risk. .

Before the introduction of intracellular testing, many diagnosis and risk assessments were based on clinical observation and measurements of static levels of certain nutrients in serum. Static serum levels are commonly not representative indicators for assessing cell metabolism and utilization.  A functional evaluation of nutrients, like that offered by Spectracell, offers a unique means to scientifically assess the intracellular requirements of our nutrients that play an important role in our overall health and wellness. These tests measure the biochemical function of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and antioxidants, providing a powerful clinical assessment tool that provides you with very specific information regarding any deficiency of nutrients that you may have.  This assessment of your vitamins, minerals and other nutrients is designed to provide you with the most objective nutritional analysis available. .

The test also provides each patient a total antioxidant evaluation (SPECTROX™), which assesses the ability of cells to resist damage caused by free radicals and other forms of oxidative stress. Due to the considerable number of cellular antioxidants with extensive interactions, redundancies, repair and recharging capabilities, measuring total function is the most accurate and clinically useful way to assess your body’s capacity to resist oxidative damage.  Given that we are continually exposed to a huge variety of oxidants – toxic metals, chemicals, pesticides, biological agents etc – our need to protect ourselves from this onslaught is critical.  This part of the test will evaluate exactly how well your body is able to do just that..

Nutritional Therapy

The Nutrients tested in the Vitamin, Mineral and Nutrient Assessment:


Vitamin A
Vitamin B1
Vitamin B2
Vitamin B3
Vitamin B6
Vitamin B12
Vitamin C
Vitamin D
Vitamin K



Amino Acids



Alpha Lipoic Acid
Coenzyme Q10
Vitamin E


for Total Antioxidant Function

Carbohydrate Metabolism

Fructose Sensitivity
Glucose-Insulin Metabolism

Fatty Acids

Oleic Acid




To be sure, there are other means of assessing ones nutrient status. But the above is the most objective assessment means available.

Call Dr. Trubey today at 501-538-4944 to test whether Vitamin Mineral Deficiency is suppressing your immune function and contributing to a poor health condition.

Advanced Allergy Therapeutics

Advanced Allergy Therapeutics

Natural Health Services

Advanced Allergy Therapeutics

Arkansas Nutrition and Natural Healing

Dr. Roger Trubey, Dr.PH, MPH, and Doctor of Integrative Medicine 362 Unger Trail, Mountain Home, Arkansas 72653

Call 501-538-4944

Advanced Allergy Therapeutics (AAT) offers a unique and highly effective approach in treating the many symptoms associated with allergies and sensitivities. AAT is a precision-based therapy that treats the organ systems involved in an overreaction. AAT does not treat the immune system; instead, the therapy focuses on inappropriate reactions to a harmless substance in relation to the organs systems to produce rapid, long-term results for the relief of associated symptoms. AAT merges 21st century science with 3,000-year-old traditional acupuncture and modern naturopathic principles in offering an effective alternative in the treatment of symptoms associated with allergies and sensitivities.

  • Non-invasive
  • No needles
  • No herbal remedies
  • No supplements
  • No avoidance
  • Just results!


Allergies and sensitivities are caused by an inappropriate reaction to harmless substances.

The word “allergy” comes from the Greek allos, meaning “other”. It was first used in 1906 to refer to an “altered reaction” in the body’s immune system.

A “true allergy” is a reaction triggered by the immune system, however there are a vast number of symptoms or conditions caused by sensitivities that may or may not involve the immune system. With reactions involving food, a large percentage of the population believes they have allergies, yet fewer than 2% actually have true allergies. In fact, many suffer from undiagnosed food sensitivities or intolerances. The majority of patients who seek the AAT treatment do not have true allergies; their symptoms are likely to be caused by sensitivities with no immune involvement. Since there are few options for the treatment of sensitivities, other than avoidance, AAT provides a highly effective alternative. Symptoms caused by true allergies, however, also respond well to the treatment as the organs systems involved in the reaction are also addressed.

The use of the word “allergy” has become a generic term used by the public to describe allergies, sensitivities and intolerances.


Advanced Allergy Therapeutics (AAT) is a clinically proven treatment that is highly effective in relieving the many symptoms associated with allergies and sensitivities. It is a therapeutic approach that was developed from over 16 years of clinical research. The AAT treatment does not rely on the use of medications, herbal remedies or supplements. The treatment is safe, painless and available to all ages including infants.

Advanced Allergy Therapeutics works directly with the relationship between the major organ systems and inappropriate reactions to harmless substances. While the immune system is responsible for initiating an immune reaction in the case of true allergies, it is the health and state of the organ systems that often determines the type of symptoms that may arise. With both sensitivities and allergies, symptoms typically stem from the organ system affected. For example, one patient may have a reaction to soybean by getting rashes while another patient may react with sinus congestion, heartburn or Irritable Bowel Syndrome. The symptoms in each of these cases represent a different organ system involved. By treating the organ system(s) involved in a reaction, the body is able to respond more appropriately.

During treatment, gentle pressure is used on points that correspond with the organ systems involved in a reaction. The degree of stress on the organ systems caused by an allergen or offending agent is proportional to the degree of the negative reaction. While the stimulation is applied, a subtle representation of the offending substance is introduced to the surface of the skin. The stimulation reduces the stress on the effected organ system, allowing for a more appropriate response.

All holistic fields of medicine are aligned in the approach to treat the whole body. They share the understanding that health conditions may develop as a result of interference in proper functioning caused by various forms of stress or other factors. Reducing the stress or interference allows for optimal health. When the specific organ system is supported and stress is reduced, the whole body is able to respond more appropriately.

AAT does not diagnose allergies, sensitivities or intolerances.

AAT does not test for allergies or sensitivities. The AAT system simply assesses what may be causing a stress to the body.

AAT does not cure allergies, nor does the therapy treat the immune system. AAT is a highly effective treatment that provides long-term relief from symptoms associated with allergies or sensitivities.


AAT does not treat cases of anaphylaxis or life threatening symptoms. Strict avoidance is always advised in these cases.


A sensitivity or inappropriate reaction may cause symptoms from any organ system in the body. Some systems are prone to reacting to certain families of allergies or substances, such as the respiratory system reacting to pollen. However, a substance may affect any organ system, which could cause a multitude of symptoms varying from case to case. For example, a reaction to wheat may cause hives in one person, digestive issues in another, fatigue, wheezing or Acid Reflux all in different patients. AAT addresses the specific organ systems affected by the allergen or offending substance.

Digestive System

Symptoms include reflux, heartburn, abdominal and intestinal pain, cramping, gas, bloating, nausea, diarrhea and vomiting, primarily caused by reactions to food or other ingestants.

Respiratory System

Symptoms include sneezing, congestion, runny nose, wheezing, shortness of breath, coughs, postnasal drip, skin conditions, rashes and itchy, watery eyes. Reactions may be associated with pollens, dust, food, chemicals and animals (including dog and cat dander and bird feathers), air-borne substances and contactants.


Symptoms may include red, itchy, or scaly skin rashes, blisters with oozing and crusting, dry leathery patches or hives. The main cause of dermatological reactions can be a reaction to food but can also be caused by plants, contactants and chemicals.

Headaches and Migraines

May be caused by reactions to food such as chocolate and caffeine, airborne irritants such as pollens and chemicals including household cleaners, perfumes and vehicle fumes.

Tiredness and Fatigue

Many reactions result in lethargy and feelings of fatigue. Tiredness can also occur at certain times of the day, such as in the afternoon after eating.

Multiple Systems

Symptoms may affect multiple systems in the body, resulting in headaches, irritability, hyperactivity, mood swings, fatigue, tachycardia, or inflammation.


Chemicals – household cleaners, perfumes, building materials, washing detergent, pesticides

Occupational sensitivities such as latex or building materials such as paints, glues, carpets, woods or varnishes


Heat, cold and humidity/dampness

Symptoms associated with an allergy or sensitivity can contribute to common conditions such as: asthma, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). However not all cases involve allergies or sensitivities.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is primarily caused by sensitivities and affects approximately 15% of the population. Common symptoms include diarrhea, constipation, and bloating and abdominal pain.

Skin conditions, such as eczema, dermatitis and hives are commonly associated with the symptoms of an allergy or sensitivity.


AAT cannot guarantee any results. While AAT may be highly effective in the relief of many symptoms associated with allergies or sensitivities, some cases do not respond.

AAT does not treat cases of anaphylaxis or life threatening symptoms. Strict avoidance is always advised.


Shell Fish
Red and White Wine, Beer
Chemicals, Latex
Fruit – Berries, citrus etc Food Components
Airborne Irritants
Herbal Remedies
Dust, Dust Mites
Barometric pressure
Nutritional supplements
Nightshade foods
Seasonal allergens Environmental allergens
Animal Dander
Woods, Metals
Dairy foods
Fabrics, Upholstery
Stinging Insects
Coffee and Chocolate
Detergents, Softeners


How soon will I see results?

Many cases respond quickly to the treatment and achieve long-term results within the first few treatments. However, each case is different and some patients require additional treatment.

What are the most common symptoms addressed in the clinic?

I have added more symptoms – since we are taking out the conditions above.
Bloating, cramping, reflux, heartburn, gas, diarrhea, nausea, runny nose, sneezing, congestion, post-nasal drip, itchy watery eyes, coughs, wheezing, shortness of breath, red, scaly or itchy rashes, blisters with oozing and crusting, dry leathery skin areas, hives, itchy skin, hyperactivity, mood swings, headaches, fatigue, tiredness, chemical sensitivities, reactions to the sun, any negative reaction to harmless substances.

How many sessions are needed?

The number of sessions required depends on the number of items causing a reaction. For example, a patient who reacts to five families of substances (dairy, wheat, corn, animal dander and pollen) may require between 5 to 12 sessions to relieve the symptoms or resolve a condition.

Is there an age restriction for the treatments?

No. All ages may be treated, including infants.

How long do I have to wait before I can have contact with the items that were addressed in my session?

Following a session, a patient should avoid the substance that was treated for 2 hours, if possible. Depending on the item addressed, avoidance is not always possible. It is recommended that the patient not have excessive contact with the item until the following day.

How much does it cost and what is included?

The Initial Session is $145, which includes an assessment and one treatment.

Follow-Up treatments are $85.

Can I have more than one treatment in a day?

Yes. Two treatments can be completed in one day. However, there must be at least 2 hours between sessions.

How long are the sessions?

The Initial Session takes approximately 60 minutes and includes an assessment and one treatment. Follow-Up Sessions take 15 to 60 minutes and include one treatment.

Do you take health insurance for the treatments?

No. We do not take health insurance.

How do I make an appointment?

You can make an appointment by calling the clinic directly at 501-538-4944. You do not need a doctor’s referral.

Do I need to do anything before my appointment?

Patients should arrive 20 minutes prior to the Initial Session to complete the necessary forms unless you have previously completed them.

Please do not smoke or wear perfume or fragrances prior to coming in to the clinic. This is a courtesy to other patients who may be sensitive to those substances.

Please bring any allergy tests from medical doctors to the Initial Session.

Prescription or over-the-counter medications will not affect the treatment.

Patients who have other therapies (massage, chiropractic, acupuncture, etc) scheduled on the same day as the AAT treatment should schedule those therapies PRIOR to the AAT treatment, if possible.

If experiencing an acute stage of illness including an elevated temperature, the patient should contact the clinic to reschedule the appointment.

The Arkansas Center for Nutrition and Natural Healing and Total Health Services DO NOT treat anaphylaxis or any life-threatening symptoms. Strict avoidance is always advised.

Do I need to stop taking any of my medications before the treatment?

No, patients do not need to stop taking medication that has been prescribed by a medical doctor without his/her authorization. You may continue taking over the counter medication to control current symptoms, as this will not affect the treatment.

Are any traditional medical allergy tests offered in the clinic?

We do not offer any conventional allergy testing. Patients are encouraged to bring in allergy tests from their physicians.

Are there any guarantees that my symptoms will be relieved?

Unfortunately, we can offer no guarantees; however, the majority of our patients respond favorably to the AAT treatment on a long-term basis. We cannot guarantee that new symptoms will not develop in the future.

Can food intolerance be treated?

No. A food intolerance is different from an allergy or sensitivity in that there may be an enzyme deficiency, which inhibits the body from properly digesting the substance. Such cases are not affected by the treatment.

Can you treat for anaphylactic symptoms?

No. We do not treat conditions involving anaphylactic reactions. However, patients with an anaphylactic reaction may be treated for other sensitivities that are not life threatening.


Call Dr. Trubey at 501-538-4944 for availability of appointment.


Organic Acid Analysis

Organic Acid Analysis

Organic Acid Analysis


Arkansas Nutrition and Natural Healing

Dr. Roger Trubey, Dr.PH, MPH, and Doctor of Integrative Medicine 362 Unger Trail, Mountain Home, Arkansas 72653

Call 501-538-4944

The Organic acid analysis provides a metabolic “snapshot” into what the body is discarding through the urine.  These small organic acid molecules are byproducts of human cellular activity, food digestion and gut flora activity.  They provide to us markers of nutritional deficiencies, specific detoxification needs or disturbed metabolic pathways.  When excessive yeast or bacteria are present their metabolites clue us into to their excess so appropriate changes can be made.   Because the organic acid analysis provides us this window into human cellular activity, from it we can determine:

  • Cellular energy production
  • Metabolic toxicity
  • Detoxification needs and problems
  • Functional vitamin, mineral and other nutrient deficiencies
  • Amino acid deficiencies
  • Neurotransmitter problems
  • intestinal flora imbalances
  • Environmental pollutants

The usefulness of this unique profile, one rarely used in conventional medicine, is that it provides insight into so many areas of the human physiology.  It has implications for the practitioner into many problem areas, including but certainly not limited to:

  • Fatigue
  • Nausea
  • Multiple chemical sensitivity
  • Intestinal distress
  • Joint pain
  • Autoimmune disorders
  • Inflammatory conditions
  • Headaches
  • Early ageing
  • Vitamin and nutrient deficiencies
  • Environmental toxicities

These small organic molecules in a healthy individual appear in only very small amounts.  But when we have disturbances in vitamin, mineral and hormone metabolism, energy shifts, or the integrity of the intestinal wall is compromised and muscle function is disturbed, these compounds can increase significantly, signaling where a problem is at.  Sometimes in individuals with chronic illness, autoimmune disorders or allergic illness we may find a number of abnormal organic acids being produced in rather high quantities.   The reasons behind these increases are quite varied, but may come from antibiotic use, excessive consumption of carbohydrates, immune deficiencies, genetic factors and toxin accumulation
Once abnormalities are detected there is a variety of treatment options available to improve one’s health and return to feeling well.  As such, the organic acid analysis is an extremely useful screening and assessment tool for a variety of very common health problems.