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Initial Evaluation – What to Expect

Initial Evaluation - What to Expect


Initial Evaluation – What to Expect


Arkansas Nutrition and Natural Healing

Dr. Roger Trubey, Dr.PH, MPH, and Doctor of Integrative Medicine 362 Unger Trail, Mountain Home, Arkansas 72653

Call 501-538-4944

I often find that many new patients have never been to a Naturopathic Doctor previously.

Some have always used natural remedies that they learned from mom or dad or they just knew intuitively that it was the best place to start.  Others, having used a more traditional route with conventional doctors, came to see me because their chronic issue(s) was/were not being resolved.

I always start with a thorough history.

So I always ask “what is your primary health concern?”   Sometimes it is only one concern but often it can be three or four.   What is important to you is very important to me so I want to know as much about your problem(s) as you can provide.  I want to know how long you have had symptoms, how long ago you were given a diagnosis (if you were given one) and I want to know what makes the problem better or what makes it worse.  It is important for me to know if there was some event in your life that preceded the onset of symptoms.  Was there an illness, like a flu that preceded the onset of symptoms, or did it begin with a travel event, auto accident, or a major stress of some type.  These are clues that may be useful in determining the underlying cause(s).

The underlying cause or causes is far more important than having a diagnosis and most patients do recognize this.

Sometimes the event that started the problem was only a trigger for a deeper underlying cause – like a serious cold or flu that awakens a dormant, but more serious chronic infection.  Or an automobile accident that weakens the immune system and awakens a smoldering and chronic infection to a more significant level of activity.

We can take a pain reliever for a headache and while it may relieve the pain, aspirin or Tylenol deficiency is not the cause of the headache.  I want to know what that cause is.  Sometimes the underlying cause was not the precipitating cause and I need all this information to try to distinguish the two.

The problem most patients have with chronic disease today is that in conventional medicine, the underlying reasons for the disease is never really assessed.  Chronic viruses, the Lyme spirochete, mold toxins, food sensitivities, gluten, chemicals, pesticides, herbicides, damaged or leaky gut, parasites, adrenal and mitochondrial dysfunction and much more are, for the most part, ignored, or worse, scoffed at and ridiculed.  But today, all chronic diseases have one or more of these underlying factors and they must be uncovered if we are to get long-term relief of chronic illness.  The body always wants to heal but it is generally necessary to remove some blocking agents to allow the body to accomplish its goal.

I also want to know what you are eating and drinking during a typical day.

This will provide further clues so that I can give you the best possible advice to improve your health.

I will also ask about dental interventions.  I want to know if you have had any root canals, dental restorations and the materials used.  I will want to find out if your gums bleed or if you have periodontal disease.  What happens in your mouth has a great deal to do with the health of your body.   All of our teeth (or spaces where a tooth was) are on a specific acupuncture meridian and connected directly with specific organs of the body.   Any inflammation, dental material, or infection can have a potentially toxic influence in a tissue far away from that tooth.

You will be asked about supplements you take and any prescription drugs you are using. 

It is not unusual for some of the symptoms patients are complaining of to be the same as the side-effects of the drugs they are using.

And, as you could guess, I do want to know what stresses you may have in your life and how much of a stress these are, how long you have been dealing with them and if you are having trouble coping with them, when you expect any resolution, if at all.

I have all patients complete a detailed information questionnaire that will ask about many areas for which you may or may not have symptoms.   I will send this to you in advance so that you can complete it at your own pace prior to our appointment.

If you have had any lab work completed in the last year or two, I encourage you send it to me before this this first evaluation and I will review it with you. 

I often find key blood parameters that are missing or ones that were abnormal and the patient was never told that it was a potential problem.  Knowing this previous data is very helpful to me in evaluating any changes in a particular parameter over time that is in need of attention.

Much of our health is determined by our start in life.  Yes, our genetics will play a role and while we can’t change our genes, we can control how they are expressed and that is the epi-genetics.  Epi-genetic factors are those nutritional, environmental and even emotional factors that will determine if a gene is expressed on not.  So, having a gene variant for breast cancer does not mean that it has to be expressed.   There are generally several factors that are working to inhibit the expression of a gene and likewise others working to express a gene.  So eating a lousy diet, not getting any healthy sunlight, being a “couch potato” with lots of stress will encourage the expression of that gene.  But likewise a healthy diet with adequate nutrients needed for breast tissue with exercise and a happy outlook can go a long way to prevent the expression of that gene.

So with that in mind, our start in life is very important, so I ask if you were born vaginally or by C-section and if you were breast fed and, in addition, if you were given lots of antibiotics.  These are critical factors in determining the health of our intestinal tract.  You see, changes in our intestinal microbiome can have effects that not only last our lifetime but can be passed on to successive generations.  And a damaged gut is the foundation for the majority of our chronic degenerative diseases.

Finally, I will ask about flu vaccinations, if you have had them, breast augmentation for females, later history of antibiotic use and if you have had an exposure to mold at home or at a place of work.

After I have all this information, I may make recommended changes to your diet and to suggest changes to your nutritional supplements.  I may further suggest life-style changes to improve health outcomes and I will likely recommend specific tests that you should consider to give us a more complete picture of those underlying causes that are preventing you from having the level of health that you desire.   Before I do this I will often ask “Now what would you like for me to do for you?”   This gives me the assurance that I am focusing on exactly what you want to have done for you.  Most of the time patients will leave with a written and detailed plan to guide them in facilitating their health objectives.

Generally, the initial visit will take 1 1/2-2 hours. 

So please plan accordingly.  As a general rule, children can be a partial distraction and I encourage patients, if at all possible, to have this time free from their need for parental or grand-parental attention.

If you have any questions or concerns you need to discuss with me ahead of a potential visit, I am very happy to do so.  Just call me at 501-538-4944

Thank you for your interest in coming to see me, Dr. Roger Trubey


Restorative Strategies for Cancer and other Diseases

Restorative Strategies for Cancer and other Diseases

More Nutritional Articles

Restorative Strategies for Cancer
and other Diseases

Arkansas Nutrition and Natural Healing

Dr. Roger Trubey, Dr.PH, MPH, and Doctor of Integrative Medicine 362 Unger Trail, Mountain Home, Arkansas 72653

Call 501-538-4944

  • 1. Remove Toxic Foods
    • GMO Foods – cotton, zucchini squash, yellow squash, canola, corn, soy, papaya, beet sugar, alfalfa – these foods should always be consumed as organic
      • Most grains and most legumes are almost always sprayed with glyphosate (Roundup® weed killer) prior to harvesting – these food should always be consumed as organic
      • Glyphosate has been found to cause:
        • liver and kidney damage
        • Depletion of minerals in the soil
        • Kill beneficial gut bacteria
        • Block production of the aromatic amino acids – mood, sleep, pain issues here
        • Block production of vitamin D
        • Impairs detoxification
        • Poisons our mitochondria – energy, fatigue and brain fog issues here
        • Acts as an endocrine disrupter
        • Is a class 2A carcinogen
    • Bad fats – hydrogenated, processed or damaged grain and seed oils (corn, soy, canola, safflower, sunflower oils etc.)  Damage to these oils occurs with exposure to heat, light or air
    • Conventionally raised meats – loaded with antibiotics, chemicals and GMO grains
    • Pork – stores toxins and parasites.  Shrimp is a close second
    • Artificial sweeteners and soft drinks (form most Americans, more calories come from soft drinks than any other source)
    • Remember:   Cancer is an attempt to soak up all the sugar from the doughnuts, bread and carbohydrates we eat.  We must return to eating like our ancestors because what we eat brings consequences


    • 2. Improve Gut Function – heal a leaky gut
      • Bone broth (chicken or beef) or bone broth protein – loaded with glycine to support detoxification
      • Use bitter foods which dry up “dampness” (with cancer body is very “damp” – oriental medicine) use sour kraut, kimchi, kombucha, beet kvass, organic kiefer, pickles etc.  These foods are rich in cancer fighting probiotics.  There are more probiotics in these foods and more diverse in type, than in most probiotic supplements
      • The power of sour is that they eliminate the craving for sweets
      • Wheat, sugar and dairy are the foods that contribute the most to dampness


    • 3. Eat Real Food and Eat lots of Organic Colorful vegetables and some fruits (mostly berries)
      • Blueberries, raspberries, strawberries  cherries and blackberries – organic please
      • Parsley, tomato, bok choy, kale, olive oil, kale artichoke – all have anti-angiogenesis factors
      • The phytochemicals in these colorful foods are the substances plants use to protect themselves and benefit from them
      • Omit all processed foods – just a terrible drain on all body systems
    • 4. Eat Gluten Free
      • if you are known to have celiac disease, an autoimmune condition or chronic illness.  Much less damaging is the consumption of grains when sprouted or fermented as in sourdough where the gluten is broken   down by the fermentation process


    • 5. Enjoy lots of herbs and spices  – add them to every meal
      • Cilantro, Parsley, turmeric/curcumin, cinnamon (balancing insulin levels), nutmeg, rosemary, oregano, thyme, clove, etc.
      • Most of these are strongly immune supportive, have anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties and some like turmeric/curcumin have strong cancer preventive and treatment properties


    • 6. Eat and enjoy sprouted foods
      • Sprouted organic alfalfa, sunflower, lentil and other seeds and legumes
      • These unleash the power of nature because germination is activation and activation activates your health


    • 7. Use Medicinal Mushrooms to support the immune system
      • Reishi, Cordyceps, Shiitake, Maitake, Coriolus versicolor are all mushrooms having anti-cancer, antiviral, anti-inflammatory and liver protective activities.  They have also been found to alleviate chemotherapy side effects such as nausea and kidney damage and protect cellular DNA by raising antioxidant capacity.
      • They all give excellent support to the immune system and aid in cleansing, detoxifying and modulating the immune system.


    • 8. Load up on healthy fats
      • Avocado, olives and olive oil, coconut butter, butter, tallow, organic raw nuts and seeds, turkey bacon, grass-fed fatty meats, wild-caught fatty fish and fish oils, pastured chicken eggs, raw cheese, organic peanuts, very dark chocolate
      • Eating this way starves the cancer cells, improves neurodegenerative conditions like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and ALS and is excellent help in all autoimmune conditions
      • Black Cumin seeds (crushed whole seeds) and others from Seeds of Eden may be especially beneficial to the cancer patient.


    • 9. Be cautious of the common allergens
      • Dairy, wheat, soy, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, fish and shellfish


    • 10. Some supporting supplements to use
      • Vitamin D – get it from the sun when available otherwise most need at least 5000 I U/day
      • Probiotics and green tea – protect and heal the gut – always
      • Spirulina, chlorella and other greens taken daily are vital to our good health
      • Beta Glucan has been found to increase the number of macrophages – those white cells that fight infections and ravage cancer cells


    • 11. Get to know and use Essential Oils
      • Frankincense and Myrrh  – traditional used to fight cancer and other degenerative diseases – try drops on the skin with a carrier oil or apply 2 drops to the roof of the mouth
      • Lemon – d-limonene – bitter so will decrease dampness, release bile and drains the lymph tissues
      • Thyme/Oregano – these both contain thymol which acts a parasite cleanse.  Must be used with caution when taken internally
      • Ginger has often been used to treat stomach problems, nausea, heart strokes, indigestion, inflammation, respiratory problems, and menstrual disorders
      • Lavender – naturally decreases cortisol.  Use topically or add to bath water with Epsom salts. It helps to eliminate nervous tension, relieve pain,  enhance blood circulation and treat respiratory problems


    • 12. Promote cleansing and detoxification
      • Milk thistle and Bupleurum very helpful in facilitating liver detoxification
      • Use vegetable juicing, herbal teas and bone broth
      • DesBio Comprehensive Detox  and Cyto detox are particularly effective strategies to facilitate the removal of toxins and heavy metals


    • 13. Consider Natural treatments
      • Lymph massage, essential oils, barefoot walking in the sun, rebounder for lymph drainage (10 min. twice daily), adequate sleep/rest, deep breathing/ yoga, meditation and prayer


    • 14. Avoid all vaccinations
      • They may include aluminum, mercury, artificial colors, acetone, formaldehyde,  blood  from a cow fetus, antibiotics, known and unknown viruses, polysorbate 80, soy and yeast proteins, chicken egg proteins, dog and monkey kidney cell protein, sugar, milk sugar, mouse serum protein, human blood proteins, mouse brain tissue, aborted human fetal cells


    • 15. Avoid exposure to toxic chemicals   –
      • 2,000 new chemicals /year  – BPA/PCB, formaldehyde, toluene, phthalates, aflatoxins, parabens, fire retardants, pesticides, herbicides, cleaning agents, plastics, cosmetics…
      • These are found in common every-day use and exposure – shampoos, antiperspirants,  bottled water, cash register receipts, hot coffee in Styrofoam,  microwaving of plastics and plastic wraps


  • 16. Spiritual Restoration – Emotions interwoven with disease and have links to specific organs
    • Fear – kidney/bladder/ adrenal and breast – consider & meditate- Psalm 27:1-3; Joshua 1:9; Deut. 31:8
    • Worry – stomach, spleen and pancreas  – consider & meditate -Matthew 6:25-34; Philippians 4:6-7; Matthew 11:28-30
    • Grief /Depression – colon and lungs – consider and meditate- Psalm 40:1-3; II Corinthians 1:3-4; Romans 8:38-39
    • Anxiety/Nervousness – heart, brain and small intestine – consider and meditate – Luke 12:24-34; I Peter 5:7; Hebrews 13:5-6; 23rd psalm
    • Anger/Frustration – Liver and Gall bladder – Consider and meditate – James 1:1-5, 19; Proverbs  15:1; James 4: 1-2; Proverbs 3:5-6

Cannabis and Cannabidiol Oil (CBD Oil)

Cannabis and Cannabidiol Oil (CBD Oil)

More Nutritional Articles


Perhaps the most unique and amazing compound to impact one’s health

Arkansas Nutrition and Natural Healing

Dr. Roger Trubey, Dr.PH, MPH, and Doctor of Integrative Medicine 362 Unger Trail, Mountain Home, Arkansas 72653

Call 501-538-4944

Most everyone is familiar with Marijuana, as it has been in the news for decades, but most recently for the number of states that are allowing its use for medicinal purposes or even recreational use.  But really, there is nothing new about Cannabis.  It’s been around humankind, well almost forever.  But while we are familiar with the Cannabis plant as marijuana, we should also know that its lesser known sister, hemp, is also a cannabis plant.

Hemp and marijuana are just different varieties of Cannabis sativa. There are just some differences in their genetics, the way they are cultivated, the types of cannabidiols found in each and their legal status.  Currently there are 25 states where it is legal for patients to use “marijuana” for medical purposes. Pending federal legislation may open up opportunities for federally-funded medical research, including human clinical trials. This will further prove cannabis’ track-record when it comes to healing a number of disease conditions − including cancer.

Cannabidiol is the second most prevalent of cannabis’s active ingredients and may produce most of its effects at moderate and mid-range doses.  Cannabidiol becomes THC as the plant matures and the THC over time breaks down into cannabinol (CBN).

In Siberia, charred seeds have been found inside burial mounds dating back to 3000 BC.  The Chinese were using cannabis as medicine thousands of years ago.  And our first president, George Washington, grew hemp at his home on Mount Vernon.  Indeed for most of this country’s history, cannabis was legal, commonly available in tinctures and extracts.  In fact, in the 1930s the American pharmaceutical firms, Parke-Davis and Eli Lilly, were selling extracts of cannabis.

But when the news publisher, William Randolph Hurst began to publish some sensational stories about marijuana during that same decade, the dye was cast against its continued use.  But Hurst was not concerned about people’s health in the least.  You see hemp had extensive use then, and still does today, in the textile, paper and other fiber product industries. But Hurst had extensive financial interests in the lumber and paper industries and was clearly interested in eliminating any competition.  And so in 1942 Cannabis was removed from the U.S. pharmacopeia.

But during the intervening years extensive research on cannabis was being conducted in Israel.  And so in 1990 further scientific research had confirmed the presence of cannabinoid receptors in our cells – in all major organs, nerves and intestine.  And by 1992 it was further confirmed that the body has its own endocannabinoid system whereby we produce our own cannabinoids.  And since then it has been discovered that this system regulates a variety of biological processes, including pain, sleep, mood, appetite and inflammation.  In fact it is now understood to be the master controller for all body systems, regulating and fine-tuning each one to maintain homeostasis and health.

So let’s be clear.  We were created by God with a built-in system to have an overall regulating effect on multiple body systems.  This system is the Endocannabinoid System.  But we make cannabinoids ourselves to support this system and when we don’t make enough to properly regulate everything, we suffer from various ill effects including, pain, anxiety, depression and a variety of other ills described above.  By adding CBD oils to this system, we support our body in the same way we use nutrients and other herbs to support our health.

Now understand that Cannabis associated with marijuana contains the two primary cannabinoids, THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (cannabidiol – about 40% of the plant’s extract).  THC has the psychoactive properties associated with “getting high” but also very helpful in modulating the pain of cancer and other diseases.  But hemp, legally produced today in the US, contains primarily CBD and has virtually zero psychoactive properties.  It particularly functions to modulate our neurochemistry, our immune system and multiple organs and systems.  In other words CBD is far more extensive and profound in its effects than THC.   In fact CBD has been found to:

  • Act as an anti-bacterial                               decrease seizure activity
  • Inhibit cancer cell growth                            decrease risk of artery blockage
  • Act to protect brain neurons                       decrease nausea and vomiting
  • Decrease blood sugar                                 suppress muscle spasms
  • Promote bone growth                                 decrease inflammation
  • Relieve pain and anxiety                              increase insulin sensitivity
  • Improves mitochondrial function

Its effects in the body, as you can see, are deep and wide.  Even the suckling reflex of a baby to receive milk from its mother stimulates part of the endocannabinoid system.  And if you would suspect that chocolate, in some way might have some special effect on this system, you would be correct.  But there is no drug that can treat this amazing body system.

Most people use CBD to reduce pain and anxiety, improve their mood, depression and sleep.  With sleep it seems to decrease excessive REM sleep (dream stage) and increase stage 4 (deep) sleep.  Thus, there is an improvement in the depth and duration of sleep.  The gut is calmed, nutrient absorption is improved and many report improvement with brain fog.  Some of these effects are perhaps due to its ability to assist in the correction, mobilization and elimination of toxins that affect our organs and systems.  While it does not detoxify itself, it greatly assists the body’s detoxification activity – even accomplishing this on a system level as well as at the cellular level.

The detoxification effect is greatly enhanced by its effect on the gut where it is thought that it improves the tight junctions (helping to eliminate a leaky gut) and by modulating the gut contractions, it improves constipation and slows down diarrhea.

The activity of CBD on the immune system is equally remarkable.  It has a modulating effect on the immune cells and actually has been found to decrease inflammatory cytokines and increase the anti-inflammatory substances.  In this respect it tempers autoimmune activity and promotes apoptosis (cell suicide) in the cancer cell.  But with cancer, their appears to be a synergistic effect when using CBD with THC as a few states are allowing.

Microbiologist Dr. Christine Sanchez of Compultense University in Madrid, Spain has been studying cannabinoids and cancer since the early 2000s. She was the first to discover the antitumor effects of cannabinoids.  In a video interview for the web-based cable channel Cannabis Planet, Dr. Sanchez and other researchers have confirmed that the most potent effects against tumor growth occur when THC and CBD are combined.  Cannabidiol, or CBD, has the ability to interfere with cellular communication in tumors as well as in its ability to instigate apoptosis, or cell suicide and affect genes involved in metastasis.  THC has also been shown to reduce tumor growth in similar ways.

Studies have also been conducted on the combined effect of CBD and THC on lung, prostate, colon, pancreatic, liver, bladder, cervical, blood-based, brain, and other forms of cancer. These studies lend increasing evidence to the fact that cannabinoids are not only antioxidant phytonutrients but powerful “herbal chemo” agents.

Says Dr. Sanchez: “One of the advantages of cannabinoid-based medicines would be that they target specifically tumor cells. They don’t have any toxic effect on normal non-tumoral cells. This is an advantage with respect to standard chemotherapy that targets basically everything.”

But it even has an improving effect on some things you might not even expect, like gastric reflux.   Here it decreases the number of reflux events apparently by increasing the tone of the lower esophageal sphincter muscle.

Indeed, studies have shown it has beneficial activity in many diseases including, epilepsy, Irritable Bowel Disease and most all the neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and ALS.  By its effect to dampen neurotoxicity, it has a powerful effect on brain function.   In fact the research on the effects of CBD on the brain and body and disease is very extensive.  According to Philip Blair, MD, who has used and extensively studied Cannabis and CBD, there are over 7,000 studies and 30,000 published articles on these compounds.   Some of these have revealed its adaptogenic effect on the cortisol release keeping it from going either too high or too low.

And yes, the pharmaceutical industry would love to create a synthetic version of CBD and you would be foolish to think that they are not seriously attempting to do so.  But while they will never be able to improve what the good Lord has provided us in nature, they would love to remove the natural and replace it with a much more expensive and far lower quality synthetic version.

In normal usage, experienced practitioners suggest 12 to 15 mg two to three times daily.  Some individuals find a lower level works very well but a number of others find a need to increase dosage.  If a normal dosage does not seem to have any effect you probably need to work with an experienced practitioner.  They may have you double your dosage in a couple of days as CBD appears to be helpful in at least 75% of those who use the correct dosage.

My preference is to use CBD in a liposomal form.  In this form the CBD oil is wrapped in a liposome made up of phosphatidylcholine, the very component that make up the walls of our cells.  Thus, in this way, the liposome easily enters our cells and delivers its CBD payload inside.  The liposomal form may be 3 to 5 times better absorbed then the standard forms of CBD oil.

But consider that when choosing a liposomal form, the size of the liposomes, are very important.  Most liposomes are way too large in the range of 300 to 5,000 nanometers (NM).   Liposomes in the range of 20 to 300 NM will be absorbed to a far greater extent.  The reason is because the longer the particle the faster they are cleared before being used in the body. And when the liposome is much smaller size, the liquid will also be clear.   Generally liposomal supplements greater than 200 NM are milky while those less than 100NM are clear.  Most of the liposomes from Quicksilver Scientific, the one I have for patients, are from 50 to 100 NM.

The effects of CBD on the body can begin in 10 minutes to 1 hour and will last 2 to 4 hours but sometimes up to 6 hours.  In addition, you should know that it is not a bad idea to pulse your use of CBD.  You do this by using it for 5 to 6 days followed by a day or two of nonuse.  This helps to maintain the efficacy of the oil without the need to increase the amount needed for resolutions of symptoms

CBD oil is legal in all 50 states and its cultivation and growth is regulated by the FDA.  But know your source!  Unfortunately, charlatans selling bogus products definitely exist. You should not have to pay exorbitant amounts of money for any cannabis product that you buy from regulated pharmacies, practitioners or online. Also, make quality a priority for you. Be sure that your product comes from an organic source and that you know that the plant has not been grown or processed using pesticides.

The 5 Biotypes of Depression

The 5 Biotypes of Depression

More Nutritional Articles

The 5 Biotypes of Depression
As developed by William J. Walsh, PhD

Arkansas Nutrition and Natural Healing

Dr. Roger Trubey, Dr.PH, MPH, and Doctor of Integrative Medicine 362 Unger Trail, Mountain Home, Arkansas 72653

Call 501-538-4944

Mainstream medicine looks at clinical depression as a single entity rather than a collection of different disorders that must be treated differently.   They are essentially all treated with SSRI medications, drugs that are targeted toward the primary neurotransmitters dopamine, serotonin, epinephrine and norepinephrine.  The result of this approach, as we will see below, is that some will benefit, some will not and some will get worse.  A much better outcome would result if depressed and anxious patients would be given specific laboratory tests to determine their particular depressive biotype.

The biotypes by Dr. Walsh were developed with a database of 2,800 patients and over 300,000 chemical analyses of their blood and urine.  This huge database found that the depressed population had blood and urine chemistries that were significantly different from the general population which lead to the development of the 5 biotypes.

5 Types of Depression, how they are determined and how to improve

1. Undermethylated Depression (38 -40% of depressed individuals)

    a. Symptoms and traits of undermethylated depression
—Adverse reaction to folic acidHigh inner tension but calm demeanor
—Obsessive-compulsive tendenciesHistory of perfectionism
—Self-motivatedSeasonal inhalant allergies
—Good response to antihistaminesHigh libido
—Low tolerance to painHigh fluidity (tears, saliva etc.)
—Very strong-willedCompetitiveness in sports
—High suicidal tendencyaddictiveness
—Sparse chest/leg/arm hairbusy mind w/ negative self-talk
—Denial of depressionfrequent headaches
—Family history of high accomplishmentnoncompliance with therapies
—Rumination thoughts about past eventsoppositional defiance as child

b. Undermethylated depressed patients are low in serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine
c. These individuals are often deficient in calcium, vitamin D and magnesium
d. Many also have a pyrrole disorder as well (this is biotype #4 below)
e. These individuals will not do well with folate, choline, copper, DMAE and pantothenic acid (B5)but will do well on supplements that improve methylation and supplements that enhance the neurotransmitters Tryptophan and dopamine
f. Individuals in this category come with two traits that tend to negate successful outcomes – denial of depression and non-compliance with any medical treatment
g. With tests for confirmation:

Whole blood Histamine level (will likely be elevated – above 70ng/ml)
A depressed SAMe/SAH ratio

2. Folate Deficiency Depression (about 20% of depressed individuals) these are overmethylated

a. Symptoms and Traits of Low Folate Depression

—Improvement after folate therapyHigh anxiety and panic tendency
—Adverse reactions to SSRIshirsutism (males only)
—Food and chemical sensitivitieslow libido
—Dry eyes and mouthsleep disorder
—High artistic abilities and interestunderachievement in school
—Nervous legs, pacinghigh pain threshold
—Noncompetitive in sports/gamesadverse reaction to SAMe, methionine
—Hyperactivitycopper intolerance
—Upper body/head/neck painLearning disabilities
—Estrogen intolerance
—Hallucinations – paranoid

The presence of 40% of the above symptoms is consistent with a folate biotype depression

  • b. These individuals report intolerance to SSRIs, antidepressants and antihistamines
  • c. Academic underachievement and incidence of ADHD is about 3 times higher than those in the undermethylated biotype
  • d. Individuals of this biotype should not use supplements of tryptophan, 5HTP, phenylalanine, tyrosine, copper and inositol – it will likely make them worse.  They generally have high levels of serotonin and dopamine.
  • e. Very likely that most of the school/movie theater shooters are in this group
  • f. If B12 is used it should be Hydroxyl or adenosyl B12 but not Methyl B12 (methylcobalamine)
  • g. With testing for confirmation:
  • Whole blood histamine (will generally be low – below 40ng/ml)
    Serum folate (will also be low)
    Methylation profile (an elevated SAMe/SAH ratio)

3. Copper Overload (hypercupremic) Depression (about 17% of depressed individuals)

      • a. Symptoms and Traits of Copper Overload Depression
—Severe anxiety, even panicSleep disorder
—Hormone imbalancesHyperactivity in childhood
—Skin sensitivity to metals/rough fabricsringing in the ears (tinnitus)
—Intolerance to estrogen/shellfish/chocolateinability to tan
—Severe worsening of depression after hormone therapy
—Intolerant of birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy


      • b. 96% of individuals with this biotype are women with the first episode of depression occurring during a hormonal event – puberty, childbirth, menopause, etc.
      • c. Individuals with this biotype have elevated norepinephrine but a depressed dopamine. Norepinephrine elevations have been associated with anxiety, panic and sleep problems
      • d. Elevated serum copper is commonly found in women with a history of postpartum depression.  They seem to have a genetic or acquired inability to eliminate excess copper after a pregnancy
      • e. Plasma zinc levels are generally low in individuals with this biotype
      • f. Tests for confirmation generally show an elevated serum copper level, depressed plasma zin
      • 4. Pyroluric Depression (about 15% of depressed individuals)
      • a. Symptoms and Traits of Pyroluric Depression
—Severe mood swingsInability to cope with stress
—RagesAbsence of dream recall
—Inability to tan – sunlight sensitivityMorning nausea
—Sensitivity to bright lights & loud noisesSlender wrists, ankles & neck
—Great midsection fat and upper thighsDelayed puberty
—Disturbed menstrual periods/amenorrheaSocial anxiety –stiff personality
—Bipolar individualsLots of fears
—Obsessions with disastersInternal tension – tense feeling
—Poor short-term memoryPale complexion
—Antisocial personality disorder (sociopath) but no criminal tendencies
      • b. Most pyrolurics experience about 50% of the above symptoms and traits
      • c. Pyroluria is a genetically determined chemical imbalance involving an abnormality in hemoglobin synthesis resulting in a severe deficiency of zinc and vitamin B6
      • d. Onset of depression in this group is often triggered by a severe emotional or physical trauma.  Stress of all types increases the levels of pyrroles in the individual
      • e. This biotype tends to respond more quickly to nutrient therapy than other biotypes
      • f. Individuals of this biotypes cannot tolerate nutrients (or food) until lunchtime
      • g. These individuals are low in serotonin, Dopamine and GABA

5. Toxic Overload Depression (about 5% of depressed individuals)

      • a. Symptoms and Traits of Toxic Overload Depression
—Abdominal pain and crampingIncreased irritability, even anger
—Headaches and muscle weaknessLow energy
—Failure to respond to counseling or pharmaceutical drugs
—Depression that arises suddenly during a period of relative calm and wellness
      • b. This biotype is generally looked for when the other biotypes have been ruled out and there is no casein/gluten sensitivity or thyroid imbalance.
      • c. A provocation test for heavy metals will almost always reveal elevated levels on nearly everyone.  But in this group the toxic metals are also causing depression
      • d. The most common metal toxins are mercury, lead, cadmium and arsenic
      • e. Other toxins can also cause depression including mold/fungal toxins, chemical toxins, toxic effects of viruses and bacteria and food toxins or food intolerances

Tests to Evaluate the 5 Biotypes

        • 1. Methylation Profile (plasma)
          • 2. Serum folate
        • 3. Metabolic panel (Kryptopyrrole, serum copper, zinc plasma & Whole blood Histamine
        • 4. EDTA/DMSA provocation of heavy metals (if all the above are negative)
        • 5.Check ability for three step heel-to-toe walk


Please take note: you cannot determine methylation status, copper excess or zinc deficiency or some of the other biochemical abnormalities without proper testing.   Self diagnosis and supplementation without proper testing is never recommended .  Too many people will get their biotype completely wrong, and will likely make things far worse for themselves.

Nutritional and Lifestyle Support for those with Cancer

Nutritional and Lifestyle Support for those with Cancer

More Nutritional Articles

Nutritional and Lifestyle Support for those with Cancer

The following guidelines are not meant to replace your primary care practitioner or cancer specialist in the treatment of your disease.   It is in no way intended to treat your condition.  It is however supportive care in conjunction with your current treatment regime and with the support of your physician.  The list below is very long but comprehensive – follow as many as you can

Arkansas Nutrition and Natural Healing

Dr. Roger Trubey, Dr.PH, MPH, and Doctor of Integrative Medicine 362 Unger Trail, Mountain Home, Arkansas 72653

Call 501-538-4944

General Guidelines and Dietary Recommendations

  1. No fried foods, sugar, junk foods.
  2. Regarding fats:  Less Omega 6 fats (soy, corn, safflower oils etc.) but increase Omega 3 fats: use 1TBS Cod Liver oil/day (fermented Cod liver oil is my preference) or 3-4 caps of Krill oil.  These will also be found to a lesser extent in grass-fed meats and butter from grass-fed cows
  3. No non-stick cookware and avoid microwave cooking, frying or charbroiling your food.  Boiling or steaming is much preferred.
  4. Low Carbohydrate/low glycemic foods – less grains and keep insulin levels low.  Cancer cells need plenty of insulin to bring glucose (sugar) to itself.  Sugar is cancer fuel.
  5. Avoid “whites” – white flour, white rice, white sugar (and even brown or raw sugar)
  6. Use only butter or coconut oil when cooking – Olive oil on salads is perfectly fine.
  7. Lots of raw foods – get a juicer and juice vegetables – especially brightly or deeply colored vegetables.   Alternatively use green, red, purple and orange food powders from health-food stores.  Otherwise lightly steamed vegetables may be much easier to digest
  8. Eat fermented foods like Bubbies sauerkraut, Kimchi or other fermented vegetables
  9. Add some detoxifying foods – garlic, green tea, whey, celery, turmeric, cilantro
  10. Use only meats from animals that are fully grass-fed and not given hormones or antibiotics and free from pesticides or herbicide contamination
  11. Eat fresh organic vegetables, especially cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, etc) which have been identified as having strong anti-cancer properties.
  12. Eat organic eggs only.  Enjoy them hard-boiled, be careful when fried; do use the wrong oils
  13. Get antioxidants and other powerful healing nutrients from colorful foods, red and blue berries, cherries, beans, artichokes and deep green colored foods.
  14. If you use dairy foods try to obtain and use raw milk and dairy products such as yoghurt, cheese, butter (all very healthy foods) from grass-fed cows or goats.  Always avoid typical store-bought products from animals confined, grain-fed, and produced with antibiotics and rGBH growth hormone from Monsanto
  15. Avoid soy products (unless fermented) due to their anti-thyroid effects, difficulty in digestion and genetic modification (GMO)
  16. Consider the need to completely avoid gluten to which many individuals are genetically intolerant or allergic.  It can be very inflammatory
  17. Decrease your inflammatory foods – see Anti-inflammatory diet program on separate handout
  18. Be sure you have regular bowel movements – at least one or two daily
  19. Take time to exercise but do not get overtired and get regular and adequate sleep – 7 to 8 hours in a completely dark room.  No TV in the bedroom or alarm clock light

Therapeutics Aids and Support

  • Vitamin D – Sunlight and /or Vitamin D, up to 4-5,000 IUs per day – Check your Vitamin D level.  It should be 65 – 100 ng/ml.  Check 2-3 times a year to ensure you are in that range.  The higher your Vit. D level the lower your risk
  • With increased use of Vit. D you need to take Vitamin K2 (1000mc)daily or even better MK7 (a very active form of K2) 160mcg/day
  • Boost Selenium levels – as a supplement or with Brazil nuts
  • Increase cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, Brussels sprouts etc)  or take DIM as a supplement
  • Vitamin B6 – studies suggest it decreases risk of colon cancer 50% – You might consider a good B complex (natural sourced food-based is best)
  • Use N-Acetyl Cysteine and Milk thistle if on chemotherapy.  It is helpful liver support with or without chemotherapy
  • Medicinal mushrooms – Maitake, Shiitake, Ganoderma Lucidum, Coriolus versicolor , Reishi, etc – are very supportive of the immune function along with  a product called ImmPower.
  • CoEnzyme Q10 – use 200 mg twice daily or ubquinol form of CoQ10, 100 mg twice daily
  • Check pH of urine regularly – your body is supported best with an alkaline environment.  Cancer thrives in an acid environment.   The first morning urine should be 6.4 – 7.0.  If below 6.4 use Coral minerals powder ¾ tsp twice daily in a small amount of juice or tea.
  • Tocotrienols are anti-angiogenic in nature – use 2-3 caps at bedtime
  • Turmeric is a marvelous spice with many anti-cancerous properties.  Use the newer type of turmeric with enhanced absorption – i.e. CuraPro  Turmeric is one of the best anti-inflammatory, health promoting foods on the planet
  • Liposomal Vitamin C – high dose vitamin C in an intravenous form has been used successfully by a number of alternative cancer doctors.  You can mimic the I.V. approach by using the liposomal form of vitamin C. (4 to 12 grams in divided doses/day). Nearly 100% of it will get into the cell.  Much of the other forms of vitamin C in high quantities are excreted in in very loose stools.  Adding Liposomal Glutathione is an excellent addition along with liposomal vitamin C
  • Proteolytic enzymes are also used by a number of doctors treating cancer alternatively.  They are always used on an empty stomach and can be taken at a dose of 5-6 tablets, 5-6 times daily.  But some practitioners use substantially higher amounts.  It appears the enzymes work by digesting cancer cells and decreasing inflammation
  • Artimisinin 200 mg. Once /day increasing to 300 mg. Twice daily
  • Cytokine support – Cytokines are involved in every disease either by promoting the disease or by inhibiting it.  Some cytokines are very pro-inflammatory and others are very anti-inflammatory.  Cytokine therapy used in the support of the cancer fight are designed to enable your body to decrease inflammation, suppress the growth and anchoring of the tumor, inhibit the development of blood vessels that feed the tumor, suppress tumor activity and enhance apoptosis or the self-destruction of the cancer cell.  The primary cytokines to consider are:
    1. Rerio – 20 drops twice daily for 1-2 months, then 3X weekly for 2-4 months

These are from the GUNA Company but you will need
to find a practitioner that uses them in his/her practice

  1. Anti-IL1 – 20 drops twice daily for 1 month, then 3X weekly for 1-2 months
  2. Interferon Alpha (IFN α)
  3. Interleukin 4        (IL-4)
  4. Interleukin 12     (IL-12)
  5. Optional – Use Basic – 1 packet for 5-10 days in a row then 3X weekly for 1 month.  Break for 10 days and repeat.  This is designed to alkalize the body (cancer is an acid lover).
  • If you don’t use fermented vegetables, be sure to use a good quality probiotic to your program

Other Options that may be Helpful – check Internet sources

  • Graviola – 2-4 grams/day

You may need supportive detoxification of liver, kidney, lymph, large intestine – especially if using chemotherapeutic drugs.   A great detoxification support protocol:  CysReplete, 2 capsules 3 times daily, NeuroReplete, 2caps twice daily.  This will provide lots of Cysteine needed for the sulfur amino acids –SAMe and glutathione.  A deficiency of the sulfur amino acids and methylation is the primary reason for many chronic diseases.

Test Suggestions for Further Evaluation

  • Chiren evaluation and treatment – To my thinking this may be the most important thing to assist in the body’s healing process.   By relieving the body of all the burdens it already has, much more energy is available to assist the body in its fight against the cancer.   This should be done if possible prior to standard interventions and for sure after these interventions.
  • Iodine – check for inadequate levels especially with breast cancer – most people are deficient and you may need to supplement
  • Toxic/Heavy metal analysis – mercury and other toxic metals are found in substantially higher amounts in individuals with cancer than in individuals without cancer.
  • Determine your Vitamin D level
  • Thermography evaluation

To Avoid

  • Anything with parabens
  • “Plastic” materials with BPA – including cash register receipts, contact lens, dental floss
  • Fragrances are mostly xenoestrogens and mimic estrogens in the body along with many chemicals
  • Pesticides – buy organic
  • X-Rays, but especially mammograms and Cat Scans involve exposure to very high levels of radiation.  Have these procedures only when absolutely necessary
  • Don’t carry cell phones in your bra

Prescription Medicines

  • Statins doubled the risk of breast cancer in one study
  • Calcium channel blockers are associated with increased risk
  • Antibiotic usage has a linear correlation with increased risk
  • Oral contraceptives and post-menopausal synthetic hormones are not at all recommended

Spiritual and Emotional Factors

  • An unforgiving spirit has a terrible effect on the body and brain but forgiveness is a powerful healer.  Do not withhold forgiveness for anyone including yourself
  • Reduce your stress, meditate, pray,  read scripture and trust God with any outcome
  • Believe in yourself, believe in healing and believe in restoration
  • Live in peace, surround yourself with joy, laughter and a positive attitude, regardless

POUNDS & INCHES A NEW APPROACH TO OBESITY By: A.T.W. Simeons, M.D. Salvator Mundi International Hospital Load PDF file

POUNDS & INCHES A NEW APPROACH TO OBESITY By: A.T.W. Simeons, M.D. Salvator Mundi International Hospital Load PDF file

Dr. Roger Trubey – Bio


Arkansas Nutrition and Natural Healing

Dr. Roger Trubey, Dr.PH, MPH, and Doctor of Integrative Medicine 362 Unger Trail, Mountain Home, Arkansas 72653

Call 501-538-4944

My undergraduate education in the acquisition of my Bachelor of Arts degree was earned at Pacific Union College in northern California.  I did take one year of those four, studying abroad at Newbold College near London, England.  Following graduation I was drafted into the United States Army where I served for two years at the United States Infectious Disease Center at Fort Detrick, Maryland.  Most of the time there I spent in the clinical laboratory processing all types of laboratory specimens – human and animal. In 1973 I began my graduate degree work at Loma Linda University; and in 1976 I graduated with a Masters degree in Nutrition and a Doctorate degree in Preventive Care.  Upon graduation I was appointed Director of the Department of Preventive Care, at Hinsdale Family Medicine Center, Hinsdale, ILL.   This position included a faculty appointment, teaching family practice residents preventive care, naturopathic principles, health education, clinical nutrition and also seeing their patients.  In addition I was also a Senior Health Educator of the Health Education Department for Hinsdale Hospital.  In this capacity I would conduct as well as assist other educators in education classes, teaching classes for the community college and nurses in their training curriculum. I was in Hinsdale, Illinois for two years before coming to beautiful Hot Springs, Arkansas in 1978.  For two years I worked with two physicians and other health professionals prior to opening my Naturopathic Health Center to practice Naturopathy, Clinical Nutrition, and Preventive Care. POUNDS & INCHES A NEW APPROACH TO OBESITY By: A.T.W. Simeons, M.D. Salvator Mundi International Hospital Load PDF fileIn 1997 it was my privilege to pursue additional education at a new university in Washington, DC, Capital University of Integrative Medicine.  I applied myself to those studies and in 1999 I graduated (as valedictorian of my class) with a Doctor of Integrative Medicine (Naturopathy) degree.  After graduation I was asked to chair the Natural Medicine Department and did so for the next 7 years until the close of the university. I have been married to the same wonderful and beautiful girl for 45 years and we are still in love and still happy.  We had two great children who are both happily married and have now filled our lives with four of the best grandchildren in the world.  Could anything be better? With the academic and personal information outlined above, I list for your perspective, my awards, additional training, memberships and other pertinent information for you to review. Awards and Memberships

  • 1976  President’s Award, Loma Linda University – “For superior scholastic attainment and active participation in the student community within the framework of Christian commitment” 
  • 2002  Board Certified Naturopathic Endocrinologist (ANMCAB)
  • 2002 Board Certified Alternative Medical Practitioner (Am. Alt. Med. Assn)
  • Member:  Delta Omega Society
  • Member:  American Naturopathic Medical Association
  • Member: American Alternative Medical Association

Professional Post-graduate Study

  • Naturopathic/homeopathic/Clinical Nutrition  – 696 hours
  • Darkfield/Phase contrast Microscopy training  – 366 hours
  • Preventive Care – Patient Education and Management – 302 hours
  • Health Education  – 241 hours

Certification * License * Registrations

  • Certified Graphoanalyst, International Graphoanalysis Society
  • Licensed Nutritionist, State of Florida
  • Doctor of Traditional Naturopathy, Am. Naturopathic Certification Board

Academic Appointments

  • Since 2006, Professor Emeritus, Capital University of Integrative Medicine

Areas of Special Interest

  • PMS
  • Headaches
  • Hormone dysfunction
  • Depression, anxiety, OCD
  • Obesity/ Weight control
  • Food & environmental allergies/ sensitivities
  • Gastrointestinal dysfunction, IBS, colitis, reflux, etc.
  • Chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia

Greatest Joys

  • One of those is always seeing patients improve their health

Overstressed – Undersexed

Overstressed - Undersexed

More Nutritional Articles

Over Stressed – Under Sexed


Arkansas Nutrition and Natural Healing

Dr. Roger Trubey, Dr.PH, MPH, and Doctor of Integrative Medicine 362 Unger Trail, Mountain Home, Arkansas 72653

Call 501-538-4944

Not long ago a husband brought his wife into my office and made me an offer I couldn’t refuse. He said, “If you can ‘cure’ my wife’s PMS from Hell, I’ll recommend you for sainthood.”

Well as luck would have it, she no longer has her PMS but I’m still without sainthood.

But the incident reminded me again, of the relationship that our sex hormones have to our adrenal/stress hormones. They are in fact intimately related.

Stress is that 800 pound gorilla in the room that produces a flight-fight response in our bodies. This response is a series of chemical events designed to ensure our survival in case of an attack by a Woolly Mammoth. But unfortunately our stress events are not incidental; they are chronic. And the Woolly Mammoths of today are IRS agents, marriage problems, job pressures, problem children, scary movies, and the list goes on and on but also includes low blood sugar, chronic pain and chronic infection.

The adrenal gland bares the brunt of our 24/7 stress events and the excessive and prolonged output of these stress hormones, like cortisol and DHEA. The end result is some really serious health conditions.

It has some role in nearly all injuries, illness and death. The stress response in a critical situation could make the difference between living or dying, but our bodies were not designed to live under the assault of long-term stress.

Under chronic stress the adrenal gland enlarges and cortisol increases. Excessive cortisol output can cause insulin resistance, encourage diabetes, metabolic syndrome (leading to several degenerative diseases) and weight gain1.

But that is just the beginning. As cortisol demand increases in response to stress, our body’s immune response is down-regulated, its growth and repair functions falter and inflammation, that monster behind all chronic degenerative diseases, is turned on.

Now here is where the “undersexed” part comes in. As stress continues the ability of the adrenals to cope diminishes. And so to make more stress hormones (think cortisol) the body will begin to surreptitiously use the sex hormones, progesterone and testosterone, to make more stress hormones2(And I have seen this in my patients way too many times to count.) And of course they both eventually get depleted with the result that we become overstressed and undersexed.

Now here’s the thing, the body has it right, using sex hormones to make stress hormones. In an emergency it can save your life. Why protect reproduction of the species for tomorrow if the species dies today.

Survival has a distinctly higher priority than reproduction. But doing this chronically, day in and day out, is like using your tiny spare donut tire on your car all the time. It was not designed to be used that way – it is for emergencies only.

The effect of this is substantially lower levels of progesterone and testosterone and thus, in either case, estrogen dominance.

In females this can encourage PMS, depression and anxiety. Chronic estrogen dominance is a culprit behind menstrual irregularities, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, and is a participant in and encourager of excessive growth in the breast with breast cancer3 and in the prostate with prostate enlargement and prostate cancer in males. And as you can see this is not just a female problem, it affects males as well.

Low testosterone is a factor in middle-age depression4, heart disease, the stark increase in the not-so-cute-looking “man boobs”, and has obviously provided a big boon to the pharmaceutical sales of Viagra®, Cilais® and the like. As testosterone falls, erectile dysfunction is much more common.

If you suspect that overstressed and undersexed could be behind your health issues, get a salivary hormone test by a holistically oriented practitioner. I describe this test on my website. It is a great way to determine your levels of sex and adrenal hormones. You can find info on it here.

Make sure the adrenal test evaluates your hormones at least 6 times over a 24 hour period, including a 4 AM level. Estrogen dominance is a very common finding, and in males I routinely find low or low normal levels of testosterone. References 1. Nutrition Science News, April 2001, Vol. 6, No.4, p. 134 2. Borkin, M., Alternative Medicine, September 2000, p 67 3. Lee, J. Hanley, J., What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About PREmenopause, Warner Books, 2004 4. Archives of Psychiatry, Vol. 6, No. 3, March 2008

Call me today, so I can help you achieve your health goals- 501-538-4944


Obesity and other ill-effects of Iodine deficiency

Obesity and other ill-effects of Iodine deficiency

More Nutritional Articles

Obesity and other ill-effects of Iodine deficiency

Arkansas Nutrition and Natural Healing

Dr. Roger Trubey, Dr.PH, MPH, and Doctor of Integrative Medicine 362 Unger Trail, Mountain Home, Arkansas 72653

Call 501-538-4944

Obesity and other ill-effects of Iodine deficiency

Obesity and other ill-effects of Iodine deficiency

If you were asked to name some of the most important nutrients for you body, chances are that one of your suggestions would not be iodine.  In fact it rarely rates any mention at all when one is asked to name as many nutrients as they can.  And it never even rates a consideration when listing the nutrients most deficient in the American diet.  And why should it?  We use iodized salt, so we’re covered, right?  Unfortunately in almost every case the answer is no.  At least 8 and probably 9 out of ten individuals are deficient (some very deficient) in this critical nutrient.  Iodine deficiency is widespread and may play a role in breast and ovary cancers, thyroid disorders, fibromyalgia, arrhythmia, diabetes, fatigue, chronic infections and obesity…all very common problems in western society.

David Brownstein, MD, in his practice has tested over 4,000 patients and his results have been quite consistent – over 95% of his patients were iodine deficient.  Guy Abraham, MD, agrees and considers the problem so widespread that he says we have an epidemic of iodine deficiency in this country.

During the last 3-4 decades, iodine levels have fallen by nearly 50%.  During this same time period there has been an increasing number of patients complaining of symptoms consistent with under-functioning thyroid (hypothyroid) and auto-immune thyroid disorders.   If you think hypothyroidism may not be too common, consider the symptoms:  fatigue, weakness, dry skin, cold intolerance, low body temperature, headaches, weight gain, depression, constipation, brittle nails elevated cholesterol and many others….typical symptoms in any practitioner’s daily office schedule.

Among the components necessary for a healthy functioning thyroid, iodine has to rank near the top.  Without it, thyroid function and metabolism will be impaired.  This will affect the burning of fat for energy and heat.  Perhaps it is not coincidental then, that the epidemic of obesity parallels the epidemic of iodine deficiency and especially is this true during the last 35 years.  It is also of interest to note that during this same period more toxic and competitive halogens, such as bromine, fluorine, chlorine and chlorine compounds, have significantly increased in our environment and have found their way into our food, water and medicinals.  These compounds competitively inhibit iodine absorption, promote an iodine deficiency and replace iodine stores in fat cells, where they block the release of fat and inhibit weight loss.  This effect on weight loss is considered by some to prevent weight loss beyond a certain point.  A plateau is reached in the weight loss endeavor and patients feel incapable of a further reduction in weight.

So why is iodized salt not enough for us?  Well, keep in mind many people avoid salt or reduce its consumption.  But even when freely used in the diet, there is over 30,000 times (on a molar basis) more chloride than iodine ions in iodized salt.  Remember the competitive problem I mentioned earlier?  (Think also of Splenda®– where chlorine is complexed to the sugar molecule)  Now it only takes a very small amount of iodine to prevent a goiter, .05mg/day, but we need much more than that to successfully operate a thyroid gland and complete all the other projects found in the iodine job description.  It is in fact, found in every organ and tissue of the body but especially in the thyroid, liver, lung, heart and adrenals.  Its highest concentration appears to be in fat and muscle tissues, however.  And yet the daily iodine intake levels set by the WHO (World Health Organization) were recommended with the goal of prevention of simple goiter and not for nourishing the whole body with the amount of iodine all the other tissues might need.  Consider that only 20 – 30% of total body iodine is found in the thyroid gland.

The conventional approach to treating hypothyroidism is the use of synthetic drugs.  However the long-term use of these synthetic drugs such as Synthroidtm, is associated with a depletion of tissue iodine levels.  It would only make sense then to recommend that iodine/iodide should always be used with these drugs.

The work of Drs. Abraham and Brownstein has shown that iodine, the universal nutrient, has at least 5 major functions overall:

    1.  Weight Regulation, Hormonal Function and Energy

Thyroid hormones must have adequate iodine to function properly.  These hormones that use iodine, simulate an increase in the number and size of the mitochondria – the cellular site for the production of energy.  This will directly affect the overall metabolic rate in the body.  But the thyroid hormone is also involved with the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates, heart rate and the strength of the heartbeat, muscle and gastrointestinal function, digestion, gene transcription and directly influences other endocrine hormones. In essence most every area of the body is affected by our thyroid function or lack thereof.

Without sufficient iodine, thyroid hormones will dysfunction, which leads to a deficient metabolism and inadequate fat burning for energy and heat.  In addition it will be accompanied by a difficulty losing or maintaining previously lost weight.  No surprise to anyone with the ability to see, we have an epidemic of obesity in this country.  One of the reasons for this is that iodine is crucial for metabolism and weight loss.  Iodine and other toxic halogens will store in our fat cells and when the other halogens, like chlorine are excessive, they inhibit the function of iodine which facilitates the release of fat from the cell.  Do keep in mind, however, that iodine is no magic pill in your weight loss endeavor, if you are not following a correct eating and exercising program.

    1.  Immune Function

Individuals with inadequate iodine levels are prone to infections of all types.  You remember putting iodine on an open wound?  Well, it naturally has anti-bacterial, anti-viral and even anti-parasitic properties.  In sufficient amounts it has been found to induce a destruction of cancer cells and iodine deficiency is associated with increased risk for cancers and cysts.  Finally, one of iodine’s least appreciated roles is its ability to act as a natural detoxifier of mercury, fluorides, chlorides and bromides.

    1. Fertility and Menstrual Function

Probably due to its concentration and role in the thyroid, breasts and ovaries, iodine deficiency has long been associated with difficulty in conceiving.  But it is more commonly involved with menstrual irregularities, fibrocystic breasts, ovarian cysts and possibly early menopause and prostatitis in men.  Dr. Brownstein believes that iodine deficiency is a major cause of breast cancer and other diseases of the reproductive organs.

    1. Brain Development and Function

Iodine and thyroid hormone deficiency will have a marked impact on intelligence and memory and is likely to play a significant role in learning disabilities and attention deficit disorders.  Iodine is also found in the eye and in the substantia nigra area of the brain – the area associated with Parkinson’s disease.  Even breast milk has (or is supposed to have) high amounts of iodine since this nutrient is very important for brain and nervous system development in children.

    1.  Heart and Arrhythmias

Like underactive thyroid, heart arrhythmias are nearly epidemic.  Adequate iodine levels are necessary for a smooth regular heartbeat.  One of the more common drugs used to treat arrhythmia, Amiodarone, is primarily iodine in a sustained-release, but toxic form.  But caution here – it is not safe to use iodine along with Amiodarone – do consult with your physician first.

It was in the 1920s that iodine was first added to table salt.  As noted earlier, this practice gave a false sense of iodine sufficiency.  The medical community relied 100% on iodized salt instead of the previously used forms of iodine and iodide found in Lugol Solution (a 5% solution of 50mg iodine and 100mg potassium iodide per milliliter).  Rarely used since the 1950s, Lugol Solution provided twice the amount of iodine present in table salt (which also has none of the important potassium iodide form), and none of the competing chlorine ions.

So instead of adding or re-supplying the iodine, physicians relied on synthetic drugs (such as Synthroid) to treat patients with thyroid deficiency.  However there are many individuals who have 50 –80% or more of the symptoms of thyroid deficiency but have “normal” thyroid hormone levels, and none of these receive any treatment at all.  This is the classic Wilson’s Syndrome.  Those suffering with this syndrome always have low body temperature and have difficulty staying warm.  Which is why the late, Broda Barnes, MD, always found the basal body temperature (97.8 or lower suggestive of hypothyroid) a better indicator of thyroid function than that of blood thyroid levels. Yet there are a number of practitioners who feel they could substantially improve (if not cure) these Wilson’s Syndrome individuals as well as a very high percentage of those with classical hypothyroid or hyperthyroid conditions by normalizing iodine levels.

The thyroid gland, fat tissue, and some other vital organs appear to be repositories of toxic metals, such as mercury, along with other toxic contaminants. When this occurs, organ dysfunction is likely.  One of the benefits of iodine is that it facilitates increased removal and excretion of poisons from these tissues.  In addition it enhances the liver’s detoxification mechanisms.  Perhaps this is why Dr. Abraham discovered that even patients with a complete thyroidectomy benefited from iodine therapy.  He found that some of his patients who achieved iodine sufficiency were able to resolve diabetes without insulin and to normalize blood pressure with a reduction or elimination of their medication.

Testing for Iodine Sufficiency – home test

Here is a simple test to determine whether an iodine deficiency exists.  From a bottle of tincture of iodine (drug stores carry these), paint a 2 inch square area on your inner arm.  If it disappears in less than 8 hours, iodine need is indicated.

Testing for Iodine Sufficiency – lab test

A more definitive way of testing for iodine deficiency uses a pre and post urine evaluation.  Testing first involves collecting urine immediately upon arising for the spot or pre-test.  After this collection, 50 mg. of potassium iodide/iodine is ingested and then all urine passed in the next 24 hours is collected and measured, with a sample sent to the lab for analysis. In essence the more iodine found in the urine, the less the body needs.  Likewise, the less of the ingested iodine sample found in the urine, the more the body wanted the iodine and the greater the deficiency and need for supplementation.  If the body has sufficient iodine at least 90% will be excreted in the urine.  Supplementation is normally done rather gradually as iodine can mobilize toxic metals and other toxic poisons from storage sites in sufficient quantities to provoke symptoms.  Re-testing should be repeated no later than 3-4 months to ensure successful therapeutic results.

In regards to supplementation, keep in mind that nearly all available supplements found in health food stores or pharmacies contain only the iodide form of iodine.  However, Drs. Brownstein, Flechas, Abraham and others found that to successfully improve iodine levels in the body, it was necessary to include both the iodide (reduced) and iodine (oxidized) forms because the body needs both forms. The iodine content of food is extremely variable, but the richest food sources all come from the ocean – Kelp/seaweed, sea vegetables, sea bass, cod, haddock, and ocean perch.  Several of these may be a significant source of mercury as well.

It is highly unlikely for excess iodine intake to occur when following the recommended dosage schedule and following urine testing results.  But in very rare cases of excess, individuals may experience a metallic taste, increased salivation, sinus headache, nervousness, palpitations and a sense of fever, all easily rectified by adjusting the amount of iodine.  It should be noted, however, that some symptoms thought to be due to excess iodine, may in fact be the forced excretion of those toxic metals and compounds lodged in the tissues.


When you put the whole picture together and compare our country with Japan, you have to ask, “What is the consequence of the Japanese ingesting many, many times the amount of iodine as the average American?”  And the answer is (at least in part), a much leaner population, a significantly lower rate of breast cancer, a lower infant mortality rate and a much better life expectancy.   Of course there are other factors but let us not forget, Iodine is a part of that improved health.

The need is to achieve whole body sufficiency of iodine.  When this state is reached it correlates well with overall well being.  Energy levels go up, sleep improves and less is required, elimination is better and skin complexion is much healthier.  The following results have been noted by one doctor:

* Goiters reduced/eliminated
* Elevated TSH readings lowered to normal
* Thyroid gland excretes toxins and other heavy metals
* Improvement of the liver’s detoxification mechanism
* Improvement in weight management
* Improved blood sugar and blood pressure regulation
* Improved menopausal symptoms
* Breast tissue normalization including fibrocystic breast disease
* Ovary tissue normalization of polycystic ovary syndrome
* Less brain fog and clearer thinking
* Heart function improvement with reduced arrhythmias
* Reduction of thyroid and breast cancer rates

Candida Yeast Nutrition Support Protocol

Candida Yeast Nutrition Support Protocol

More Nutritional Articles

Candida Yeast Nutrition Support Protocol

Arkansas Nutrition and Natural Healing

Dr. Roger Trubey, Dr.PH, MPH, and Doctor of Integrative Medicine 362 Unger Trail, Mountain Home, Arkansas 72653

Call 501-538-4944

Factors That Encourage Yeast Overgrowth

Yeast overgrowth can be triggered by a number of things. These include a high-sugar, high trans-fat, low-fiber diet, impaired immunity, use of drugs like antibiotics, birth control pills, estrogen, and steroids like prednisone, and psychological stress.

Frequent use of antibiotics disrupts the normal balance between healthy bugs in the gut (lactobacillus, bifidobacter, E. coli) and other potentially dangerous bugs, including yeasts, bacteria and occasionally parasites. These bad bugs are usually present in small numbers in the digestive system. But when the good bugs are killed by antibiotics or not fed with adequate fiber or the bad guys are fueled with too much sugar, or the gut’s delicate ecosystem is damaged by too much stress, then yeasts and other noxious agents take over.

For many individuals it is the load of toxic heavy metals (mercury, lead etc) in the gut that encourages yeast overgrowth.  Get a toxic metal evaluation – at least 2/3 of individuals have serious heavy metal toxicity.

Dietary Recommendations:

    • Avoid all sugars including honey, fructose corn syrup.  Replace sugar with Xylitol or Stevia.
    • Omit all dried fruits (raisins, dates etc), pineapple, tropical fruits (including pineapple) melons and all fruit juices.  Limit other fruits to one per day.   Vegetable juice is perfectly fine
    • Avoid all refined carbohydrates especially those made with yeast – such as bread, bagels, muffins – and all cereal and pasta made with white flour, white rice and corn.
    • For most people consuming fewer grains will improve their health.  But when used, by all means select whole grain sources – whole wheat, brown rice etc.
    • Most root (starchy) vegetables, including potatoes, convert to sugar quite rapidly and should be avoided.  Sweet potatoes (without the brown sugar) can be an exception.   Peanuts and peanut butter are very often contaminated with mold and should be avoided.
    • Choose lean, quality protein at each meal such as chicken/turkey breast (organic when available), lean beef (grass-fed beef is highly recommended), fish (wild, not farmed, Alaskan salmon, sardines, cod etc), eggs and whey protein.  You want to increase the amount of omega 3 fatty acids found in cold water fish as above but also found in a limited amount in flaxseed, walnuts and pumpkin seeds.
    • Limit or best to omit, all foods with Trans fats, hydrogenated vegetable oils, margarine and shortening.  Cook with olive or coconut oil.
    • Use 5 or more servings of vegetables daily which can include green drinks.
    • Drink at least 2 quarts of pure water , add a couple of cups of green tea and no alcoholic beverages
    • Good snacks are nuts, celery with almond butter, healthy protein bars and boiled eggs.

Supplement Considerations

• Oregano — Oil of oregano has many antibacterial and antifungal properties.
• Garlic — Fresh, crushed garlic is a potent antimicrobial and immune booster.
• Grapefruit seed extract — The phytochemicals in citrus seeds have been found to have potent antimicrobial properties.
• Berberine — This potent yellow plant extract comes from goldenseal and barberry
• Tannins — These are the astringent compounds found in tea and the bark of trees.
• Undecylenate — This chemical compound is a potent antifungal.
• Isatis tinctoria — This Chinese herb can be a useful adjunct to treating intestinal imbalances.
• Caprylic acid — This is another useful compound for treating yeast.

Probiotics – Take at least 10 to 20 billion live organisms a day of lactobacillus and bifidobacter species.   A special “yeast against yeast” probiotic called saccharomyces boulardii (Florestor) can be very safe and effective in controlling yeast and often by itself – but don’t take any of the above supplements with it.

Charcoal and Fiber – You should also consider taking two to three activated charcoal capsules every four to six hours during the day or a soluble fiber supplement that contains guar gum, alginates, psyllium seed, or pectin to bind to yeast toxins and facilitate their natural release.

Symptoms of Yeast overgrowth

Although symptoms of yeast overgrowth are similar to those of many other conditions, you may have a yeast problem if you have these problems:

General Symptoms

Please Note:    The overgrowth of yeast in the intestinal track will often lead to an increase of intestinal permeability which in turn leads to (among other things) food allergies or sensitivities.  Many symptoms of Candidiasis are very similar to symptoms of food sensitivities.   You may need to consider the very good possibility of a food sensitivity problem if the yeast problem is a chronic one.  Check with your health care professional to determine the differences and appropriate therapeutic solutions

• Chronic fatigue
• Loss of energy
• General malaise
• Decreased libido

Gastrointestinal Symptom
• Thrush
• Bloating and gas
• Intestinal cramps
• Rectal itching
• Altered bowel function such as diarrhea or constipation
Genitourinary Symptoms
• Yeast infections
• Frequent bladder infections
• Interstitial cystitis (irritable bladder)
Hormonal Complaints
• Menstrual irregularities like pain, bleeding, etc.
• Premenstrual syndrome
• Thyroid dysfunction

Nervous System Complaints
• Depression
• Irritability
• Inability to concentrate

Immune System Complaints
• Allergies
• Chemical sensitivities
• Low immune function

Past History
• Chronic yeast infections
• Chronic antibiotic use for infections or acne
• Oral birth control pill usage
• Oral steroid hormone usage

Associated Conditions
• Sensitivity to foods, chemicals, or other allergens
• Eczema
• Psoriasis
• Irritable bowel syndrome
• Craving for foods rich in carbohydrates or yeast

The above information is not intended as a substitute for your health care provider.  It is not intended as a means to cure, treat, prevent, diagnose or mitigate any disease.  For all medical problems you should consult your primary care provider.  You can use this support information to support his/her evaluation and treatment as per their discretion

Promising New Approach to Parkinson’s disease

Promising New Approach to Parkinson's disease

More Nutritional Articles

A Promising New Approach to Parkinson’s Disease

Arkansas Nutrition and Natural Healing

Dr. Roger Trubey, Dr.PH, MPH, and Doctor of Integrative Medicine 362 Unger Trail, Mountain Home, Arkansas 72653

Call 501-538-4944

Parkinson’s disease (PD) is the second most common neurodegenerative disorder in the U.S., affecting 500,000 people and growing, with 50,000 new cases diagnosed each year.   Generally, those affected are older, usually diagnosed after age 50 and most are in in their 60s, 70s and 80s, although cases in patients in their 20s are now being reported.   It was the disease that took the life of my dad when he was 83.  I only wish I had access to the information I present below at the time he was going through those tough years.

Parkinson’s disease is a progressive movement disorder with those afflicted having symptoms of tremors, rigidity, slowed movements, difficulty walking, a lack of energy and often a glassy-eyed look in their eyes.  These changes take place because of damage to the dopamine producing cells in the substantia nigra area of the brain.  Dopamine is critical for fine motor movements.  There is little question that the damage is due to environmental toxins.  These toxins seem to accumulate in some individuals and perhaps they are also more sensitive to the toxins as well.   Over time these toxins continue to accumulate and continue to destroy more and more of the brain neurons that produce dopamine until there are essentially none left.


Promising New Approach to Parkinson's disease


The conventional approach to PD most commonly involves the use to two drugs combined into one, L-Dopa and Carbidopa.   The use of L-dopa makes sense, since its depletion is rather severe in most patients with PD and rather substantial doses are needed to correct the problem.  While it is the most effective treatment for PD, its use by itself, creates two problems, the first being several side effects including nausea.  Carbidopa is added to L-dopa in an attempt to control the L-dopa side effects, particularly nausea.  But the use of Carbidopa causes a depletion of peripheral serotonindopamine, norepinephrine, epinephrine, histamine, phenylethylamine and other substances.  This creates the second effect – a complete imbalance of all the neurotransmitters and the sulfur amino acids, called thiols.   Adequate sulfur amino acids are absolutely essential for the detoxification of neurotoxins and healthy brain function.

Simply giving some L-dopa or doing nothing leads to gross imbalance of virtually everything in Figure 1 below, including the depletion of serotonin.

Promising New Approach to Parkinson's disease

When serotonin depletion is great enough, the effects of L-dopa will no longer be observed at any dosing level.  Parkinson’s disease itself causes imbalance, but when we add L-dopa and Carbidopa the imbalance will eventually become severe.   Unless these imbalances are properly addressed the disease will progress.  It is only a matter of time.  When L-dopa is stated the clock begins to tick.  As time progresses the side effect time bomb will eventually go off and L-dopa is no longer effective.  Keep in mind that Carbidopa is responsible for the largest number and the most devastating side effects.

The Known Side Effects of Carbidopa:

Dyskinesias, choreiform movements, glossitis, leg pain, ataxia, falling, gait abnormalities, blepharospasm (which may be taken as an early sign of excess dosage), trismus, increased tremor, numbness, muscle twitching, peripheral neuropathy, myocardial infarction, flushing, oculogyric crises, diplopia, blurred vision, dilated pupils, urinary retention, urinary incontinence, dark urine, hoarseness, malaise, hot flashes, sense of stimulation, dyspepsia, constipation, palpitation, fatigue, upper respiratory infection, bruxism, hiccups, common cold, diarrhea, urinary tract infections, urinary frequency, flatulence, priapism, pharyngeal pain, abdmoninal pain, bizarre breathing patterns, burning sensation of tongue, back pain, shoulder pain, chest pain (noncardiac), muscle cramps, paresthesia, increased sweating, falling, syncope, orthostatic hypotension, asthenia (weakness), dysphagia, Horner’s syndrome, mydriasis, dry mouth, sialorrhea, neuroleptic malignant syndrome, phlebitis, agranulocytosis, hemolytic and nonhemolytic anemia, rash, gastrointestinal bleeding, duodenal ulcer, Henoch-Schonlein purpura, decreased hemoglobin and hematocrit, thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, angioedema, urticaria, pruritus, alopecia, dark sweat, abnormalities in alkaline phosphatase, abnormalities in SGOT (AST), SGPT (ALT), abnormal Coombs’ test, abnormal uric acid, hypokalemia, abnormalities in blood urea nitrogen (BUN), increased creatinine, increased serum LDH, and glycosuria.

What is Conventional Medicine Missing?

What is missing in the standard treatment of PD is a failure to grasp the seriousness of the underlying nutritional deficiency that is the real reason for the development of the disease in the first place.  The entire network of protective elements, including the methylation components and the sulfur amino acids, needed to defend ourselves from the vast number of neurochemicals has collapsed.  Not just collapsed but has collapsed catastrophically.    In PD the deficiency is so severe as to cause extensive damage and death to the brain cells that enable us to have fine motor movements.   This relative nutritional deficiency must be repaired if we are to have any hope of improving the long term health of individuals suffering from this horrible disease.

A Nutritional Support Program

After evaluating laboratory results of hundreds of PD patients, Marty Hinz, a physician and medical director of NeuroResearch, found a way to properly manage the L-dopa side effects so that they do not limit access to the amount of L-dopa required to relieve symptoms. It involves correctly balancing the amino acid precursors of the neurotransmitters, including L-dopa and serotonin and adequate intake of the sulfur amino acids to protect and prevent the depletion.  It is the approach I now use and if you have this condition it can benefit you.

It is important to realize that unlike conventional L-dopa use, this approach needs to be implemented as early as possible in the management of Parkinson’s disease to attempt to halt progression and keep baseline function as high as possible.  The approach Dr. Hinz developed is not directly treating Parkinson’s disease itself, but the profound nutritional deficiency that was not in place to protect the brain cells from the toxins in the first place.   It is entirely possible that not all brain cell damage in PD is permanent.  However, the nutritional support that is needed is far more intensive than can be acquired from our food alone.  As the brain cells receive the balanced nutritional support it needs, the body begins the restoration work which I believe may well include increased production of dopamine.  At the same time, as the brain is bathed in protective sulfur amino acids, the body’s methylation system is reactivated and the normal process of detoxification is initiated.

The ideal approach is to begin this nutritional support as early as possible so that one’s compromised function, which may be confused with progression of the disease, is minimized. Waiting too long can lead to a situation where even under the most ideal conditions the patient will not recover completely. Unfortunately, many patients entering this form of treatment have exhausted all other treatment options and are basically end stage PD.

While these patients benefit greatly, most do not achieve complete relief of symptoms. There is only a certain amount of function that can be recovered for those who wait too long to initiate properly balanced amino acids.
To effectively correct the relative nutritional deficiencies, side effects, and adverse reactions associated with Parkinson’s disease, it is critical that the nutrients needed to correct these problems be administered in proper balance. The nutrient dosing values required for optimal results are unique for each patient. A “one size fits all” approach will not work.

It is my contention that our bodies always want to heal, but it is inhibited so often from an overabundance of a variety of toxins and terribly inadequate nutriture.   As the body is given what it needs, patients with severe PD can ultimately expect halt or drastically slow the progression of the disease and perhaps see significant improvement with this approach.

I think this novel approach addresses all of the underlying problems associated with PD, leading to extraordinary results not previously observed. Even those who have been advised that they have no treatment options available can benefit from this approach. This treatment approach is equally well suited for Parkinson’s patients suffering from advanced disease and/or difficult problems as it is for new patients with “ultra-early Parkinson’s disease.” The ability to get difficult symptoms under control and keep them under control is a major turning point for PD patients.   If you have this condition and you want to give your body a serious nutritional support, please give me a call.

Please consider the following from a physician using this approach developed by Marty Hinz, MD:

“Most importantly, patients who have lost hope of getting better, secondary to exhausting all treatment options (including stem cell transplant), can now have hope. While we initially treated patients with severe Parkinson’s disease, patients with new onset Parkinson’s disease will have the most dramatic effects over time as their pills continue working and the disease progress halts or is markedly slowed down”. – Alvin Stein, MD

    • This approach has the ability to halt (stop in its tracks) and in some patients even reverse the clinical the progression of Parkinson’s disease.   All other approaches used in medicine do not halt progression of the disease, i.e. the Parkinson’s disease patient deteriorates over time.


    • L-dopa is the most effective treatment of Parkinson’s disease, but its use is limited by side effects. Our approach makes L-dopa side effects manageable.


    • Offers hope to those that have exhausted all treatment options.


    • Started ultra-early in treatment this approach can prevent the development of florid Parkinson’s disease symptoms.


    • The approach is most effective, has the least side effects, and best long term outcomes bar none. It is simply an improvement on the most effective treatment approach already available.


Might This Approach be Beneficial with Other Disorders?

Some practitioners, including Dr. Hinz, believe that Restless Leg Syndrome may actually be stage zero Parkinson’s disease.

This is not because they necessarily have PD, but because they respond amazingly well to this same approach of repairing the system-wide nutritional collapse.   This may suggest the same disordered biochemistry is present in them that is also present in individuals with PD.   Individuals with this problem should strongly consider using Dr. Hinz Parkinson’s Disease Protocol by a practitioner trained in in its use.

Another problem that is sometimes confused with PD is Benign Essential Tremor (BET).  Dr. Hinz developed a challenge test to easily distinguish those with BET which is truly benign and those who may actually go on to develop further symptoms of PD.  Anyone with BET should take the dopamine challenge test to see if they may benefit improved nutritional support they are not getting from their diet and supplement program.

There are also a number of conditions that respond to amino acid therapy directed by laboratory assay of neurotransmitter transporters.  Some of these may require a different approach than described above but a small percentage of individuals with the conditions described below will likely need to follow the same protocol used for PD.  Thus a Dopamine Challenge may be required for:

Anxiety – Crohn’s – Irritable Bowel Syndrome – Parkinson’s disease – ADHD – Numbness
ADD – Alzheimer’s – Tremor – Obesity – Depression – Hormone Related – Intellectual Impairment
Symptoms – Chronic Pain – PMS – Panic Attacks – Migraines – Autism – Chronic – Thought Disorder
Fatigue Syndrome – Insomnia – OCD- Brain Fog – Memory Problems – Tingling- Other Problems
In the medical literature we do find other nutrients that have been found to be helpful in giving support to individuals with PD.  These include Vitamin D and vitamin K2.  These, along with vitamin A, are considered mineral activators as minerals have difficulty in performing their function when we are deficient in these nutrients.  In addition, Vitamin D supplements in my opinion should never be used without an adequate intake of vitamin K2.

Our brain is composed of structural fats and thus Omega 3 fatty acids (Cod liver oil or krill oil)  and saturated fatty acids in general will also play a role in the protection from PD and I believe should be a part of one’s nutritional support.

Vitamins C and E are very important antioxidants and I think are useful adjuvants in providing nutritional support.  CoQ 10 (Ubiquinol) is likewise a beneficial antioxidant but it also plays a more significant role in the mitochondria for energy production.  I do like to add Ubiquinol for additional support for energy production and many individuals are deficient in the important nutrient.

Some will make the case for Creatine or Curcumin (Turmeric) as having a neuroprotective effect.  I won’t argue with that but I think the nutrients listed above will be adequate for most everyone who has PD.  However please understand that unless the individual with PD is getting L-dopa and a balanced neurotransmitter support along with the sulfur amino acids in amounts sufficient to up-regulate the collapsed methylation-glutathione system, it will never be adequate – not even close.    


Call Dr. Trubey today, so he can help you achieve your health goals – (501)-538-4944